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10 songs of wonderful nonsense, according to Mark Pritchard


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Veteran experimental producer Mark Pritchard has had a new burst of creative energy recently. Having decided to give up all of his aliases - and there are many, including Harmonic 313, Troubleman and Link - in order to consolidate all future releases under his own name, regardless of style, he's put out a couple of new EPs through frequent home Warp Records. The most recent, 'Make A Livin', was released on Monday (November 11th), and to celebrate he's gone on a trawl through Youtube for Dummy, picking out 10 tracks under the name "Wonderful Nonsense and Other Oddness." The selections do exactly what they set out to do - they're weird, eccentric, very funny, and with a very absurd sense of humour.



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This is actually a great playlist, I love songs like this. I haven't heard "Fishheads" in ages. Quite WATMM-ish really, especially with Derbyshire, Raymond Scott, and Fingerbobs theme song at the end too...

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