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Do we live in a simulation?

syd syside

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Does that necessarily mean we're living in a simulation though (if this indeed true)




I like the argument though, but the answer is still no. The implication is that somewhere in the future someone/something is able to have all the knowledge to build a simulation like that, to have the capacity to build something which could actually run such a simulation, and that it would be possible to have that simulation running indefinitely.


The multi-verse argument would be much more plausible, imo.


You'd need a big-bang to generate all the time and energy to have a universe like this. One computer running a simulation would use all the power a big-bang would generate, so such a computer simply couldn't exist because the universe where that computer exists can not exist.


edit: ok, the counter argument is still rough around the edges, but the principles are all set and ready. There's also room for an argument where the amount of information a universe can hold simply cannot deal with one or more entire simulated universes within it. There's just a finite amount of time/information/energy/material.

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lol. i don't get it though, surely laws of physics is the better choice for describing the nature of information eg. quantum


i'm way out of my depth in this discussion really

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such a computer would require all available energy from an equivalent-sized universe, and need to operate at 100% energy-to-computing-power efficiency, unless it's using some wacky stuff we haven't discovered.

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You guys are asking if the simulation being ran can find out what hardware is running it? Impossible to know. Only that if such a case is true, whatever is running it is able to do the job, since we are here.

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yes we are... then how do you explain ghosts? hackers 1 atheist 0


4th dimensional beings that have power over us by accessing the dimension above us.

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1 fine day Wattm was coming home from his job at the police. watmm lived in a house & he had three kids named skrilks, plastikman, & barryul, and he was married to the mom. also they had a dog named john


but he got to hims house & it was burnt down, o snap my house is burnt down said wattm, my familys dead (but not the dog he got out in time)


watmm got a call from the boss cop. wattm its real bad, said the boss cop, everythings gone nuts. why said wattm. the boss cop said, its obambas new scientists, they said we live in computers


we live in computers?, thought wattm in horror. he looked at his hand & thinked, is this robots? he looked at john the dog & said, are u computers?


then wattm shaked hims head. NO, thought wattm. I AM NOT COMPUTERS. he had 2 stop this madness. wattm ripped off his shit & pulled out his ak47 with a bear skeleton drawn on it & yelled, OBAMMMMMBBBBAAAAAA


wattm needed a team. he called hims good friend triple h & said do u want to be on a team. triple h said okay i just need to eat my vegetables. then triple h put on his special punching gloves. "these are the gloves i killed chris jericho with"


wattm called mitt romneys. "mit rommneys do u want to be on a team". yes said mit romneys & he got on his special carate hores that does carate


will smith appeared out of a bush & said time to get them. wattm said get who, & will smith said the g*dd*ng robots john. and then he pulls out a ak47 that shot zombie mice


wattm is secretly sad. "what is my power". but his powers was inside in hims heart, it was the power of being idum


the friends went to obams house. "okay team lets do this lets shiw the world were not computers". but then obambas appeared & he had two ak47s taped together, and also ray mysterio was on his team. and they had tanks.



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Guest RadarJammer

I like to think that there is some really strange creature living deep in the ocean doing god knows what for who knows how many centuries. Sometimes I try and imagine what it would be, how it would hunt and move through the water and If I ever saw a picture of one for real I'm sure it would be something that feels like it was almost on the tip of my imagination all along. Whatever is going on with the universe I bet when we find out it will be soothing yet anti-climatic, something that we could have guessed but for some reason never did.

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If there was a simulation, wouldn't that be a sort of abstract subset of the real universe? The simulator would still be ruled by whatever physics or basic elements that make up the real world, and thus the simulation itself. In that sense a simulation would be a subjective experience to humans related to the part of the real universe we are allowed to perceive with our senses. In that sense we are already living in a simulation since we can't directly sense all aspects of reality. Isn't it kind of similar to looking at a painting on a wall? We're not seeing the actual real world substance that makes up the painting, we're seeing the simulation in our head that creates an illusion of a world on the canvas.


edit: aliens

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