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Obama Admin. admits to surveillance methods: Beating a Dead Horse Pt. 74


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another proof that obamba is indeed leading america to socialism devoid of privacy, individualism and private property where government and the people is one.


Man, you don't know shit about socialism. Besides, don't throw bricks if you live in a glass house!

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In case you haven't already seen it: First TV interview with Edward Snowden.


The interview is in English but currently only available in Germany (for copyright reasons I guess). So you might need to change your proxy to a German proxy to access the video.



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  • 2 weeks later...

In the abstract, cyber warfare is seriously exactly how i imagine life in a William Gibson novel to play out.




It would be very fucking cool, if only it wasn't so ugly (on both sides of the fence).

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In the abstract, cyber warfare is seriously exactly how i imagine life in a William Gibson novel to play out.




It would be very fucking cool, if only it wasn't so ugly (on both sides of the fence).

fortunately for the US, our side of the fence is waging some serious fucking cyber attacks that dwarf any other nation. See: Stuxnet, created by the United States and Israel


new Snowden leak about how the us uses DOS attacks and custom viruses that are designed to erase your entire e-mail record



Glenn Greenwald is going to attempt to test the waters of current US totalitarianistic practices. He intends to return to the United States in hopes that the US won't spring any criminal charges upon his entry



good timing too because clearly the US is waging a poorly designed anti Russian propaganda campaign right now in retaliation for Snowden. Pussy Riot on Colbert, Sochi olympics conditions, viral movies about the Russian anti-gay law (even though the US has similar laws in 9 states). Shit's heating up. Not quite cold war levels, but hostilities are increasing and nobody seems to be noticing.

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sad / pathetic NBC journalists releasing fraudulent stories about how the Russian government is hacking their phones at the Sochi olympics (maybe because they can't accept the mental difficulty of understanding the US is actually spying on them and are so spineless and cowardly that they can't report on the NSA scandal without referring to Snowden as a traitor)


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...and are so spineless and cowardly that they can't report on the NSA scandal without referring to Snowden as a traitor


new Snowden leak about how the us uses DOS attacks and custom viruses that are designed to erase your entire e-mail record



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yes those sneaky americans going over to Sochi and convincing the contractors to steal the money designated for construction of Olympic facilities, years before Snowden came forth with his evidence (FWIW, I happen to think the NSA program is terrible, and agree with you about the quality of US reporting on it in general - although places like wired and ars technica have done some good work).


I don't think the US really needs to wage a campaign to make Russia look bad - they're doing that all on their own.

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yes those sneaky americans going over to Sochi and convincing the contractors to steal the money designated for construction of Olympic facilities, years before Snowden came forth with his evidence (FWIW, I happen to think the NSA program is terrible, and agree with you about the quality of US reporting on it in general - although places like wired and ars technica have done some good work).


I don't think the US really needs to wage a campaign to make Russia look bad - they're doing that all on their own.

well that's just the thing isn't it, they've always been 'doing it all on their own' so I ask you why is Pussy Riot all of the sudden in the news again, why is Obama sending a gay legion of olympians to the olympics if the US in 9 states has anti gay laws practically identical to Russia? You really think this is just typical behavior and has nothing to do with increasing hostilities between US and Russia? I'm sorry but it's blatantly obvious a coordinated effort is in play dovetailing with the olympics, this is not simply an organic 'pile on' situation. have you picked up on American newspaper or watched an american news report on any of this in the recent weeks? I recommend that you do. I can't remember the last time I saw the lap-dog us media pick up and run with something so hostile towards another western power besides maybe France during the Iraq war runup. It's pretty over the top

and do you really honestly believe that the Us is ok with Russia giving asylum to snowden? When is the last time a big power stood up to the united states like that? The us is an elephant that never forgets, of course they are going to fire back in any way they can, and their favorite method for as long as I've been conscious is using the US lapdog media as their mouth piece. This is typical cold war mentality creeping back in for 2014, and it should be taken very seriously.


it's also another hilarious contradiction how little bad press the US gave the China olympics in comparison. I mean come on man don't you see this? Especially with your knowledge of international relations, I'm genuinely surprised you think this is an organic happening.


the positive side of it is, if I'm right and this is a coordinated effort, it's not very good. If this is the best method of attack they have, it shows weakness and I think that's a very good sign that the United States of America is fucking slipping, that and the fact that Obama knows that the more he even utters the word 'NSA' the lower his poll number will go, that's why he didn't even say NSA during his SOTU speech


standing up to the United States, even during times when it is the morally justifiable and right thing to do comes with a heavy price, it always has. No nation that tries to do this has ever dodged a counter attack from the US, it's an inevitability. If Russia had serious balls wasn't scared at increasing hostilities (and who wouldn't be with the history of the cold war) they would let Edward Snowden make a speech during the height of the olympics, it would completely eclipse any of this push-back campaign, the gay olympians, all of it in one giant 'fuck you'

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States rights are obviously an important difference in this context. 8 states out of 50 is hardly the same as a national law.



