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Artist's signature help


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Ok guys, there's so many of you here that are in visual art that you could know something on this topic.


I'm developing a signature, or a stamp for my abstract paintings. Now I never wanted one, but now it seems I will in order to sell some.


I was thinking of either making a mini gesture on each painting like a scribble we sign papers with OR a stamp like the chinese have used for ages.


Do you know of any good specimens of artist signatures?



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I'll have to use it on different surfaces, but mostly canvases, even rougher cannabis ones. Damn, this isn't going to be simple.


Delete, could you show me yours?

dip your balls lips in paint and sit kiss on the painting

I have enough problems wiping as it is

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Not cool enough. Also, it's a bother most of the time and I mess it up and have to correct it. Really, the number of times I had problems signing my paintings, it's uncanny.

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soz gaarg i don't show anyone my crappy art. So goes the sigs i put on them. ;-]


It does seem like it would be useful having something more design based than a written sig. if you have problems signing it on different materials. Basic shapes are in one way less easy to fuck up and in another it's less discernable to the viewr if you do.

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here is all your letters compressed to 1 shape.


but i doubt you go by gaarg... but maybe developing a sort of monogram or symbol/mark would be the way to go?




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Yeah jules, that might have been the quickest paint ever and I'll tell people who and where made it.


It's good too, too bad I'm not a designer or a major company.


I'm considering initials yes.

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i love kent wiliiams' sig





id be more than happy to play around with some shapes and letters for you if you want but i think it should be super personal.


just do your sig in ms paint holmes.

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gaarg, it suprises me that an artist with such talent and imagination can struggle to come up with a wee abrevviation of your name wrapped up into a stamp/logo.



i usually dont ask because i feel like a scavvin bastard, but would anyone care to whip up a rapid logo for the word discrete. anything will do, i am completely and utterly computer image skill barren, and ive got about 3 hours to get my first poster ready for a night, i was gonna go sans logo but if anyone can be arsed....


here is the image i have for the poster. my friend is gonna help me put the text on.




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so jules, if you would like to be the sexiest bastard ever and maybe spend 5 minutes turning discrete into some kind of circular logo, much like the one for gaarg up there, i could owe you all the kisses in the world.

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What does your real life signature look like btw. The one you use to sign bills and stuff. It should be something similar, roight?

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