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Andrew Peckler - Phantom Islands


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Phantom Islands are artifacts of the age of maritime discovery and colonial expansion. During centuries of ocean exploration these islands were sighted, charted, described and even explored – but their existence has never been ultimately verified. Poised somewhere between cartographical fact and maritime fiction, they haunted seafarers’ maps for hundreds of years, inspiring legends, fantasies, and counterfactual histories. Phantom Islands – A Sonic Atlas interprets and presents these imaginations in the form of an interactive map which charts the sounds of a number of historical phantom islands.



this sounds incredible. can't wait

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is this coming out as an album?  the interactive site is from over a year ago.

related/unrelated, i saw him perform Tristes Tropiques here in mexico, and it was incredible.  to my understanding he creates much of visual aspects of his work.  For Tristes Tropiques, there was a great video accompaniment with footage of forest environments overlaid into abstract compositions.  And the live sound looked like a modular synth and sampler (op1) setup.  Im no expert there, but it was a very fluid set that was easy to get lost in.

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