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2014: the year Ellen Page made scores of neckbeards cry out in psychic anguish


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Besides, most people want her to be born gay, because otherwise it would mean she chose not to fulfill their impotent fantasies. There's only so much a "man" can take.

How does her publicly announcing her sexuality interfere with your masturbation habits?

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The only thing that changes is the ONLY, and it is a far cry to declare that a minor change such as that is nullification, destruction, and/or eradication. Furthermore, changing that ONLY has zero practical effect on the heterosexuals;therefore, no change.


oh no, it does change everything, since without that principle, the other terms are nullified. whether you accept this reality or not.



So straight married couples can no longer share insurance if gay couples can do it too? I can understand why this would worry you so much if you were completely fucking retarded.



it seems like you missed quite a few posts. i'm talking about traditional "rituals" here, not legislation. the legislation doesn't change for heterosexual couples, but the nature of the ritual does. so the former institution disappears, gets replaced by a new one, but the legal rights and duties stay the same for heteros.



The ritual is the same. Families get together, there's a fucking ceremony, and people get drunk and dance. Trust me, I've been to straight weddings before and after gay marriage was legalized, and nothing fucking changed. You remind me of Lieutenant Dan, because you have no legs to stand on. Nah, dude I know you've been trollolololing this whole time.



the word "ritual" that i used wasn't correct. that's not what i meant. i wrote that extremely late in the evening (very early in the morning).


even if good old heterosexual marriage is still allowed and practiced, it's a different kind of marriage from what was practiced for milleniums.

now, if you don't see the difference, i say fine. good for you. but please accept that many people see a difference, and don't want that practice to disappear and get replaced by a new one, that imitates the former one.

also, please remember that gay people can have civil union in france since 1999, it's called civil solidarity pact and gives access to most benefits allowed by marriage. it's not like france puts gay people in jail just because they're gay.

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Guest fiznuthian

I really do not understand how marriage can be this thing that is just one thing to everyone that can be changed to be another distinctly different thing.
Just turn off your T.V. and radio, hang out in your own house and yard, don't ever talk to homos, don't friend homos, don't work for homos, and don't do anything at all having to do with homos. You'll never know the difference right?


By the way, as Candiru already mentioned gay people have married already. It already happened in a big way in some places on the planet. Does this mean marriage is dead?


I am not trying to be a cock in the butt, i just genuinely do not understand how a person feels this way.

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From the WHO:


Behavioural traits, such as aggression or sexuality, are extremely complex and cannot be explained by one gene or genetic component. Cultural norms pertaining to gender roles and sex-related behaviours fluctuate and change with time as well as across cultures. Moreover, the existence of a gene does not guarantee the expression of that gene; indeed, expression is the product of a complex network of other genetic, developmental, biological and environmental factors. It is this complex network of interactions that constantly shape and define behaviours. (54) Any genetic component that is found to be linked to a complex behavioural trait at most indicates a probability of that behaviour manifesting, and not that the behaviour will definitely occur. Behavioural genetics research is still in its infancy, and its capacity to identify any genetic component of behaviours, such as sex -specific conduct, is limited.

Come on WHO, this is 2014!!!

Source: http://www.who.int/genomics/gender/en/index2.html



How is this important?



Because, I said there is no science that says homosexuality is 100% biology. Nurture plays a huge part, and honestly, if there is nothing wrong with it, why is it so offensive that it could be a choice for some more than others?


I think biology, environment, and volition are all factors for behavior.



Sure, as with every single thing about humans. What is your point? If you are religious anyway, how can you believe that any behavior would ever be 100% biological? It would indicate that souls do not exist.


It bothers people because they have literally been raised and conditioned for thousands of years to hate homosexuals. In many instances they were taught to kill them. It's called indoctrination.


Same reason people hate blacks. Same reason people are misogynistic. This is not a complicated idea. It all has a completely irrational basis. It is all slowly crumbling, and it scares the shit out of some people because it challenges their worldview. It brings into question everything the were taught to believe. As it should. But even those religious folk who are so offended by the gays are being irrational, inconsistent, and cherry-picking the bible by doing so.


Why do people follow a book written thousands of years ago without updating it? If I were to hand you a science textbook from 1888 would think it useful to read other than pure novelty?

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I really do not understand how marriage can be this thing that is just one thing to everyone that can be changed to be another distinctly different thing.

Just turn off your T.V. and radio, hang out in your own house and yard, don't ever talk to homos, don't friend homos, don't work for homos, and don't do anything at all having to do with homos. You'll never know the difference right?


By the way, as Candiru already mentioned gay people have married already. It already happened in a big way in some places on the planet. Does this mean marriage is dead?


