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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. 150 quid for a fucking Hisense 43" telly? That's not funny at all!
  2. Yeah, for it's time it was. Especially compared to the Super Grafx port ? - BUT, the music on that is the best out of any Strider release (including the Arcade)
  3. For example, I used to buy video games from Japan back in the 90's (yeah, I'm old) and we easily paid 10-20% more for an import than any US equivalent game (Strider on the Genesis/Mega Drive was sooo worth it though).
  4. Yeah, until the exchange rate (inevitably) shifts the other way... plus, just because the JPN exchange rate you're seeing right now doesn't compare to what it's being sold at retail in Japanese stores...
  5. I guess I should have added "historically", since exchange rates fluctuate all the time (and probably back when this was instituted, the JPN exchange rate wasn't as favourable...
  6. Sven and Rum don't jerk their fans around - they deliver!
  7. Yeah... you wondered why you posted it - so did I
  8. No; more a case of the Japanese need an incentive to buy the higher-priced domestic version versus the cheaper import!
  9. Great album art - can't wait to hear what's changed from the test pressing... ...that I never got. Thanks WERP!
  10. There might be an addon for this, so let me see
  11. Click the magnifying glass for advanced search options: Uh, did you click the hamburger menu on mobile (the three horizontal bars)? From there choose Browse, and then your subforum of choice. It's available anywhere you are in the site on mobile.
  12. Apparently that's how the add to homescreen feature works if the site has a manifest file configured. I'll turn it off (since I can't imagine too many people using it in this way anyway) and let's see if that resolves the issue. Okay, done - give it a try now
  13. Okay, I think I narrowed it down to when I configured the manifest file for the site (contains information about the site, etc. and allows for adding to the homescreen, etc.). There is no 'app mode' anymore (I have it set to use the default browser) with no changes to how it works, etc. I did find this (it appears that you can edit the URL before you make the homescreen shortcut): https://www.wikihow.com/Set-a-Bookmark-Shortcut-in-Your-Home-Screen-on-Android
  14. I think 'app mode' forces it to be just the main URL, nothing more - can you edit the bookmarks after the fact and change the URL so they work, or does Android not allow you to edit bookmarks (I know in iOS you cannot)?
  15. Great track - did you do the visuals as well, or did you collaborate with someone?
  16. I'll look into it - can't understand why your bookmarks all redirect - have you tried recreating the bookmarks to see if that is the issue? Let me know if that does or does not solve the issue. I can't test on my end since I don't have an Android *spits* device to test on...
  17. Where? I didn't turn anything on... Maybe it was just a graphic in a post rather than a feature on the forum? You can only like posts via Reactions AFAIK
  18. That's odd. I changed the interface to be "browser" (it was "minimal" before) - any improvement? RE: Safari icon - that was for desktop Safari, not iOS. But, the iOS/Android icon is black too...
  19. Well, for starters, I can only add to homescreen via Safari, and the icon is black on black (fail). Additionally, I don't know if it's IOS14 beta or what, but when I bring up the keyboard to type, it's not there (I have seen this before with iMessages so maybe it is iOS14 bug). The other thing I notice is the annoying Tapatalk app suggestion thing at the top and bottom... So, I think maybe turn this feature off (or at least fix the icon; can't believe Safari wanted me to use a black icon, then makes the background black too!
  20. Are you on Android or iOS? I can't see why this would make WATMM slower - from what I understand, it just forces Chrome into an 'app' like mode that simplifies the UI a bit, etc. Are you sure it's not just your connection? Try typing in the URL in the browser and give it a shot (I will test too on my end).
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