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Twin planets found that may support life

Guest Frankie5fingers

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Guest Donkey Rhubarb

I believe there is life on other planets but they are either too far away for us to get there or they have maybe died out like we all will when our sun decides to pack up. Have any of you seen the documentary Journey to the edge of the universe?


Some crazy shit right there. Your mind struggles to comprehend the size and distances of space. There has to be other life out there. I cant believe its all by chance or some bullshit design by a superior being. Why would there be this vast universe with just one planet with life on?


On a side note how disappointing would it be for us to find a planet that was just like ours and there be other humans dealing with the same bullshit we have to deal with? Bit of a letdown eh?

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Some crazy shit right there. Your mind struggles to comprehend the size and distances of space. There has to be other life out there. I cant believe its all by chance or some bullshit design by a superior being. Why would there be this vast universe with just one planet with life on?

Why does it being by chance or by a deity mean there wouldn't be life all over the universe?


I agree that the vastness (and possible infinitude) of space, makes the existence of some other life somewhere likely. But that's just obvious. The more universe, the more ET life there is.


But we've been looking for evidence of ETI for decades now, with negative results all across the board. So why does everybody think we're going to find anything?

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Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.

they always find planets like these that "may support life" but nothing ever comes out of it. technically, titan can support life, but since we can't even afford another trip to the moon, let alone to mars, these kind of reports are more bad than good news.


Explain? Titan isn't really in the parameters of the claim. but i am more interested in "more bad than good news".



titan is pretty much like a 'prehistoric earth' complete with an atmosphere (which is another similarity it shares with our blue-quickly-becoming garbage rock.


the reason why i said "more bad than good news" is because it's not like we'll be able to go there or do anything with the information we get. in fact, if we do find life, i only see us exploiting it. we have a good track record of doing that on our own planet anyway

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I feel its our duty to do 'crop circles' or some sort of equal bullshit on random planets.



Also, why do they go on about anal probes? I think America is super homoerotic sometimes.

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the reason it's hard to get excited about the news is that, I'm guessing, they detected them like they have the others - due to periodic predictable wobbles in the sunlight coming from a distant star. This means we'll never be able to directly observe them. So, unless and until we create worm holes, any further examination of them will be impossible. Wah.

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Surprised no one else has posted anything yet, but NASA has just found twin planets that may support life.

they always find planets like these that "may support life" but nothing ever comes out of it. technically, titan can support life, but since we can't even afford another trip to the moon, let alone to mars, these kind of reports are more bad than good news.


Explain? Titan isn't really in the parameters of the claim. but i am more interested in "more bad than good news".



titan is pretty much like a 'prehistoric earth' complete with an atmosphere (which is another similarity it shares with our blue-quickly-becoming garbage rock.


the reason why i said "more bad than good news" is because it's not like we'll be able to go there or do anything with the information we get. in fact, if we do find life, i only see us exploiting it. we have a good track record of doing that on our own planet anyway



I guess i find the idea of life elsewhere fascinating because sure we can exploit it but it can do the same to us. looking through our hetero-species lense we will observe with bias, such as you mentioned. but the best bit is what if these other civilizations contact us and what if we could learn from them or teach them something. how are they observing us and is it necessary for us to assume that we've got the upper hand? i guess since we've got relatively no information on other life that it is as safe to assume we are the dominant species in the universe as it is to assume we are not. but the amount of knowledge available if other life existed and we contacted it is mindblowing and amazing. it would be a harrowing tale if we discovered life, contacted it, and discovered they were as advanced or less advanced than us. that being said it would still offer an immense amount of information. to assume humans would just fuck up interstellar contact like we've fucked up intercontinental contact is too vague to assume at this point. maybe i'm just an optimist.

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The odds of an ET civilization being LESS advanced than us are virtually zero, given the inevitability and rapidness of technological singularities.

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