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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Let me change it to Inter and see if that improves things... Yeah - a lot of the contrast the theme originally had didn't carry over (despite the upgrade scripts saying otherwise) - I'll be restoring stuff like that hopefully today and in the next few days. I will check on this - probably a default setting they changed. You can also look under your users settings to see if possibly it now defaults to no and you can change it. I probably do - I know I have a CDR of emails from around early 2000 (!), and I have an old 40GB Buslink HDD that had old site stuff... That's a low blow man - that is clearly more than 240px of space wasted I now know where the settings that control this new 'feature' are, and I am seeing if we can have a compromise (like collapsed by default, or better a user choice). I will likely turn it off as I agree it cramps the layout too much. Also, it is not a design choice I am making - this is the forum software's latest version that introduced this new info panel for threads. That is due to the theme not translating over correctly - I will be adjusting this to get it back to what we were accustomed to.
  2. Hmmm. I'll have to test - are you saying it didn't do that prior to today's update?
  3. I don't believe the quote system has changed at all - are you talking about just using the quote or multiquote button, or where you highlight text and then choose quote?
  4. Yeah - what it did was toggle to another theme (the WATMM After Dark theme), which is kinda lame IMO. The theme developer offers a "pro" version that include light and dark versions; I may upgrade us to that. For now, I've removed the dark/light toggle to avoid confusion. I'm looking into this - I at least want to minimize it in some way. It only appears on threads with more than one page we've found though. The colors are sort of based on a very old WATMM theme we had, so your brain is right! I changed it from Inter to Open Sans, which is what it original was - Inter is the new default font on this forum software. I'll be working on the contrast (a lot got lost on the conversion; the pre-update report only indicated a few minor changes, which was obviously total ca ca.
  5. I think that's what triggers this new 'feature' - haven't found a way to toggle it yet...
  6. They have made changes to the default font sizes, etc - I agree it is a bit large. Let me see if I can match what the pre-upgrade size was...
  7. I've sorted out the major issues with WATMM Classic (that I have found) so far, and I have turned the theme back on - if you preferred the dark theme or wish to try out the other themes, there is a link at the bottom of every page to do so. I'll be making tweaks to WATMM Classic to improve it and get it back to where it was prior to the upgrade, so stay tuned!
  8. To be fair, it isn't a new theme per se - we've had it for some time. Most people's avatars work better as squares since that's what we've always had. This forum software's default is rounded.
  9. Yeah, I just noticed this too - it shouldn't be switching themes... still stuff to iron out!
  10. You can change themes at the bottom of the screen
  11. You can switch themes at the bottom of the page, and Tomorrow's Harvest now has a light/dark toggle. I may turn on the IPS default theme (which is REALLY bright), but hopefully I can get WATMM Classic's colours restored (it's not BAD, but it's a bit flatter than before). That's a good point and I am starting to think that as well - there might be a toggle for this, and I know on smaller screens that should collapse responsively.
  12. Yeah, some themes will work better than others - I hope to have WATMM Classic sorted out sometime this week...
  13. Yeah, they lied a bit about the theme differences being 'minor' - for now, Choose Tomorrow's Harvest until I sort out the WATMM Classic theme.
  14. Nah, SEGA doesn't have the modern cache it once had sadly... beyond Sonic I bet most 20 somethings would struggle to name a classic SEGA game from history...
  15. Yeah, a lot of these games started out on PC and generally are preferred on PC, so I think really it's more about Game Pass (they are looking at what Epic and EA are doing) and less about consoles. I wonder if the Series S/X will be their last or next to last as they transition to more of a game service, which seems to be what the long-term goal is. Microsoft's big mistake (I think) early on was not courting Japanese developers more - had they been more successful in Japan, there might be more must-have games on XBOX that would appeal to the Playstation crowd and pull them towards XBOX. Before the Switch saved Nintendo, I really thought that was going to happen - Nintendo become a game service and have their IP on both Sony and Microsoft hardware. Yeah, and they've already said they will consider releases on other consoles on a "case by case basis"
  16. I think it got cancelled due to the costs of production, and probably didn't perform up to Netflix's expectations. Still working my way through The Office (Season 4) and watched the first episode of Raised by Wolves. Ridley loves his androids, eh?
  17. Weirdly enough, the Demon's Souls remaster is the main reason I'm getting a PS5 and honestly the only game besides RE8 "VIIage" that I'm remotely interested in playing. RE: Microsoft and Bethesda - I think they might leverage this to boost Game Pass - that, or they think the only way to combat Sony and Nintendo exclusives is start building a library of their own AAA studios that produce games people will defect to a console for. That being said, there's nothing in the acquisition for me that would make me get an XBOX.
  18. Latest Hubble images of Jupiter and Europa: https://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic2017/
  19. PS5 out November 12 for 399 USD (digital-only), and 499 USD for the UHD BD version And Final Fantasy 16 will be a PS5/PC exclusive
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