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Positive thinking


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Guest murphythecat8

"Monks, a statement endowed with five factors is well-spoken, not ill-spoken. It is blameless & unfaulted by knowledgeable people. Which five?

"It is spoken at the right time. It is spoken in truth. It is spoken affectionately. It is spoken beneficially. It is spoken with a mind of good-will."

"One should speak only that word by which one would not torment oneself nor harm others. That word is indeed well spoken.

"One should speak only pleasant words, words which are acceptable (to others). What one speaks without bringing evils to others is pleasant."

The criteria for deciding what is worth saying

[1] "In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be unfactual, untrue, unbeneficial (or: not connected with the goal), unendearing & disagreeable to others, he does not say them.

[2] "In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, unbeneficial, unendearing & disagreeable to others, he does not say them.

[3] "In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, beneficial, but unendearing & disagreeable to others, he has a sense of the proper time for saying them.

[4] "In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be unfactual, untrue, unbeneficial, but endearing & agreeable to others, he does not say them.

[5] "In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, unbeneficial, but endearing & agreeable to others, he does not say them.

[6] "In the case of words that the Tathagata knows to be factual, true, beneficial, and endearing & agreeable to others, he has a sense of the proper time for saying them. Why is that? Because the Tathagata has sympathy for living beings."

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Sport and breathing techniques help. Personally, I try to write my thoughts and feelings away as well. Wether they are positive or negative. That way I can 'study' them. Turn them upside down and inside out. Assume a complete opposite and see what that world looks like. It puts everything in perspective and helps keeping my thinking flexible. To me it's an inner hygiene/growth kind off thing.

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It's great to hear that people here are doing things that are positive (even simple things like changing the ay you think etc)



I have actually started this as I have been doing something called hypnobirthing which is basically about undoing all the negative connotations we have surrounding birth (thanks religions!) So my hypnosis/affirmations things have been about birthing mainly. However, I do also have to change the way I see myself (I always used to put myself down etc) and I have noticed I've sort of 'reprogrammed' my thinking into being more positive about my self and situations.



This is pretty awesome seeing as even though I still have morning sickness (Bitch please, your hangovers don't even touch what this feels like, it's like sticking your brain in a centrifuge and asking it to function) even though I'm on anti-sickness tablets, being this sick was getting me down but now I don't worry about it and just accept it as a part of my daily routine.


In terms of the news, I'm sort of avoiding it because I'm currently unemployed- I've always hated not having any of my 'own money' and I really don't like relying on anyone to provide for me. The UK is incredibly shit at the moment if you need welfare support so I guess that's why I'm backing off.


I agree with goDel that breathing techniques are really good. I have been doing this as well, usually in the morning and it helps to get you feeling refreshed for the day.

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Yeah I totally relate to this, my life changed after I realised that your perception plays such a huge part in how your life plays out (I'm not going to tell you how I came to this realisation). I also got into Buddhism, more specifically Zen and found this really helped me to put stuff behind me, less anger etc.


“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.”
Stanley Kubrick


I used to study Buddhism quite a bit (mostly academically), but recently I have been trying to implement a few Buddhist principles, namely Mindfulness and Right Thought. This was prompted by my tendency in poker to "tilt" ("tilting" is essentially having an emotional response to an unfavorable result and then letting those emotions negatively affect your future decision-making).


In the short-term the idea is to constantly be aware of what you're thinking and what you are feeling (e.g. "I am depressed/angry") and also to focus on your breathing, which will slow down your breathing as well as your thoughts. And in the long-term the idea is to not let things that are beyond your control affect what is within your control.

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Although the news is depresssing, I think that just completely ignoring it is not the way forward.

You have to be aware of what's going on in the world, even if you do feel powerless to change it.

Buddhist monks often contemplate horrific things to enable them to absorb and transcend them.

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Not paying attention to the news is a good thing. Helps a lot. It's not like you can do anything about a bunch of starving kids/people being poor/getting killed anyway.



Totally agree.



I heard an interview with Kevin Eldon whom is in fact a Buddhist and he stated that apart of his particular teachings control the amount of news that he consumes because of this reason pretty much.

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I believe we have a responsibilities as citizens of this planet, to keep informed of what's going on around us so that we have all the context and sense of the flow of events that enables us to make informed decisions about people and issues. For those that don't want to know, they shouldn't be allowed to vote. ;-p


av-100.gif?_r=0~~ (somewhat trolling, but yaknow.)

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Why should I let the medias ruin my mood with bad news that I can't do anything about? My thoughts won't save anyone. Waste of time and good emotions.


what a mess there would be if everyone thought like this.

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Guest murphythecat8


Its YOUR fault if you suffer, never the fault of the other.


got a problem with this comment. care to clarify?

well, you have to follow the "logic" behind it.

according to the buddha, the ultimate reality is not to be abtain with the senses, but with the power of the mind to see what is permanenet and impermaneent.

now, anyone who disturbs you, they disturb you because you sense them with your 6 senses. therefore, your attachment to those senses create your feelings toward a bad individual for example.

