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Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome

Guest RadarJammer

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I always thought machinima was some of shit way of making animated films using game assets, shows how much I know.

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Ah shucks, I feel so old. Sorry about the extra of, don't know where that came from.

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So, I watched the two first episodes of this. I've never seen such an excessive use of lens flares and light bloom in my life... It looked my projector was vomiting the image to the screen. The show is ok. Feels like a decent intro to a game.


Oh, and the constant swearing but not swearing made laugh, if you can't say it, why put it in there in the first place? Frack this you fracking ass*ding!*

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Guest RadarJammer

I was bugged by the lens flare at first but, people seem to think that its being used to cover up or help blend in the extensive CGI. I'm gonna give the lens flare a pass this time because I've been waiting for this series for a couple years and I'm just happy to be watching it.


The swearing doesn't bug me, I didn't even notice it.

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It'd make for one hell of a drinking game. It didn't really bug me, it brought an extra level of fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest RadarJammer

the finale was uploaded today. overall i had good impressions of this thing and it would have made a great show i think. its getting so few views that i wouldn't be surprised if scifi decided not to air it as a movie after all.

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