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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I like Tekken as well... was big into Tekken 6 for a while, but fell out of favour once Super/Ultra Street Fighter IV came around...
  2. XBOX died in Japan due to there being no games that appealed to Japanese gamers - all the titles being developed in Japan were PS1/PS2/PS3 because Microsoft had zero interest in promoting the console or courting Japanese devs for it. Cave did take to it though, as some of the best shumps that are mostly Japan only are strangely on the 360...
  3. Good question. Japanese games has always been console games and they basically dominated that market in the 90s and early 00s. When developers found out how to make fairly decent controls for shooters on consoles everything shifted and the PC shooters were now part of the console experience ehich then slowly pushed the Japanese games over the edge. And instead of looking at the market and then at themselves Japanese developers kept on doing what they'd been doing for so many years. And look where they are now. ...at least that's my theory. I think they've moved beyond that, finally - look at Dark Souls for instance - it takes the best of Western Action RPGs/MMORPGs and has a uniquely Japanese take on them.
  4. If you want to play a brutal, weird version of Tetris, try the Sega Mega Drive version (it's also one of the most rarest Mega Drive games as it was pulled from production and only a few exist):
  5. How are you supposed to have horror immersion with a giant glowing Wii U controller blinking on the screen? Any unsettling art direction is immediately undone by that UI. [edit] referring to the bit around 18:40 i'm guessing the giant glowing Wii U controlling blinking on the screen means to look away from the TV screen and divert your eyes to the gamepad screen, which would have different footage and no blinking gamepad icon and has to be used as a motion controller for that scene. doesn't strike me as the worst thing ever. The game is getting criticism due to abundant fanservice...
  6. Can we add a 'thou shalt not hype unnecessarily' to the rules? I feel it's implied anyway but still... hehe. Too bad he also mentioned that there's a chance it won't be a thing, whatever it is. A few emails the other day bolstered my resolve that this will most likely happen, so stay tuned! Still in the planning stages, so sorry I can't share anything at the moment. Hopefully I'll have something to say by Monday - who knows though.
  7. If you cannot wait, there's the first half hour on YouTube:
  8. What I'm talking about has nothing to do with that interview...
  9. Cunningham said he's done doing music videos tho Not to derail the thread, but what has Cunningham done recently? Anything?
  10. No, trust me - this will be very exciting - when (if) this comes to fruition, it will blow peoples' minds - it blew mine! FUCKING LOL!
  11. Trust me, I am incredibly excited by the prospect of this, and cannot wait to share more about it (hopefully I haven't gotten my own hopes [and by extension all of yours] up and this ends up not materializing)! This has the prospect of being bigger than the Kickstarter - and I think that's enough said for now... don't want to jinx this...
  12. Would be awesome... but can the server space this is hosted on handle such a thing? Would be FLOODED. Watmm crashed twice during the announcement of Syro and the release of Minipops, and that was just with 700 users being logged in, not to mention the lurkers OK, just so nobody wastes their time... Probably no announcement today - still in the works, no idea when things will be in a state to make any sort of announcement, etc. It is NOT MFM - not even any new music - SYRO just came out! An AMA would be nice, but not sure if Richard would be up for it or not - time will tell. But it's not an AMA, either. We are planning a server upgrade to handle the increased load with these kinds of announcement - wanted to have it in place for SYRO's debut but things didn't work out, so we will hopefully have that in place before this announcement drops.
  13. eznzea is on the way. Actually, something even more exciting... stay tuned.
  14. Oh? Apparently, you're right - the DLC is delivered via the most recent patches (the last one was 600MB on PS3), because even if you don't have the DLC yourself, you can encounter other players using weapons/armour from the DLC. I stand corrected!
  15. Or, it could be, you know, he just doesn't like these particular tracks?
  16. I think it's time for a general reminder that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and you can disagree with others, but please do it in a respectful and thoughtful manner - no need to make disparaging remarks or insult someone for having a differing opinion on probably the most subjective thing ever - music! Time to get some super-strong cotton swabs!
  17. on that note, as "Radiator" from SAWII was later released on 26 mixes with beats and called "original mix" did maybe more of SAWII originally get created with full on beats, that he stripped away for the Ambientness... is there perhaps a "Not so Ambient works II" somewhere in Richard's files? If you look through his catalogue of released material, he's had "mixes" or "edits" or "remixes" of tracks since the beginning. The MFM leak and the unreleased track tape (aka the "Joyrex" tape, urgh) have similar versions of released tracks, so I reckon he keeps track of his variations by calling them as such.
  18. Equipment Lists Are Interesting...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. geosmina



