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Funnily enough there are a group of peeps who hack into people's webcams while they're using their laptops, watch them and probably masturbate furiously.



I know I did.


Well, not at first.

But it became furious.

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lol, this stuff could be made much more fun if some java/flash script on some fake pornsite would take a picture of you via webcam (preferably while masturbating) and paste into some official looking for with insignias and such ordering you to pay a fine.


i predict in the future, there will be a searchable public database, simlar to facebook. of ones internet traffic, purchase history, medical records, telephone calls, and videos of people in front of their computer (masturbating), as one further blow against societys privacy, and ultimatley our will


i have tape over every camera in my home (as far as i know anyway :fear: ). i dont know anyone who puts tape over the cameras on their phone though. prolly should. it doesnt matter anymore though, apple has been planning for years to put cameras behind the computer screens:




id be suprised if they arent already doing it

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there are a group of peeps who hack into people's webcams while they're using their laptops, watch them and probably masturbate furiously.



The new xbox one will be a furious hackers goldmine with the infrared/night-cam watching you fap & build in mic recording the fap.

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lol, this stuff could be made much more fun if some java/flash script on some fake pornsite would take a picture of you via webcam (preferably while masturbating) and paste into some official looking for with insignias and such ordering you to pay a fine.


i predict in the future, there will be a searchable public database, simlar to facebook. of ones internet traffic, purchase history, medical records, telephone calls, and videos of people in front of their computer (masturbating), as one further blow against societys privacy, and ultimatley our will


i have tape over every camera in my home (as far as i know anyway :fear: ). i dont know anyone who puts tape over the cameras on their phone though. prolly should. it doesnt matter anymore though, apple has been planning for years to put cameras behind the computer screens:




id be suprised if they arent already doing it



You can't put tape over the mic. You can turn it off, but what if someone wants to ring you. This whole thing is a stupid mess and needs to be unwound, all the big companies broken up, no government secrets, etc.

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lol, this stuff could be made much more fun if some java/flash script on some fake pornsite would take a picture of you via webcam (preferably while masturbating) and paste into some official looking for with insignias and such ordering you to pay a fine.


i predict in the future, there will be a searchable public database, simlar to facebook. of ones internet traffic, purchase history, medical records, telephone calls, and videos of people in front of their computer (masturbating), as one further blow against societys privacy, and ultimatley our will


i have tape over every camera in my home (as far as i know anyway :fear: ). i dont know anyone who puts tape over the cameras on their phone though. prolly should. it doesnt matter anymore though, apple has been planning for years to put cameras behind the computer screens:




id be suprised if they arent already doing it



I always thought they got infrared satellites solely designed to track you when you masturbate. Like, the Hubble telescope they sent to take all these photos of faraway black holes etc.? That's nonsense. It's zooming straight at your willy as you're watching Stoya.

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