I am not trying to be a cock in the butt, i just genuinely do not understand how a person feels this way.

Those are usually the kind of people that think of anyone LGBT as "second-class", "defective", "sinful", or "less-than". Like saying, "You aren't human because (insert race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, blood type, deodorant brand, etc.), and don't deserve what I can get without pleading for it."


I can take or leave marriage equality. I'm happy in my relationship, which has no bearing on legislation.


As for ELLEN PAGE, I think celebrity "coming out" stories get too old too fast. If she had been dating a man, this flurry on social media and entertainment news would not have happened. If she had been dating a woman, without announcing it, it SHOULDN'T have been any different. It's her relationship, and who she shares a bed with isn't anyone's business other than who is in that bed. I hope she feels supported, rather than used by the HRC to further their agenda.

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I really do not understand how marriage can be this thing that is just one thing to everyone that can be changed to be another distinctly different thing.

Just turn off your T.V. and radio, hang out in your own house and yard, don't ever talk to homos, don't friend homos, don't work for homos, and don't do anything at all having to do with homos. You'll never know the difference right?


By the way, as Candiru already mentioned gay people have married already. It already happened in a big way in some places on the planet. Does this mean marriage is dead?


I am not trying to be a cock in the butt, i just genuinely do not understand how a person feels this way.


no problem. your question is very articulate and intelligible.

does this mean marriage is dead? i'll be perfectly objective and say that depends from whose point of view.

from my point of view, yep, marriage is definitely "dead" in those places. because what was always understood by the concept of marriage is no more. it's gone.




i really don't see how seeing things this way can be defined as homophobia.

if you consider wanting to preserve one of the last universal traditional institutions as homophobia, alright then. it's homophobia :)

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I really do not understand how marriage can be this thing that is just one thing to everyone that can be changed to be another distinctly different thing.

Just turn off your T.V. and radio, hang out in your own house and yard, don't ever talk to homos, don't friend homos, don't work for homos, and don't do anything at all having to do with homos. You'll never know the difference right?


By the way, as Candiru already mentioned gay people have married already. It already happened in a big way in some places on the planet. Does this mean marriage is dead?


I am not trying to be a cock in the butt, i just genuinely do not understand how a person feels this way.


no problem. your question is very articulate and intelligible.

does this mean marriage is dead? i'll be perfectly objective and say that depends from whose point of view.

from my point of view, yep, marriage is definitely "dead" in those places. because what was always understood by the concept of marriage is no more. it's gone.




i really don't see how seeing things this way can be defined as homophobia.

if you consider wanting to preserve one of the last universal traditional institutions as homophobia, alright then. it's homophobia :)



You're a punk for hiding your intolerance and bigotry behind a facade of friendliness. You're also an idiot.

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You're a punk for hiding your intolerance and bigotry behind a facade of friendliness. You're also an idiot.


love you too mate. let me give you a big hug :wub:



If you love me then let's fuck. I'll change your tune about gay marriage. Trust me. :spiteful:

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Guest fiznuthian

Thanks for your gentle reply. So it appears there just isn't anyway to resolve the disagreement. Agree to disagree, I suppose.
I do think there is a strong possibility that in your country a majority of people actually disagree with your view. Even if it doesn't appear

to be so because a large group is in protest, there is likely a larger population of silent individuals who are not voicing their opinion.


If that is the case, marriage is probably going to be redefined against your will. I hope you can find it within yourself to adapt peacefully
and that you are able to carry on happily with your wife or future wives. Gay people are not trying to be mean or ruin your way of life, they just feel uncomfortable, alienated, and misunderstood.


Cheers. :beer:

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It bothers people because they have literally been raised and conditioned for thousands of years to hate homosexuals. In many instances they were taught to kill them. It's called indoctrination.


Same reason people hate blacks. Same reason people are misogynistic. This is not a complicated idea. It all has a completely irrational basis. It is all slowly crumbling, and it scares the shit out of some people because it challenges their worldview.


i dunno how much conditioning it actually requires, people like to obsess about any easily noticeable differences purely out of boredom, or as a way of venting from other stressors in their lives, etc.

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I really do not understand how marriage can be this thing that is just one thing to everyone that can be changed to be another distinctly different thing.

Just turn off your T.V. and radio, hang out in your own house and yard, don't ever talk to homos, don't friend homos, don't work for homos, and don't do anything at all having to do with homos. You'll never know the difference right?


By the way, as Candiru already mentioned gay people have married already. It already happened in a big way in some places on the planet. Does this mean marriage is dead?


