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120 Kilos of cocaine wash up on Japan's shore

Rubin Farr

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More importantly, what would you do if you found it?


Personally, that's way too much. Way too scary to deal with. You'd almost certainly be killed or arrested trying to sell it. I might stash a little bit for personal use somewhere. But I'd have to hand it over to the cops. Anonymously, obviously.

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I bet somewhere in the world, a drug dealer lost a limb, or maybe his life over this haul.


Yeah one can only wonder what the story is behind that stash. Or how old it is for that matter...

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I'd have to hand it over to the cops. Anonymously, obviously.

except they may be dirty, in which case theyll lead you out back and put a bullet in the back of your head.


id just turn around, pretend like i didnt see anything and move far away.

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Now they're just a place that spoils this weeks South Park in the headline and then warns you about spoilers in the article in the byline, logic! Oh and they have no in depth stories and obviously shill games and console franchises. Once every 24hrs though they have their man in asia blog some asiani stuff.


That whole block of websites needs to be blown off the net. io9/kotaku/gizmodo.They are pointless like a blunt knife with the end snapped off.

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