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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Okay; so it looks like your issues are primarily on mobile - I agree the editor could be pared down (I can remove buttons at certain viewport sizes), and the whole "hit enter to post" thing has been confusing (there is a setting for it). As for going straight into CHATMM since there's only one room - I'll have to see if there is a way around this (maybe make the CHATMM link on the menu go straight into the room if possible). Thanks for the valuable feedback!
  2. No, I'm being too harsh - Death Stranding has a lot of depth, but there are times (since the primary job of the character you play is to deliver stuff) where all the fetch quests just feel a bit tedious. Some people might enjoy that though, just roaming the environments, enjoying the beauty and the terror that lurks everywhere...
  3. Could you er, expand on that? Should have plenty of space to type depending on your device screen size... Not sure what you mean - the whole point of this thread is because there aren't any users in CHATMM! IRC is for old nerds who won't let go of the past. IMO.
  4. Yes - I can hide that on mobile - and look! THere's people in CHATMM! I think I accidently turned on something in Tapatalk yesterday related to this - let me go turn it off.
  5. A whole page devoted to LEGO UX design: https://www.designedbycave.co.uk/2020/LEGO-Interface-UX/
  6. It's excellent - the game is developed by Spaniards, and they incorporate a lot of Catholic mythology/symbolism/iconography into the game, all done in a 16-bit pixel art style that is really well done IMO. Very challenging game, too. Stay away from Death Stranding then...
  7. Fans of the Metroidvania game Blasphemous have a free DLC and update to look forward to that adds New Game +, quality of life improvements, and more tomorrow, 4 August:
  8. Warner Bros. films are particularly egregious about this - if your streaming device/TV has a "reduce loud sounds" (the Apple TV does), turn that on for those programmes/films to reduce that effect.
  9. Sekiro is getting a free Boss Rush mode, along with new costumes and some Dark Souls-like messages feature... Animal Crossing summer update features dreaming (welcome back Luna), fireworks, and tripping (no drugs involved). Also the camera glitch is patched back in as a feature now, LOL. The Last of Us 2 is fucking LONG... just when you think you've reached the end...
  10. That's Harry Potter's owl; give it back!
  11. A Chrome extension? Which one?
  12. See, a FWP would be if you were waiting for the contractor you hired to show up to fix your fence and was late... Fixing your own fence is very second- or third-world...
  13. LOL, but just in case anyone doesn't know, that URL leads to a porn site (and not featuring any hamsters)
  14. Thanks to those who provided feedback - I'm starting to think CHATMM will be something used when there's an event (e.g., Autechre AAA) sort of like a convention hall in the real world, so maybe it being unused (but available) isn't a bad thing. Feature wise, it offers almost everything anybody can do in a normal post/thread (post images, rich content embeds, GIFs, etc. so it's not lacking in features. It even has the ability to have private chats with other members, create your own chatroom, etc.
  15. I still have/use it on my iPhone X
  16. So as many of you long-time members recall, we had a chat module on the site we called CHATMM that was built into the forums. It was heavily used until the forum software vendor retired it, and for a long time there wasn't any decent replacements. When Houston Day for Night happened, we started using Discord to keep in touch at the festival and later we implemented a WATMM Discord that really didn't take off as the integration with the forum wasn't good, and was problematic in validating users, etc. Once we upgraded the forum software, third-party vendors offered integrated chatroom addons which we have now, and the developer has steadily been improving things to the point now that the current chatroom is far superior in features and functionality than the original one ever was. Yet, nobody seems to use it - why? I'd like to get some real feedback about the reasons, and yes I know there's another Discord that a few WATMM users frequent - however, I don't manage or maintain that Discord, so as far as I am concerned it is not associated with WATMM, and would rather it not be since the behavior there is contrary to the rules and direction set out by WATMM that users here abide to.
  17. I'm using 14 beta, and honestly most of the new features are pretty unobtrusive (e.g., if you don't want to use them, they aren't in your face about it).
  18. Oh, really? I guess Richard telling me a few years ago he has far too many pieces of equipment and need to have an auction or something was just another one of his porky pies he's (in)famous for? He was going to coordinate a "giveaway" here on WATMM at one point to get rid of excess stuff by having interested parties write why they wanted gear and give it to the most deserving. Unfortunately that didn't happen, and I think this Cheetah equipment giveaway is Richard doing it himself finally, which is great! I would imagine someone with a love of gear like Richard (and the financial means) probably has a lot more than we would ever imagine... I think she too was giving him the hint to pare thing down...
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