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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Yeah I think I overheard the NX announcement a couple of months ago. If it's coming out within the next year or two I may just hold off til then. I already have a highly capable laptop for gaming, but lately I'm sorta desiring a change of pace in the games themselves - simpler, faster paced games as opposed to open-world exploration games, to be more specific. I'd like to exercise my eye-hand coordination / motor skills a little more. Alex Preston posted an update the other day on Kickstarter re: HLD, he had his heart valves replaced with artificial ones, and has been taking it easy for the last month. I'm betting the PC/Mac/Linux ports will ship in Spring on target, but the PS4/Wii U versions might not see release til Fall 2016. That reminds me, I need to chip in @ Kickstarter. A handheld version would be fantastic, if it's coming to Wii U. My brother just bought one yesterday. I watched a brief interview with Preston last night, where he cited Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past as a direct influence, which happens to be my favorite Zelda game. HLD looks awesome either way. Supposed to be unveiled at E3 this year, possibly out by Christmas 2016. Rumours are it might be a combo console/handheld, where you can take a portion of the unit on the go. Sounds quirky enough to fit NIntendo's M.O.
  2. Don't get me wrong; the 3DS is a great little handheld - IF the games are made specifically for it. Link Between Worlds (aka the latest Zelda game - not counting that awful Triforce Heroes monstrosity), and a ton of others (my daughter is playing the SHIT out of Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer) are some of the best games period, regardless of platform. However, the biggest limitation (which I had hoped they would finally address with the "new" 3DS was the poor screen resolution - instead, they kept the screen resolution to the paltry 800x240 (400px is for the 3D), which is shameful in this day and age, especially on the vertical. As a result, many games (even some specifically made for the platform) just look awful due to the jagged edges. Nintendo's next handheld (be it the NX or something else) really should have at least a 1080P screen - phones and most tablets that are sub 100$ have them; there's no reason for a 2016/2017 handheld not to have at least that. Alex Preston posted an update the other day on Kickstarter re: HLD, he had his heart valves replaced with artificial ones, and has been taking it easy for the last month. I'm betting the PC/Mac/Linux ports will ship in Spring on target, but the PS4/Wii U versions might not see release til Fall 2016. Geez, what a slacker
  3. I think he'll be a fine Doctor Strange - the only think they should have done was have him dye his hair and beard black, not brown. Honestly, I always thought Robert Downey Jr. would have been perfect to play Dr. Strange
  4. Funny how the mind automatically assumes it's a heart based on the font and arrangement...
  5. And apparently the Squarepusher track Mutilation Colony was made for Spectral Musicians, but when Tom pulled out, he released it on Do You Know Squarepusher ultimately.
  6. One quick google search got me to this (from 2002-ish), although I thought this was just Squarepusher and C. Cunningham? Was supposed to be Richard as well, the long-rumoured collab between the three. Also: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/49384-cunningham-new-short-spectral-musicians/ Apparently Squarepusher (and Richard) were supposed to the music, but then Cunningham ended up doing it himself.
  7. Those are amazing - I always have had a LEGO train fetish, and those tank cars are spot on! Also, with the Star Wars hype going around, I found this Millennium Falcon MOC to be the best I've ever seen: Millennium Falcon (Starwars VII) by marshal banana, on Flickr
  8. YOu will be disappointed at how bad it looks on the low-res 3DS. Playstation 2 version (I still keep a PS2 and DQ 8 for this reason) is still the best until they port it to PS4 (hopefully a uprezzed remake, and not simply a PS2 emulated version, although that would suffice).
  9. Yep that's a great tune, every time Rich brings his break in at 2:54 I get chills. Acid at the end is also real nice, that stereo trick really get's in your head haha. I suspect they did tons of collab stuff 98-01, Acid tracks, cough wheatpin_x cough, would make my year when/if the collab EP/Album is ever released. Yeah, too bad Spectral Musicians is left in limbo...
  10. I don't think BOC care, honestly - I really do think they make music for themselves first and foremost, and feel no need to share beyond their commercial releases.
  11. Eh, most shops are using Unreal 4 (even Square-Enix abandoned their own in-house engine for Unreal 4 for FF VII) - granted, the Fox Engine was really good (it couldn't save PES 16 though, LOL), but I think Kojima won't let technology limit his vision. I really don't see Nintendo bringing this stateside - we recently played through the fan translation, and not only is it a LONG game, but the sheer amount of text the Mother/Earthbound games have make it an expensive proposition. I wonder if they can offer the team who did the fan translation credit in the game and use that? It was really well done from what I could tell.
  12. It would be odd for only AE to set up one of these stores, eh?
  13. Zero Divide on the PS1 is better (and more vaporwave if I must say): Watch for the Aphex Twin reference (Xtal)!
  14. If any US folks were curious about the size, it's roughly a 16"x24" poster.
  15. They said the game would also come out for PC. interesting (but not surprising) that that is glossed over in all the headlines (that it's also coming out on pc). gotta get those clicks somehow i guess. if the steam leak/street fighter v is any indication, it looks like sony is poised to make a big push into the pc space. Steam leak? What leak?
  16. It's not that bad, but basically an outtake of the album artwork:
  17. Well, you've gone and done it, StephenG: *imaginary Skype convo with Richard* Me: Hey, Richard - how's the SAW II Remaster with bonus tracks, etc. coming? Richard: Soz, mate - that bloke StephenG scuppered me plans by saying he wouldn't buy it if it was just a reissue. No point now, innit? Me: Well, I'm sure once he saw and hear- Richard: Nah, already burned the DATs and had the cats bury them in the litter pan. Poured orange juice on it as well. Citric Acid, eh? har har har Me: Um, so you're really not going to release it now? Richard: Nah, been talking to that Elon Musk bloke about not releasing Melodies From Mars unless he can send the first pressing in one of his rockets there first.
  18. What's your Wii U username? Hmmm. Should I add the Wii U username to the custom fields on the user profiles?
  19. Of course it would be awesome, yet the fact that SAW2 tracks only ever had fan-given names is part of the magic surrounding the album in my humble opinion. I like when artists take time to explain how a mythic album was produced but in this very particular case it just wouldn't fit. Blue Calx had an offical name You're right. I always thought the "Calx" tracks were special to Richard and he wanted us to focus on that particular track. Wouldn't have been the same if all tracks were given a name ! (Just arguing for the pleasure of arguing !) Yes, nobody's disputing that - my point is, the rest of the tracks were left nameless and instead represented by pictures, the size of which correlated to their % of the overall running time of the album. I'm not sure if the BLUE CALX image fit that, but I would suspect so. I also think these tracks all had names when Richard made them, and the names were dropped for the album concept. Now, he's revealed they actually did have names, and if a reissue is planned, perhaps these names will be on the release...
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