No matter how someone else is, its your fault if you are not able to see the truth in him. If you would see the truth, you could not suffer from any behaviour you witness. thats the whole point of buddhism, to be perfect in any way. If you dont like a individual, your already way too far in your mind. to "not like" someone, you have to judge him (therefore beleive in his action and that his action represent him), you have to follow your mind that tells you certains sens towards this individuals, you have top be attached to good feeling, becdause the reason you dont like another beign, its because he compromise your happinness that depends on physical satisfaction. . just the fact that you see yourself as a human beign is already way too far. If someone pissess you off, its because of a lot of reasons, but all those reasons can be controlled by YOU. thats the whole point actually.

hope im clear

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Guest murphythecat8

but that was a rude simplification. for me, if you accept yourself not liking a person, you should really start to see the reality. you love this person and you probably hate the fact that he hurts itself with such trivial reason (ego).

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yeah i get the whole water off a duck's back thing...


but that was a rude simplification. for me, if you accept yourself not liking a person, you should really start to see the reality. you love this person and you probably hate the fact that he hurts itself with such trivial reason (ego).


liking/not liking someone is one thing but...


Its YOUR fault if you suffer, never the fault of the other.


the rapist or killer is not at fault for the victim's suffering?


vague, blanket statements like that are confusing for me... maybe i took you out of context but i don't think so, i read everything you wrote but this statement leapt out at me.

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the rapist or killer is not at fault for the victim's suffering?


vague, blanket statements like that is confusing for me... maybe i took you out of context but i don't think so, i read everything you wrote but this statement leapt out at me.


I'm not a buddhist, but I think the point is to have compassion for every sentient being, even the people that harm you. I was watching this documentary about Tibetan buddhists just recently. One of them had been tortured and was asked had he been afraid. The answer was that he had been afraid that he would become angry at the torturer and lose his compassion for him because this would have been the greatest loss for himself.


Personally I think that kind of thinking would require some kind of super human self control, but I kind of see the point. There is no use in dwelling in the anger because it will just eat you. If you don't get angry at a rock that happens to fall on you why would you get angry at people for hurting you. They're just different manifestations of the same reality/illusion/whatever.

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the rapist or killer is not at fault for the victim's suffering?


vague, blanket statements like that is confusing for me... maybe i took you out of context but i don't think so, i read everything you wrote but this statement leapt out at me.


I'm not a buddhist, but I think the point is to have compassion for every sentient being, even the people that harm you. I was watching this documentary about Tibetan buddhists just recently. One of them had been tortured and was asked had he been afraid. The answer was that he had been afraid that he would become angry at the torturer and lose his compassion for him because this would have been the greatest loss for himself.


Personally I think that kind of thinking would require some kind of super human self control, but I kind of see the point. There is no use in dwelling in the anger because it will just eat you. If you don't get angry at a rock that happens to fall on you why would you get angry at people for hurting you. They're just different manifestations of the same reality/illusion/whatever.


i'm ok with all of the above but i still can't get with this...


Its YOUR fault if you suffer, never the fault of the other.

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fault is something i have a lot of problem with because if you view fault as anything other than causation you're being unfair to the circumstances of reality

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Some of you guys do it like me. I like going for a walk or to run and that mostly makes me feel more positive. I also cancel not just news, but tv and a lot of internet reports and "facts".


I like hanging out with people that aren't negative and have somethig to offer. On the same note I want to contribute to every social context I happen to be part of.


It's hardest to be positive on the internet. Too much cynicism and sarcasm.

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Guest murphythecat8

well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault. its like, as long as you dont realize that suffering is merely a mental process, and that this mental process can be controled by realizing certain truth, you will suffer.

when you see someone doing bad things, if you get mad at him, well you will suffer. if you see the truth, which is he is suffering and he does not know how to feel good, you will then feel compassion and empathy toward the person. you will forget about your ego (that is a illusion) and start caring about the perrson that you once hated.

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another. physical matters cannot be controled, only your mind can. by getting rid of the illusion, well you can stop suffering towards anybody.

I mena, teh illusion of our selves, of our conversation, the illusion of what you love and hate, the illusion of beign a human, dependant on your physical body to be, its quite a profound illusion. but seriously, I willl stop now, I'm suffering :)

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well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another.


dualistic nonsense.

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I just don't care about most things happening on this planet, but when I do care, I care a lot [which is frustrating sometimes].

Think, it doesn't matter what happens now, I'm gonna die one day, and everything I've lived through doesn't matter after you die. [sounded better in my head]

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Guest murphythecat8


well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another.


dualistic nonsense.

suffering is a nonsense, but fine, you are just a biological body, identify to your body, you are your body! follow his every wants, because in his sensory satisfaction, you are happy happy! but I understand. Its quite recomforting to think that we are just a body. but I fear that this reality is much, much much bigger then this, and that you can really elevate yourself to another realm of existence, where you are really able to help.

Yes, I do think that we are a mind and a body. not a soul, a mind. the mind that is not physical, and the body that is. and yes I do not beleive that my mental process is merely biological, because how the well would be be able to control a physical response?

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well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another.


dualistic nonsense.

suffering is a nonsense, but fine, you are just a biological body, identify to your body, you are your body! suffer from it, follow his every wants, because in his sensory satisfaction, you are happy happy!


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