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The Cecil Hotel


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in the 60s, two women killed themselves at this hotel. in the early 80s, richard ramierz called this place home. a decade later, an austrian serial killer decided to stay there. then he killed a bunch of women.


2 years ago, a canadian chick was talking to a demon in the hallways. she was later found dead in the septic tank at the hotel. guests had been drinking her all week long. "the water tastes horrible" they said.


tomorrow am going to the cecil hotel because i have nothing better to do, but you never know. in for a penny, in for a pound



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i'm actually attracted to that lady in your av/?? :nacmat:


you're not the only one :w00t:


btw: i have a strange fascination with downtown los angeles. it's a little like a semi-abandoned city because there is nothing there except decrepit buildings, dodgy people and an empty mall. when they did the 20 year anniversary for twin peaks they did it at clifton's cafeteria which is downtown. you know how weird twin peaks is? clifton's cafeteria was weirder (it's now closed due to excessive weirdness). it was like stepping into an old episode of unsolved mysteries narrated by robert stack but written by rod serling.


a lot of the old buildings downtown also look like derelict casinos- the remnants of old theaters.



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very strange sunday for me. for one, it rained all day- then philip seymour hoffman od'ed, seahawks kicked the shit out of the broncos and i ended up at the cecil hotel downtown.


btw: i think this is the only hotel i've been to where they ask you if you've got drugs or are a drug dealer because the lapd make frequent "visits" to the premises



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