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Positive thinking


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I believe that I'm not my body. My body confines me, imposes limitations, and is the source of endless frustration. This is probably why I'm pissed off all the time. I do not have a good mind/body harmony.

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Guest Lucy Faringold


i'm ok with all of the above but i still can't get with this...


Its YOUR fault if you suffer, never the fault of the other.


This is one of those ideas that you can't really understand until you effect a radical perspective shift. I'm not a Buddhist but I spend a lot of time trying to integrate ideas that Buddhism touches upon. I actually don't think the word 'fault' is helpful because that implies judgement of the self, which isn't productive.


If you approach the idea from a standard materialist standpoint then yes, obviously the statement is fairly monstrous.


But if you held beliefs such as:


- The binary of good/bad is a learned construct and in actuality all situations are neutral until we impose meaning on them.

- all human life (and all plains of existence, everywhere) is in actuality a temporary extension of an infinite non-physical consciousness for the purposes of expansion, growth and experience.

- there is no death, only the transition of consciousness from one focus of experience to another.


... then it sounds a lot less shady. The general idea being that a highly-conscious person would not judge a circumstance or experience as inherently negative, given that all reality is ultimately for the purpose of experience and growth and all consciousness is ultimately of the same source.


But yeah, that kind of perspective shift can be a little bit tricky (but not impossible) to integrate into everyday life.

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Guest murphythecat8

if you are just a body, and then all your thoughts are just biological cervical response, why in the hell are you able to control it with your thoughts? because your mental body is not physical. the thing that experience reality is not physical.,

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I need a hypnosis that will make me into a tall European male or a burly American hipster with a free spirit and an indestructible core belief system. When I look in the mirror all I see is a weak, sad, hopeless little man. An embarrassment, at worst. I must harness the energy of greatness to bring to light the beauty of the male female interaction. Right guys? Right?

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if you are just a body, and then all your thoughts are just biological cervical response, why in the hell are you able to control it with your thoughts? because your mental body is not physical. the thing that experience reality is not physical.,


this isn't exactly air tight reasoning. highly evolved thinking / consciousness can be just a biological thing, I don't see why not. stranger things exist, like magnets.

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well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another.


your english seems pretty good to me... maybe you're paraphrasing but something is getting lost along the way hopefully...


above, you're still suggesting that if a 2 year old girl is brutally raped and murdered it's her own fault and down to her ignorance? i'm sure you don't mean to be so brutal.


you're talking about not holding grudges and nurturing hatred rather than fault and suffering.

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biology is everything, but yes we do have control either way. i don't see any reason to disconnect the mind from the mind-body. if that works for you then i guess go for it though.



as for my last post, fuck that. I am a normal and great person.

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i don't see any reason to disconnect the mind from the mind-body. if that works for you then i guess go for it though.


I'm a good dancer, I know I am. I can shred a dance floor and moonwalk and all that. But my body can't. That's just one of the millions of reasons why I choose to separate mind from body.

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i prefer to enjoy naturally occurring states of positivity, negativity, melancholy and most importantly empathy. much of the time, the search for the uninterrupted positive experience can dull the ability to express empathy, which is one of our most advanced tools to express love

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I do keep up to date with science news and political news. I like getting my news from sources like nature.com/printed journal but with every news source including scientific prints I try not to get to emotionally involved? not sure that's quite the right statement but sometimes I read news and I feel so angry/upset or whatever and it could be over something I can't change (murders/political scandals etc)


I think it's unfair to say people shouldn't be able to vote if they don't keep up to date with the news- politics affects you life regardless of how much you know about current news.


The best thing for me is too keep away from the daily mail- fucking hell that paper is a wind up merchant, I've concluded that they personally are out to piss people off. The guardian isn't too bad but such headlines as "middle class guilt now extends to quinoa' is really ridiculous.



I have been working part time in my parent's deli and we had to put some of our prices up due to suppliers putting their prices up. My dad held off for ages and was only hitting even on certain products for a short while because people moan like you wouldn't believe. As someone who has studied at an agricultural uni. I have farmer friends and keep up to date with agricultural news and it's really bleak at the moment- wheat prices have rocketed both sides of the world have has shit harvests for a couple of years now and the price producing and transporting those goods are increasing. So many people come in and buy the 'most expensive produce' (usually with a child called Tarquin and wear organic cotton- no doubt send their child to private school) and complain the price has gone up.



