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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Wait, what? I'm not depending on you at all... not sure what you mean? LOL @ "be a man" - I'm probably old enough to be your dad! Anyways, sorry you don't like change, and as I mentioned, I am looking to see if we can compromise and have the less-used buttons on a right-click contextual menu. There's one for this editor; I just need to find out if it is compatible or not. I did enable that feature so people who want more of an app-like experience can do so if they wish - I personally just type in the address, but I'm old like that
  2. Works and looks fine for me in mobile Chrome:
  3. With your attitude, I really don't care at this point
  4. Massive Red Herring should be an album/track title
  5. Well, fuck you - apparently you have no issues formatting your posts without the editor features. Problem solved!
  6. I didn't remove it because of @diatoms, but I knew he'd be understandably upset at the decision. My main focus was how crowded and unnecessary the editor toolbar buttons were, so I decided to take a hard look at them and ask "do we really need x button?" And for the record, I didn't think there would be any objection to removal of buttons likely 90% of the forum doesn't use - had I suspected there would be vocal outcry over left right and centre justification being pried out of the hands of the masses, I'd had put it to a vote or at least a questionnaire. Again, it's not my personal preference - just a realization that a button or feature a select few actually use from time to time is not longer needed should be removed to provide a simpler and cleaner UI for the editor. If there's a compromising solution (e.g., put other editor functions on a right-click menu) and I can incorporate that, I will certainly do so because that's the best scenario in my opinion - keep the most-used items at the fore, and the other things close at hand but not at the expense of ease of use.
  7. Granted, underline and strikethrough (not to mention superscript and subscript) aren't widely used, but clear formatting is handy if you're copying content or need to remove the formatting from already-formatted stuff LOL, I knew you'd complain - but honestly, centering your posts is just annoying to read. I get it - it's a schtick. Thing is, I don't think anyone else finds it funny/endearing. Well, according to you... The mobile toolbar never had them to begin with (again, who is formatting their posts to that degree?) The whole point of removing them was to make the overall editor toolbar cleaner and more purpose-driven since the overwhelming majority of posts are just typed in, nothing more. If we were running a site where we needed formatting for listings, or reviews, then I could see some other controls being needed. As it stands, I think the reduction in buttons makes things easier and cleaner to use. Compare the editors on other sites like Reddit or elsewhere and compare - you'll find ours is still more feature-packed than most!
  8. Ruh Roh - Joe Ruby, co-creator of Scooby Doo, passed away aged 87.
  9. Removed since hardly anyone uses them - makes the editor toolbar more compact and focused.
  10. I mean, think about it - if Rub and Sear were done with them in March/April, surely mastering, artwork, putting together a promotional package/plan shouldn't take 4+ months, unless you subscribe to the idea that due to COVID-19, it's taking longer than usual to do these things and a release is planned in November/December. That, or the releases have been shelved until things get better economically where Ran and Surf can support the release with some live shows, etc.
  11. Well, Coronavirus had other plans apparently! Still plenty of time though for a November/December release, but I think early 2021 is more likely.
  12. I don't think the aliens are evolved humans; I think we're livestock/animals to them, and they are treating us the same way we observe apes and other animals in their habitats (tagging, selective culling, breeding experiments)
  13. I'm thinking February 2021... One album titled just "a" and the other "e"
  14. Boards of Canada Peel Session 21 July 1998 full interview.mp3 You mean like that?
  15. That's what I did - no mercy! After the wall, he ended up on the rooftops, and then headed to the church. 9999 is nothing - ended the game with 40K and change (and that was after I made my generous donation to the church (they got the Catholicism angle down pat with this game, LOL))
  16. Sounds like the president of Brazil or an italian lunchmeat
  17. Probably why they live on expansive property in the Scottish countryside, to keep said weirdos at bay...
  18. Yeah, I know how to do it - I hadn't done it yet due to the requirements - so using the Altars is allowed (because using the portals is not from what I read). Cleofas ended up being in the Archcathedral Rooftops - I spoke to him and then he went back to the Church, where I got the Prayer. Your synergy with the ink and prayer is super powerful - made the last boss fight a sinch (not that he was that difficult to begin with; just annoying with the platforms). Got the second ending, so I am going to try to get the first on the NG+ run though. I beat it last night, but I made the mistake of starting New Game + before finding the last bone to complete the Ossuary. Now I'm having to literally start over (chose the penitence that gives you life orbs instead of a life bar). Had the map and game at 99% before I started NG+ without thinking. Ah well - worth playing through again.
  19. Wow, you know your stuff! (agreed on the second movement power-up - I had to end up looking it up because I knew there was something that allowed me to move/jump normally when in mud/water. Did you do the Chalice challenge? That's what I am going to start working on. Also, the priest hasn't show up (yet) at the church - he didn't kill himself, and I spoke with him and gave him the rope/knot item and the last thing he said was he had to pray (which I took he should go to the church next) - I've gone there plus where he was last and he hasn't show up yet - any ideas? Did it work for you?
  20. Yeah, he had a track on Touched 2 and the Remixes as well, but that was 2015. He did some live stuff with Plaid and others in 2018 at the 23rpm Festival.
  21. What if we're the aliens (as in we are not native to Earth)?
  22. Not heard anything from him in some time... Can't recall his Twitter account, but SoundCloud hasn't had anything new since Curio Vol. 3 in 2014.
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