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All Ford vehicles manufactured since 2019 have a constant tracking disservice that sends your physical location, your weight, and probably other information to Ford servers.  The Nissan Leaf and other electric cars do this as well.

Almost all laptop computers made now have Intel Management Engine or the AMD equivalent, which is invisible to the computer OS (regardless of which OS you have installed) and can be remotely controlled by Intel to turn the machine on and off and to manipulate anything else that the CPU is doing.

Easypass can be used to track your location as well.

Ubuntu has a feature that collects information about your searches on the computer and sends it to Amazon for advertising.

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There should be a privacy literacy class in high school. This kind of thing is relatively new, but people should be aware of the laws and procedures surrounding it. What your rights are, etc.

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40 minutes ago, Braintree said:

There should be a privacy literacy class in high school. This kind of thing is relatively new, but people should be aware of the laws and procedures surrounding it. What your rights are, etc.


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1 hour ago, TubularCorporation said:
2 hours ago, Braintree said:

There should be a privacy literacy class in high school. This kind of thing is relatively new, but people should be aware of the laws and procedures surrounding it. What your rights are, etc.


Listing 'none' is a starting point.

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Apparently there is a gaming keyboard that connects to the internet and sends keystroke data to Chinese servers.

Also the game Abstractism that was sold on Steam installed code onto people’s computers that used their processors to mine bitcoin for the game devs.

Social media apps are also a trap.  Last night when I was with friends, I realized at one point that I was the only one in the room not looking at social networks on the smartphone, which was absolutely surreal.  It’s strange seeing people’s physical presence dissolving as their mind is divided and sent into hyperspace.

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I think it’s especially difficult when you see this happen to people you love, who you know are great people with great minds, who are being held captive by this irresistible addiction that preys on all of us.  Computers are a wonderful invention that can immensely benefit our lives, but for some reason the technology is just being abused and imprisoning us instead. Hopefully we can get over this and figure out a way to implement the technology in a more responsible way.  The current system of abuse seems too strong for that to be easy, though.

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17 hours ago, Psychotronic said:

Cool. You doing music production on it?

Haven’t gotten the OS yet, will probably do it next week.  Pd would probably be the way to go, but I’ve been more focused on playing physical instruments than computer music.

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Sheesh. I'm setting up a new computer and installed Hombrew to find out that it sends analytics to Google: https://docs.brew.sh/Analytics

Guess I'll just do shit manually from here. Although, I'll probably need to install Anaconda so now I'm paranoid.

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1 hour ago, Braintree said:

Sheesh. I'm setting up a new computer and installed Hombrew to find out that it sends analytics to Google: https://docs.brew.sh/Analytics

Guess I'll just do shit manually from here. Although, I'll probably need to install Anaconda so now I'm paranoid.

The problem is not paranoia, the problem is that they don't pay you for your behavioral data, they mine it for free from you. It's like a gold rush.

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all capitalist software is malware, every single bit of it, all hardware designed under capitalism is malhardware.  all capitalist software and hardware is proprietary, so it by definition is a black box in some way, or has a black box hidden in it which cannot be inspected, and thus they provide control over the user.  it's impossible to have a sane, moral computing system in which there exists even a single black box.  all software and hardware designed under capitalism with any proprietary parts, even 1, has to be thrown out, it's infected and cannot be allowed to exist in the year 2,100. 

We've been having fun with these computers and all this software and web services as a species but it's time to grow up and ban all proprietary software and hardware and have a software worker revolution so that we only work on FOSS software designed with the longterm future in mind, with humanity in mind, not designed with companies in mind.  this requires overthrowing capitalism itself and so for this reason a socialist revolution is more important to computing technology than any technological innovation we can make right now under capitalism.  thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of software workers are being alienated from their labor and forced to create monstrosities, malware used to make companies money.  but lawmakers cannot comprehend this.  electoral politics is a joke, we require a grassroots uprising and a worker boycott of the entire software industry, we all know it's garbage, the only thing holding us back is how well they pay us, but that would be no excuse in Nuremberg

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I agree with you that proprietary technology is horrible, but a socialist revolution doesn’t solve anything.  It just puts the same unethical powers into the hands of different people.  Nothing else is changed.

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5 hours ago, drillkicker said:

The state

I wouldn't say that a socialist revolution necessarily puts the power previously vested in capital into the hands of the state.  It can end up authoritarian or libertarian (anarchist).  Furthermore, let's say it did - I would say that it's capital keeping the state out of hands of the people to begin with, so it's a good trade.  If you can get rid of capital without getting rid of the state, your job is then to just get rid of the state as an empowered post-capitalist people, rather than getting rid of capital and the state as a disempowered capitalist and statist people.

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