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Twin planets found that may support life

Guest Frankie5fingers

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.





Both are relatively similar to Earth dimensions, are perfectly distant from their sun, and may have water.

Pretty cool stuff. cant wait to hear what NASA finds out about them.

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Guest Pennywise

I hope there is intelligent beings there that are really similar to us. We can do all the ufo stuff we believe in. Go there in flying saucers and abduct them, make ridiculous crop circles and all that crap

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I hope there is intelligent beings there that are really similar to us. We can do all the ufo stuff we believe in. Go there in flying saucers and abduct them, make ridiculous crop circles and all that crap

actually, ive read the planets are estimated about 2.5 billion years older than ours. so if life does exist on them and they followed the same path as us than that would mean that they are WAY more advanced than we are. kinda like a real life star wars deal.

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I hope there is intelligent beings there that are really similar to us. We can do all the ufo stuff we believe in. Go there in flying saucers and abduct them, make ridiculous crop circles and all that crap

actually, ive read the planets are estimated about 2.5 billion years older than ours. so if life does exist on them and they followed the same path as us than that would mean that they are WAY dead.




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God knew we would outgrow this planet so he created a few extra ones for us to explore. Praise the lord.



I hope there is intelligent beings there that are really similar to us. We can do all the ufo stuff we believe in. Go there in flying saucers and abduct them, make ridiculous crop circles and all that crap


I remember as a kid during the 1997 Mars Pathfinder mission a editorial cartoon with two stereotypical grey aliens with suitcases and uniforms with hats that said "MSAF" looking at the probe, with one saying "we'll just say it's a weather balloon again."

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Guest Pennywise

This dude ordered me







I was afraid to say no :(

Don't trust that guy, just look at his black souless eyes. Also, that shirts way to big, he can't even dress himself properly.

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God only made one planet that can support life and that's Earth


These "scientists" should try to pick up a Bible once in a while. Maybe they'd learn a bit.


oh okay


confirmed troll

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I never doubted the existence of aliens.


I wonder if aliens from planet a are at war from planet b, or maybe planet a is more advance and planet b is full of exotic beasts and tourists from planet a treat planet b like Jurassic Park.

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Guest Pennywise

I never doubted the existence of aliens.


I wonder if aliens from planet a are at war from planet b, or maybe planet a is more advance and planet b is full of exotic beasts and tourists from planet a treat planet b like Jurassic Park.

How do you know the names of the planets?

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Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.

they always find planets like these that "may support life" but nothing ever comes out of it. technically, titan can support life, but since we can't even afford another trip to the moon, let alone to mars, these kind of reports are more bad than good news.


I hope there is intelligent beings there that are really similar to us.

actually that would be the worst thing. if they're anything even remotely like us, then it means they're just as greedy and have completely fucked up their planet and constantly manipulate their own. just like uspeaceful people of planet earth

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Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.

they always find planets like these that "may support life" but nothing ever comes out of it. technically, titan can support life, but since we can't even afford another trip to the moon, let alone to mars, these kind of reports are more bad than good news.


Explain? Titan isn't really in the parameters of the claim. but i am more interested in "more bad than good news".

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Guest Frankie5fingers



Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.

they always find planets like these that "may support life" but nothing ever comes out of it. technically, titan can support life, but since we can't even afford another trip to the moon, let alone to mars, these kind of reports are more bad than good news.


Explain? Titan isn't really in the parameters of the claim. but i am more interested in "more bad than good news".


well if im not mistaken, Titan has a massive amount of frozen water in its core. but no, Titan can not support life. it doesnt have an atmosphere. What makes these planets different is that they may have an atmosphere similar to ours that could support life. since they were just discovered we dont know if its true yet. but these planets have come the closest to resembling our own.

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It would be bad news if there are intelligent life forms on this planet. If there were life, but simple life, it would be better but still bad, and the best news would be no life at all.


The reason is due to an argument by Nick Bostrom: There must be a "great filter" which acts as some barrier to the evolution and/or continued survival of intelligent life. This is because although the solar systems we've observed seem fairly similar to ours so are a priori likely to give rise to intelligent life, we haven't found any signs of them yet through SETI.


If we find intelligent life on these planets, it makes it more likely that the "great barrier" is still ahead of us, and not behind us.

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Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.

they always find planets like these that "may support life" but nothing ever comes out of it. technically, titan can support life, but since we can't even afford another trip to the moon, let alone to mars, these kind of reports are more bad than good news.


Explain? Titan isn't really in the parameters of the claim. but i am more interested in "more bad than good news".


well if im not mistaken, Titan has a massive amount of frozen water in its core. but no, Titan can not support life. it doesnt have an atmosphere. What makes these planets different is that they may have an atmosphere similar to ours that could support life. since they were just discovered we dont know if its true yet. but these planets have come the closest to resembling our own.


I was more talking about the "habitable zone". these planets exist in an area and at a distance in proximity to a similar star that promotes liquid water/oxygen. so i guess the life they are hoping for on these new planets is one that is relatively similar to ours. i cannot deny that titan could be host to life, but not life like ours, which seems to be the sort of which we are most interested. but still, "more bad than good"?

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