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IDF have told The Times they expect to invade Gaza this weekend.

syd syside

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Tom Stevenson ‏@TomStevenson_


Have it on good authority that @TheTimes front page tomorrow will splash a likely ground invasion of #Gaza at "One hour's notice" [headline]


Tom Stevenson ‏@TomStevenson_


The story will say senior members of the IDF have told The Times they expect to invade this weekend. #Gaza


Barak Ravid ‏@BarakRavid


9 ministers forum meeting ended. PM Netanyahu ordered ministers not to speak to the media. Mobilization of 75,000 reservists approved




10,000 were drafted for Cast Lead. 75,000 seems really high, its even more than were drafted for the Second Lebanon War.

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JERUSALEM — Palestinian militants fired rockets for the first time at Jerusalem on Friday in a daring new escalation of hostilities with Israel on the third day of their latest lethal conflict over Gaza, triggering air raid sirens and panicking residents who had thought themselves secure from such attacks because of the holy city’s multireligious heritage and large Palestinian population.


The Israeli authorities did not immediately confirm the origin of the rocket fire but responsibility was claimed by the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza, which has amassed arsenals of smuggled rockets with increased ranges and more accurate trajectories in recent years. On Thursday, Hamas rocket squads launched at least two at Tel Aviv, Israel’s biggest city, for the first time, and on Friday launched more as part of a response to a large-scale aerial assault by the Israelis on targets in Gaza and indications that Israel was close to launching its first ground invasion there in four years.



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The last thing Antarctica needs is more greasy bastards lazing around in the absence of predators. What we need to do is expatriate polar bears down there to wipe out all the filthy seals and penguins. Only then can we consider at as a prospective destination for exiles.

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in 2001 Colin Powell and the Bush administration condemned the IDF for targeted assassinations of hamas members. Now that Obama has passed NDAA and killed Anwar Alwaki's 16 year old son in a targeted 'extra judicial' assassination, we can't say shit! Oh how i love the normalization and escalation of neo-conservatism.


IDF is tearing it up on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook using tweets to taunt the shit out of palestinians and hamas members. Pretty surreal and fucking weird. They posted the video of them killing the hamas leader within hours of it happening onto youtube

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Israeli army is using on foot soldiers in such quantities to prevent civilian deaths. Hamas leaders, runners, and followers are hiding out in civilian homes taking innocent people hostage. That's so fucked up.


Some of the people they took hostage are Palestinian intelligence who are aiding the Israeli army of hiding locations of Hamas operatives. Pretty serious Black Ops shit this is. So basically Palestinians who are helping the IDF.


My cousins in Israel are all between 19-24 years old. 1 of them will likely be heading out there and my family there is telling us that's the reasons why they're going with foot soldiers. They want to minimize casualties and prefer to hone in on Hamas bases

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Oh Terence Mckenna you magical butterfly, your crazy timewave zero might be right after all.


We should have listen to you but its probably too late now, the clockwork elves' wheels are in motion.



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IDF is tearing it up on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook using tweets to taunt the shit out of palestinians and hamas members. Pretty surreal and fucking weird. They posted the video of them killing the hamas leader within hours of it happening onto youtube


i don't see what's surreal about them being proud of what they did. they (the IDF) are a bunch of psychopaths, objectively speaking.

this really looks like it's going to blow out of proportion. WW3 you say? it all depends on whether the US follow Israel in their war or not.

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let the failed state that's "birth"/inception founded in reaction to genocide endlessly propogate more death and endless violence.

Israel will now invade/bomb/strife maim and mutilate the world's longest running concentration camp/sewer/toilet that they themselves created.

At this point it's a fucking horrendous joke and the joke is called "palestine".

the best part is that this clusterfuck is religion based and that the "people" on both sides have some ingrained sense of entitlement regarding "their' god.

if you call me anti-Semitic for my remarks I will preemptively say no i'm not and whole hear- idly issue an automatic FUCK YOU.

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IDF is tearing it up on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook using tweets to taunt the shit out of palestinians and hamas members. Pretty surreal and fucking weird. They posted the video of them killing the hamas leader within hours of it happening onto youtube


i don't see what's surreal about them being proud of what they did. they (the IDF) are a bunch of psychopaths, objectively speaking.

this really looks like it's going to blow out of proportion. WW3 you say? it all depends on whether the US follow Israel in their war or not.


it's surreal that military powers who have the capability to trigger wars are acting like goddamn children on the internet.

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IDF is tearing it up on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook using tweets to taunt the shit out of palestinians and hamas members. Pretty surreal and fucking weird. They posted the video of them killing the hamas leader within hours of it happening onto youtube


i don't see what's surreal about them being proud of what they did. they (the IDF) are a bunch of psychopaths, objectively speaking.

this really looks like it's going to blow out of proportion. WW3 you say? it all depends on whether the US follow Israel in their war or not.


it's surreal that military powers who have the capability to trigger wars are acting like goddamn children on the internet.


you summed up the issue pretty well: a bunch of evil retarded guys with huge means, that's what gaza's dealing with.

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my mom used to work for a palestinian guy. the israelis burned his house down with his father and brothers inside, forcing him and his mother to helplessly stand by.


my point is, war is shitty and animalistic. it's depressing that supposedly cultured civilizations react with bitterness and anger to perpetuate such vicious cycles instead of taking a step back and asking themselves what would really solve the problem. this will never happen as long as politicians have to worry about reelection and looking tough to appease their voters.

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my mom used to work for a palestinian guy. the israelis burned his house down with his father and brothers inside, forcing him and his mother to helplessly stand by.


my point is, war is shitty and animalistic. it's depressing that supposedly cultured civilizations react with bitterness and anger to perpetuate such vicious cycles instead of taking a step back and asking themselves what would really solve the problem. this will never happen as long as politicians have to worry about reelection and looking tough to appease their voters.


tell me about it.

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I don't really have any intelligent input on this, other than that it seems like this conflict between Palestine and Israel has been going on for an eternity. So sick of this crap.

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my mom used to work for a palestinian guy. the israelis burned his house down with his father and brothers inside, forcing him and his mother to helplessly stand by.


my point is, war is shitty and animalistic. it's depressing that supposedly cultured civilizations react with bitterness and anger to perpetuate such vicious cycles instead of taking a step back and asking themselves what would really solve the problem. this will never happen as long as politicians have to worry about reelection and looking tough to appease their voters.


tell me about it.




they said it first

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