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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Never too early to get those loved ones gifts on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2eFIGM9
  2. Wii U production is ending in Japan in November. I decided to hold off on a PS4 Pro until more games get patched and there's a game (or games) that would justify a purchase. Nioh (due in February 2017) is a strong contender.
  3. i'm not sure if a genius, but he must be something innit? this is a person who put himself in the white house... that's no easy task.. right? Sadly, being smart has never been a requirement to getting elected into political office.
  4. We didn't get the president we needed (on any ticket); we got the president we deserve. Ironically, with the Republicans now in (near) complete control, perhaps something will get done... Who knows - he defied expectations getting running and getting elected; perhaps he'll do the same as president.
  5. Pokemon Sun and Moon has somehow leaked early ahead of it's 18 November release... most of the info spoils the final boss and the storyline of the game, so avoid if you do not want to be spoiled before playing. Also, the New 3DS will be on sale for 100.00 USD via Nintendo for Black Friday (the (in)famous day after Thanksgiving Day sale here in the States).
  6. My wife started that up this weekend, she seems to like it... It's kinda like Animal Crossing is it not? Meanwhile, I'm completely hooked on Titanfall 2, I don't think Ive been this hooked on a FPS in a LONG time, but it's just damn fun to play. More akin to Harvest Moon. Goddammit, release a PS4 (pro) version, updated for HD!
  7. I don't see what all the hate for Prometheus is - it was a decent sci-fi movie, had some genuinely interesting concepts, and visually is stunning (I don't think anyone can argue that aspect of the film). Is it perfect? No. Does it need to be? Depends on your expectations. And yes, Blu-Ray is the very best way to watch this - the movie also worked really well in 3D (one of the few films I think did). Can't wait for the inevitable 4K release.
  8. I thought the (13 years old at the time) girl reportedly raped by Trump was going to have a press conference yesterday about it? Hilary's almost overwhelming chance of winning has dwindled down to currently 64%... I hope to God this doesn't turn into a nail-biter and give Trump the confidence to contest the election.
  9. Wow, JR, this is phenomenal stuff, thanks for sharing. It's like an ideal fusion of everything i love in electronic music (ambient house, nu-disco, chillwave, baeleric chillout, outrun, and hints of vapor)... I will definitely be checkinh out more of Emil's releases. Cool to see you drop by this thread. P.s. any specific vaporwave releases or artists that youre digging? Not sure if you'd consider it Vaporwave per se, but I've noticed a trend of artists attempting to recapture the "80's sound", making tracks my wife swears she heard back in the day Some examples: Here's a good collective that the aforementioned artists follow, as well as NMESH: https://soundcloud.com/stratfordct
  10. I remember getting this and ICBYD at the same time... what a headtrip
  11. Been listening to this guy for awhile now; always kept forgetting to share on here:
  12. Dove into the World of Final Fantasy; Good traditional JRPG. Nice to see this compared to the upcoming brofest in FF15.
  13. Yeah, some time ago - dunno if that's a good thing or not (honestly haven't heard any of his stuff for other movies). Following up Vangelis is a pretty tall order... Hopefully they're not gonna try and create a new Vangelis album. First of all, that wouldn't work now and Johann Johannsson is too good to have to imitate anyone. Actually I just remembered I heard an interview on NPR about Vangelis' new album for the space probe and his music, and Johannsson was interviewed as well and is a huge admirer of Vangelis' soundtrack work... http://www.npr.org/2016/10/17/497797809/from-composer-vangelis-a-true-story-set-in-outer-space They should get Mads Mikkelsen to play the new Roy Batty replicant...
  14. Yeah, some time ago - dunno if that's a good thing or not (honestly haven't heard any of his stuff for other movies). Following up Vangelis is a pretty tall order...
  15. Agreed - for me, Tomorrow's Harvest has always been a late Summer early Fall album - fits the changing of the seasons well. It's funny how BOC's albums (for me) seem to resonate with the seasons: MHTRTC - late December/New Years Winter bliss Geogaddi - dead of Summer, hot, sweltering claustrophobia TCH - late Spring/Summer vacation TH - late Summer early Fall seasons changing
  16. true. i would like it to be at least in the direction of a landslide. something definitive. i should just not pay attention to any of it until the results are in. i'm sick of the distraction and angst of it. Agreed - a landslide (or something close to it) would silence the ignorant Trumpians and further smear faeces in the faces of the Republicans who allowed this racist, warmongering asshat to even come close to becoming the most powerful leader on earth.
  17. I played the beta briefly, I love the art style, but it was incredibly boring and frustrating to me. It's just endless grinding for no apparent reason at all. Not worth it. yup. it was fun for a few hours, but it got tedious really fast DS3 DLC was pretty good, but too short. arena 3v3 battles are fun though Yeah, The Tomorrow Children is visually and conceptually interesting, but agreed - endless grindfest with little payoff.
  18. Peter Burns of 80's pop/glam band Dead or Alive dead aged 57 from a heart attack. You might remember them from their hit "You Spin Me Right Round (Like a Record)": He was also on Celebrity Big Brother in the UK in 2006
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