*Fuck you Brighton's middle class- Im done with explaining how shit our world food supply is and how much worse it will get with more buying power from the East (we are fucked)*


But I divulge- these people haven't a fucking clue about stuff that is actually really important but they probably know the tit for tat shit that goes on in parliament- people need to get their head out of their arse for the stuff that really matters and make a difference- If you cannot change stuff than dont focus on that part of the news.

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Guest murphythecat8


well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another.


your english seems pretty good to me... maybe you're paraphrasing but something is getting lost along the way hopefully...


above, you're still suggesting that if a 2 year old girl is brutally raped and murdered it's her own fault and down to her ignorance? i'm sure you don't mean to be so brutal.


you're talking about not holding grudges and nurturing hatred rather than fault and suffering.


I do not think you understood what I meant. you should maybe go read on the subject. this is a really complicated topic that I doubt I can really make much sens in a forum. even face-to-face, those matter are really hard to talk about.


about the little girl that is rape, no its not her fault if shes been raped. you have implied something that I couldnt have said, this is not my beleif at all. we cannot control outside evenements, we can only control our inner feeling.

but really, this is too complicated to talk about on a forum, with my limited english skills. if you want, pm me all your questions, or ask here

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Guest murphythecat8


if you are just a body, and then all your thoughts are just biological cervical response, why in the hell are you able to control it with your thoughts? because your mental body is not physical. the thing that experience reality is not physical.,


this isn't exactly air tight reasoning. highly evolved thinking / consciousness can be just a biological thing, I don't see why not. stranger things exist, like magnets.

well, in my experience, I know that consciousness is not a biological response. I guess we cannot really debate on this.

The thing is though, that every intelect thought do come indeed from your body, and thats the point, to stop following your intelect. what you see, and feel, and think, is not reality. its dependant upon your body. the ultimate realisation is too realize that you are not that cousciousness. but seriously, this is too hard to explain fast like that. I really dont know how to exlplain it to people.

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Guest murphythecat8

I am not even close to the buddha, so what I say should be not held as a representant of the buddha word lol. I am still suffering and still in ignorance.

I do however really beleive in some of the buddhist notions.I sound like a fondamentalist retard because I do not control well english lol.

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Guest Lucy Faringold

I am not even close to the buddha, so what I say should be not held as a representant of the buddha word lol. I am still suffering and still in ignorance.

I do however really beleive in some of the buddhist notions.I sound like a fondamentalist retard because I do not control well english lol.


Your English is pretty damn good, stop being so negative!

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Guest disparaissant

i've been trying to be a lot more positive and everyone just thinks i'm being sarcastic

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well, forget the term fault. its is your suffering.

It is your suffering, it is your experience, your thought. therefore, no matter what a person do to you, you can decide how to live this experience. I sincerely beleive in the fact that you can become totally unintesrested about physical sensation, thus suffering do not exist. im french, I suck in english, but yeah.

it is sort of your fault if you suffer, it is because of your ignorance, because or you self illusion that you suffer. why would you suffer if someone insults you, because you think that he is insulting you. but in reality, he is not attacking you, but himself. you are not this body, if you realize that, no matter what a person can do to your physical body, it shoulnt matter, if it does, well its your fault

but yeah, I get the point where people give up right there. as if its our fault if someone rapes us. the fact is not your fault, but what you do with your suffering is another.


your english seems pretty good to me... maybe you're paraphrasing but something is getting lost along the way hopefully...


above, you're still suggesting that if a 2 year old girl is brutally raped and murdered it's her own fault and down to her ignorance? i'm sure you don't mean to be so brutal.


you're talking about not holding grudges and nurturing hatred rather than fault and suffering.


I do not think you understood what I meant. you should maybe go read on the subject. this is a really complicated topic that I doubt I can really make much sens in a forum. even face-to-face, those matter are really hard to talk about.


about the little girl that is rape, no its not her fault if shes been raped. you have implied something that I couldnt have said, this is not my beleif at all. we cannot control outside evenements, we can only control our inner feeling.

but really, this is too complicated to talk about on a forum, with my limited english skills. if you want, pm me all your questions, or ask here


don't worry about it. you implied with the words you used and i took you literally. your english is great (really) but perhaps something is lost in translation. as i said before i'm sure you didn't mean to be so black and white.

