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attn: acid makers

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Guest Analogue Wings

definitely keen to do this again, but it seems everyone may have shot their load for the time being


time to put the poll up in gb?

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Guest Aunt Acid
definitely keen to do this again, but it seems everyone may have shot their load for the time being


time to put the poll up in gb?



good idea batman


definitely keen to do this again, but it seems everyone may have shot their load for the time being


time to put the poll up in gb?



good idea batman



altho yu shudnt restrict it to GB only, other cuntries do acid too!

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I can do it, but I don't want the acid party to be over....maybe we'll have to have a poll at the end of every week or something - just keep posting that acid!

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Guest Aunt Acid

here's a 40 minute jam compressed into 3 min



Acid ain't my thing really (that's why I can never be bothered to make clips like these into full tracks), I make kind of tech-grime-d+b normally


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Guest Analogue Wings

Anyone up for a Garridge or Grime thread?


I hope you're fucking joking! Grime. Puh.


It's what the kids are into these days.

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Guest Analogue Wings
i did a total of 17 tracks but they keep crashing audacity coz there so brutal.





serves you right for using software

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Guest Analogue Wings
i can't work out these tapes anymore


Fucking gorgeous sounds and melodies! But why do they all die after about a minute? You using shareware or something? :laughing:

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Guest Analogue Wings
i'm tired of recording and i don't feel like sharing because i'm a cunt!


sweet as. get some sleep, bro! :flower:

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i'm tired of recording and i don't feel like sharing because i'm a cunt!


lol, nice anagram. Rich David James? or something (would make better sense than earlier suggestions).

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I enjoyed cash madrid jive's tracks so much I decided to make some sort of entry myself. It's called One Hour Acid because it was done in the last hour (also why the mix is awful) - I'll probably tie up the beginning and end in the morning and make it a 'complete' track.





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