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lofi thing


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Nice. I like the atmosphere here. Sounds like a gray and rainy, melancholic day. The change somewhere around 1:30 suprised me a bit, I was not expecting this to turn into a bit more energetic d'n'b -kinda thing but it works really nicely. I can't really think of anything to complain about. At first I thought there was a bit too much reverb on drums and things but It actually sounds good so why change it.


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Guest brendyman

Huh, I've never heard of AudioMulch before. This sounds reallly nice, especially that change that comes in at 1:30ish. My only complaint is that it sounds a tiny bit cluttered at the beginning, but even then it's not that bad.

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For me, I think the cherry on top for this track is that pad you have on top that really chimes in around 1:00 after the dissonant bit. If I were you, and I'm not, I'd make it more in your face, and simply not die out really, and grow and evolve through the track.

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great track! the pad is really nice and give it some great depth. makes me a bit curious about audiomulch, i love stuff where you can connect things however you want like in that pic. only software i ever used like that was psycle, a free tracker. everything's plug-in routing should be like that imo


anyway the track has great vibes

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Very good! I love the Tangerine Dream pads and the triangle wave thing. Very pretty sound design!

The bass is maybe a bit too upfront, but I guess that's up to taste (I can't mix worth beans so disregard what I say).


The second track is a bit more monotonous, but I like the Draft 7.30-ish sounds!

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