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Is there anyone on watmm who isn't mentally ill or on the autism spectrum or who holds absurd supernatural beliefs or is a conspiracy theorist?

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I believe that I'm not my body. My body confines me, imposes limitations, and is the source of endless frustration. This is probably why I'm pissed off all the time. I do not have a good mind/body harmony.


GO TO THE ENERGIZING ORGONE RECHARGING CENTER IN COLORADO SPRINGS AND SMELL THE HIPPIES. This will make you more harmonized and then you will hate this false positivity shit even more. WHY DONT YOU SMILE MORE OFTEN? Why don't you not tell me to smile more often and safe yourself the energy of wasting your breathe on someone who hasn't been through more shit than yourself. When I am working at a retail job where people are mean to me all day, sometimes I feel bad. MAKE DIFFERENT DECISIONS AND YOUR LIFE WILL BE DIFFERENT. EMBRACE THE DARkSIDE AND YOU WILL TRULY kNOW WHEN YOU SEE THE LIGHT- Yoda


people haven't a fucking clue about stuff that is actually really important but they probably know the tit for tat shit that goes on in parliament- people need to get their head out of their arse for the stuff that really matters and make a difference- If you cannot change stuff than dont focus on that part of the news.


stay positive, even when you are sad. hehe


FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT- some college kid



I am not even close to the buddha, so what I say should be not held as a representant of the buddha word lol. I am still suffering and still in ignorance.

I do however really beleive in some of the buddhist notions.I sound like a fondamentalist retard because I do not control well english lol.


Your English is pretty damn good, stop being so negative!




i've been trying to be a lot more positive and everyone just thinks i'm being sarcastic


FLOL, you are honest at least.





Expect the Random - Bjork


YOU SHOULD SMILE MORE - Vegan Drugged out hippy

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i'm ok with all of the above but i still can't get with this...


Its YOUR fault if you suffer, never the fault of the other.


This is one of those ideas that you can't really understand until you effect a radical perspective shift. I'm not a Buddhist but I spend a lot of time trying to integrate ideas that Buddhism touches upon. I actually don't think the word 'fault' is helpful because that implies judgement of the self, which isn't productive.


If you approach the idea from a standard materialist standpoint then yes, obviously the statement is fairly monstrous.


But if you held beliefs such as:


- The binary of good/bad is a learned construct and in actuality all situations are neutral until we impose meaning on them.

- all human life (and all plains of existence, everywhere) is in actuality a temporary extension of an infinite non-physical consciousness for the purposes of expansion, growth and experience.

- there is no death, only the transition of consciousness from one focus of experience to another.


... then it sounds a lot less shady. The general idea being that a highly-conscious person would not judge a circumstance or experience as inherently negative, given that all reality is ultimately for the purpose of experience and growth and all consciousness is ultimately of the same source.


But yeah, that kind of perspective shift can be a little bit tricky (but not impossible) to integrate into everyday life.


Wow, nobody is clarifying that statement at all.



I think the point Murphy was trying to make (but completely botched and made Buddhism sound like it likes to blame victims :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: ) is that we have some measure of control over our own suffering.




This idea is at the very heart of Buddhism. It does not mean that when someone hurts us, the suffering is our own fault. It means that once a person has hurt us, we then have some measure of control over how much we suffer.

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i've been trying to be a lot more positive and everyone just thinks i'm being sarcastic




Are you British? Because I find Brits don't trust people with a sunny disposition.



I like to think that all this optimistic thinking has helped to balance my outlook- I'm not unrealistically optimistic but by holding positive and kind view of my self has allowed me to be more open and calm.


I am still yet to deal with my anxieties relating to my phobias and general anxieties handed down my hypercondriac/manic/socially awkward jewish relatives.


I freaked out I was going to die from cleaning the bathroom with bleach *cue mustard gas joke* the other day. Slowly but surely I'm getting on top of those mental moments (Im going to go to a hypnotherapist for a phobia which is getting almost worse)

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US East Coasters don't trust sunny dispositionites either. A simple example would be to ask someone on the east coast, "how are you." and they will mutter "I'm ok" whereas in the south if you said something other than "I'm good" or "I'm great" it would be cause for concern, so if you were just merely ok you'd have to deal with a follow up question asking what's wrong.


*smiles for atop*

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Guest disparaissant

no! i'm a midwesterner! so everyone around me is sunny but they still think i'm being fake when i try. which i guess is fair enough because trying is hard.

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