A gay legion? 3 members are openly gay. Obviously the percentage of gay athletes is unknown at present, but in 2012 Olympics, there were 23 openly gay athletes out of 12000 competing.

As to increasing hostility between the US and Russia, I suspect that this is simply a continuation of the cycle of tension and cooperation that has defined US-Russia relations over the last decade or so.


Nice edit: there was huge reporting on human rights issues in the lead-up to the Beijing Olympics. I don't know what you were reading (or not) during that time, but a quick google will show you the reporting on that.


Of course the US isn't ok with Russia giving asylum to Snowden, and neither would Russia be ok with the US giving asylum to a Russian citizen accused of treason (whether or not you agree with the charges is a different issue).

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I really think you gotta have some context here. The media headlines of the olympics on all the major channels thus far have mostly talked about the gay olympic legiont that Obama has sent, some are also using the phrase 'a not so subtle message to Russia' etc. Maybe seeing this outside of the context of US media cycles makes it seem pretty inconsequential, but dude seriously turn on Fox news, MSNBC, cnn or read headlines of NY times and SF chronicle right now. it's pretty ridic. Being inside the united states right now, it's non-stop anti-France iraq war era style mocking, pretty much for the last 3 days straight.

8 out of 50 is a big difference, but why is it then that nobody inside the US ever mentions how 8 states still punish homosexual sex when speaking ill of the Russian laws? Is it just a case of american exceptionalism and blind spot to our own systematic and 'lawful' bigotry?

I almost fell out of my chair when Colbert interviewed Pussy Riot and spent so much time talking about the Russian anti-gay law, when his entire family still lives in South Carolina, a state which has laws on the books which have extra penalties for homosexual sex crimes and weird language about openly homosexual displays. That dude has been an Obama lap-dog ever since he cried and then shaved his head on live TV for the army. It's like the difference between the original Total Recall and the remake, one was really biting satire and the new one is unintentionally satirical and plays right into the hand of the system it/he was previously satirizing.

edit: just noticed Google has a rainbow flag right now as the logo

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I really think you gotta have some context here. The media headlines of the olympics on all the major channels thus far have mostly talked about the gay olympic legiont that Obama has sent, some are also using the phrase 'a not so subtle message to Russia' etc. Maybe seeing this outside of the context of US media cycles makes it seem pretty inconsequential, but dude seriously turn on Fox news, MSNBC, cnn or read headlines of NY times and SF chronicle right now. it's pretty ridic. Being inside the united states right now, it's non-stop anti-France iraq war era style mocking, pretty much for the last 3 days straight.


8 out of 50 is a big difference, but why is it then that nobody inside the US ever mentions how 8 states still punish homosexual sex when speaking ill of the Russian laws? Is it just a case of american exceptionalism and blind spot to our own systematic and 'lawful' bigotry?


I almost fell out of my chair when Colbert interviewed Pussy Riot and spent so much time talking about the Russian anti-gay law, when his entire family still lives in South Carolina, a state which has laws on the books which have extra penalties for homosexual sex crimes and weird language about openly homosexual displays. That dude has been an Obama lap-dog ever since he cried and then shaved his head on live TV for the army. It's like the difference between the original Total Recall and the remake, one was really biting satire and the new one is unintentionally satirical and plays right into the hand of the system it/he was previously satirizing.


edit: just noticed Google has a rainbow flag right now as the logo


So because he has family that lives in a backwards ass state, he's not allowed to criticize foreign legislation?

I hope you don't have a problem with countries that outlaw graffiti, cause you can't sell permanent markers in fresno.

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I didn't say he wasn't allowed to, it's just interesting that Americans have a blind spot to their own human rights abuses even on a state level. I can't remember the last time I heard Colbert even acknowledge Gitmo's existence. And I respect you Chengod, i think we disagree often but I want to hear more about why you think this is not a coordinated US government driven media campaign to pile on bad press about Russia.

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Ok it's UK reporting but here you go:



Why do i think it's not a coordinated campaign? Because many of the actors involved in this so-called coordinated campaign are very independent from US government influence. Because many of the actors involved in criticizing Russia are not even US organizations or citizens. Because I think in the grand scheme of things, the administration is not willing to waste a lot of resources coordinating a campaign.

Of course, you can't prove a negative, but those are my initial thoughts.

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There are more, that was just the first one that came up in a google search.

Sorry if my tone seems belligerent, you know I have plenty of respect for you as well and actually I suspect we agree on more things than you think.

Plenty of stress from school right now, I'll chalk it up to that.

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this could be just another case of a 'pile on' or maybe Obama's attempt to present his gay olympic committee is having ripple effects but did you see the 'theme' of google for the past few days?


another indirect way of mentioning Russia's law. I guess when i see stuff like this it becomes increasingly hard for me to believe these are just independent actions unrelated to any sort of coordination

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Why wouldn't google take data that they know is trending and use that in their marketing? Do you honestly think someone in the Obama administration called up GoogleHQ and said "hey make your logo the gay flag. or else."

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  • 3 weeks later...

this one is a bonus for you Eugene, Abby is now being labeled as a zionist by several different fringe concerns on the internet, including Iran's own Press TV


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