I am not trying to be a cock in the butt, i just genuinely do not understand how a person feels this way.


no problem. your question is very articulate and intelligible.

does this mean marriage is dead? i'll be perfectly objective and say that depends from whose point of view.

from my point of view, yep, marriage is definitely "dead" in those places. because what was always understood by the concept of marriage is no more. it's gone.

i really don't see how seeing things this way can be defined as homophobia.

if you consider wanting to preserve one of the last universal traditional institutions as homophobia, alright then. it's homophobia :)




Aren't divorce rates anywhere both parties can file for divorce near fifty percent? Marriage isn't precious.

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Gay people are not trying to be mean or ruin your way of life, they just feel uncomfortable, alienated, and misunderstood.


this raises a very important question: who decided that marriage should be reformed/amended?

to which i answered earlier: the government, along with the LGBT lobby. not gay people. a lobby that pretends representing them, along with the government.


and that's the very interesting aspect of this whole case. a group of people, that claims to represent the interests of part of the population, decides for these people what should be done for them.

and this lobby's views, under the pretext of fighting against discrimination, intend to impose a radical societal change to a population that's supposed to be ruling the country, without even consulting it. which is very undemocratic, at best. or at worst, pure fraud.

so you see, it's very different from a heterosexual population alienating and discriminating gay people. gay people are not part of the equation, they're being patronized by the gay lobby. i call this instrumentalizing a cause.

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It bothers people because they have literally been raised and conditioned for thousands of years to hate homosexuals. In many instances they were taught to kill them. It's called indoctrination.


Same reason people hate blacks. Same reason people are misogynistic. This is not a complicated idea. It all has a completely irrational basis. It is all slowly crumbling, and it scares the shit out of some people because it challenges their worldview.


i dunno how much conditioning it actually requires, people like to obsess about any easily noticeable differences purely out of boredom, or as a way of venting from other stressors in their lives, etc.



I would say structuring entire societies around very specific ideals is about the most powerful conditioning one could experience. But yes it is easy. Women, homosexuals, and blacks are historically considered weaker than white males for various reasons. Easy prey, easy hunting.

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Gay people are not trying to be mean or ruin your way of life, they just feel uncomfortable, alienated, and misunderstood.


this raises a very important question: who decided that marriage should be reformed/amended?

to which i answered earlier: the government, along with the LGBT lobby. not gay people. a lobby that pretends representing them, along with the government.


and that's the very interesting aspect of this whole case. a group of people, that claims to represent the interests of part of the population, decides for these people what should be done for them.

and this lobby's views, under the pretext of fighting against discrimination, intend to impose a radical societal change to a population that's supposed to be ruling the country, without even consulting it. which is very undemocratic, at best. or at worst, pure fraud.

so you see, it's very different from a heterosexual population alienating and discriminating gay people. gay people are not part of the equation, they're being patronized by the gay lobby. i call this instrumentalizing a cause.



Why do you think you have a right to tell gays they aren't allowed to marry? That is more to the point. Gays are not making laws the determine the behavior of heterosexuals.

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erratum: i said "patronized", i meant "headed" or "taken in charge by the gay lobby". sorry for my broken english.


I thought all you Frenchies were bisexual anyway? Isn't that what all your films are about? And your models?

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Gay people are not trying to be mean or ruin your way of life, they just feel uncomfortable, alienated, and misunderstood.


this raises a very important question: who decided that marriage should be reformed/amended?

to which i answered earlier: the government, along with the LGBT lobby. not gay people. a lobby that pretends representing them, along with the government.


Who decided that blacks should have civil rights and women should be able to vote? Damn special interest groups. Force us all to go along with their agenda.

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Why do you think you have a right to tell gays they aren't allowed to marry?


i personally have no political power, so you must be mistaking me with someone else :)


Gays are not making laws that determine the behavior of heterosexuals.


err, you're mixing everything up. in france, nobody's making laws that determine the behaviour of someone according to its sexuality. in france, gay people have pretty much the same rights as heterosexual people. i see lesbians kissing in the streets or in the bus, and they have the right to do so, whether people like it or not.

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Why do you think you have a right to tell gays they aren't allowed to marry?


i personally have no political power, so you must be mistaking me with someone else :)


Gays are not making laws that determine the behavior of heterosexuals.


err, you're mixing everything up. in france, nobody's making laws that determine the behaviour of someone according to its sexuality. in france, gay people have pretty much the same rights as heterosexual people. i see lesbians kissing in the streets or in the bus, and they have the right to do so, whether people like it or not.



Why do heterosexual Frenchies think they can tell homosexual Frenchies how they are allowed to live, and what types of marriages they are allowed to take part in?


By not allowing homosexuals to marry legally you are in fact enforcing by law that homosexuals are not allowed to marry. Homosexuality is a sexual preference, or someone's sexuality.


Pretty much the same is not equal

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