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advice on ipod management wanted

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My first ipod was an 80gb classic that I got in 2007. I managed to break that one about three years ago in a skateboarding incident. I replaced it with a 160gb classic and went about the arduous task re-ripping all my CDs because, like an idiot, I didn't back them up originally.


I didn't back them up the second time either......


last weekend I awoke after a debauched work drink to find my ipod making grinding noises and displaying the dreaded red X.


I intend to buy a new one at the end of the month and thought that this time I'd put all the music on itunes before hand and then sync it with my ipod.


I've previously used my ipods in quite an idiosyncratic way. I only use the playlist option and every LP has it's own playlist. EPs I'll put together in a playlist to make them album length. For example Autechre's Anti ep and Garbage go in one playlist.


I never usually sync with itunes because my itunes is usually a sprawling mess and most of time has a larger amount of music on it than 160gb. This time I intend to clean up my itunes and have it ready to sync. As a bonus I'll be able to add playlist folders to the new pod, as it seems this option is only available with syncing.


I'm curious as to how you all manage your music on the go. Particularly if, like me, you deal with large amounts of it.

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I copy/paste folders from my hard disk to my phone when I want them and I delete the folders off my phone when I don't want them anymore. That's all the management I require

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Guest Aserinsky

I copy/paste folders from my hard disk to my phone when I want them and I delete the folders off my phone when I don't want them anymore. That's all the management I require


Same here, bought Poweramp and a 32GB SD Card and never looked back. I only ever listen to albums (or if I have a short walk everything on shuffle) and seeing as I have everything as FLAC tagged in mp3tag using the Discogs Release ID plugin and then converted to mp3 using Foobar2000 + LAME, I can simply just drag and drop any music at will. Huge difference from every other program I've had to use to manage portable players (including iTunes and the god awful Sony SonicStage that converted mp3 to ATRAC just so you could play it on their device!)

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I'm curious as to how you all manage your music on the go. Particularly if, like me, you deal with large amounts of it.


not sure what you mean by this: i just drag and drop the albums i want to my ipod

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I also had a 80g one that broke in 2007. Also replaced it with a 160g one. I have all my music just on my harddrive and I drag the music into itunes whenever my ipod is connected (never use it for anything else). Sometimes it's a hassle with the id3-tags, and shitty itunes crashing every now and then (and updating every time I start it up), but that's it. I (rarely) create playlists with my ipod by pushing the centre button when selecting an album or EP to queue it. No bullshit required.


I never put all my music up in once though, when I bought it I just put about 50 albums on it, adding some every now and then (when I want to hear something).

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