    3. Brisbot


      So I did some math. New Aphex Album September 25th... 2055. Well isn't that useless. :*-(

    4. delet...


      If you'd done some maths you might have gotten a more satisfying result. (well if stephen is taking the piss out of ppl in here why can't i, nyaaa).

  19. wow that's a last minute delay. still haven't touched Dark Souls 2. was originally waiting for next gen but starting to think that might not happen. will wait for a game of the year edition or something that collects everything in one package :) Oh, you KNOW after Bloodborne comes out, there will be a Dark Souls II Complete Edition for PS4/XBONE that has all the DLC rolled into it (well, technically it's already there - all the Dark Souls II DLC is on-disc, and you pay for unlock codes). Which makes this delay very odd - if it's already on the disc, then they must have found a serious bug they missed when developing the game, and testing. That, or they just want to drag out the time between DLC packs a bit more to see if anyone else will pony up for DLC I & II who haven't already. No, the release date is "when Nintendo sues the living crap out of them" They've been given permission to make it. Yeah, just like Konami gave those fans permission to remake Metal Gear Solid, only to later change their minds... I bet this happens with this as well.
  20. No, the release date is "when Nintendo sues the living crap out of them"
  21. It was 528USD WARP paid for the downloads (33 copies) - Richard mentioned in an interview he didn't realise that was included in the artwork and wasn't sure if that should be in there (considering it had nothing to do with SYRO).
  22. Yeah this confused me too, not sure whether the tracks are supposed to include the BPM's or not, and if then where they should be in the title. RDJ probably doesn't even know. I have everything titled the way it's on the packaging, ignoring the BPM because of where it's positioned on the artwork (same reasoning as why you wouldn't put a track duration in the title tag). So I used parentheses and left the letter case completely intact (using the Discogs guidelines just looks wrong here IMO). This tagging method satisfies me even though it doesn't follow my usual system, it just feels right. That's what I would go for too, makes more sense and looks better. Although, if the Bleep tagging was done exactely as The Man intended, I would tend to go for that. But we'll probably never find out. Unless Joyrex sends a mail to him of course. I'm sure he won't mind being bothered by trivial pedantic matters such as this. *stares wide-eyed at Joyrex* Well, I can tell you from experience with the Caustic Window LP, the way Richard labels his tracks are important (he made a point of saying the track titles are not to be changed in any way when I sent out the download vouchers) - I would leave in the bpm, and use square brackets.
  23. Its a good read actually. I agree with a lot of your points but still overall really enjoy the album.. (like the lack of repetition in the melodies, It does keep me coming back for more for example and I think he does it well) The only part I take issue with is the bit about obsessed forum people posting in their underwear in their rented apartments (oh my! low blow!). I'm usually fully nude and I own my place. In fact, I make sure to strip bare before posting anything here. I thought it was a good review opinion piece as well (I'll reserve my own opinions on SYRO), and I agree that there was no reason to take as many pot-shots at fans - there are plenty of fans who are die-hard Aphex Twin fans who don't fit the description, let alone behaviour patterns inferred in the opinion piece. Yes, opinion piece - it's more your opinion of what SYRO and Richard's music has become versus the actual songs on the album.
  24. Nice! アフェックス・トウィン (in Katakana) - æfeks twɪn Although they appear to have written SYRO differently: シロー (in Katakana) - sɪrəʊ - on the package they use the "サ" character instead of "シ", and don't end it with "ー"
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