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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Here's WATMM as a ship: https://ship.shapewright.com/?name=WATMM Bit of a chonker, eh?
  2. I've heard there are issues with IG and this version of the forum (we updated a few days ago) - I am sure they'll get sorted out by the vendor.
  3. I'm old! Leave me alone! And get on my virtual lawn!
  4. D'oh... I just realized I am confusing this with Hello Everything. Damn Tom and his silly album names!
  5. I'm confused (and can't be arsed to read the thread) - was there a 2020 reissue of this album?
  6. The Guardian has an article on OpenAI's latest accomplishment - getting Frank Sinatra to sing a song he never sang:
  7. If you had told 90's me (when Pixar was just coming along) that Trent Reznor would be doing a movie soundtrack for one of their films, I would have laughed in your face...
  8. There's your answer - I get the same weirdness too with my work VPN (although it eventually resolves and renders the tweet in my case)
  9. They do - I'm talking about redistricting, which draws the boundaries for republican and democratic districts and both parties go to enormous lengths when doing so to ensure the other side (and the people in those districts) are disenfranchised as possible.
  10. Ohio is the stalwart of that tradition... no president who has one the election (for a very long time) has ever won without also winning Ohio. Saw this rather poignant and relevant article posted online:
  11. Not likely - next year is a congressional redistricting session where the Republican-controlled legislature will redraw districts in their favor for future assurance of dominance. This was the democrat's best chance in 20 years to flip Texas, and it failed. Probably will be at least 20-30 more years before the chance happens again unless there is some huge upheaval politically to affect the status quo.
  12. Working on a new feature to spur more involvement...
  13. Joyrex

    SIGN or PLUS?

    Well, lel
  14. Joyrex

    SIGN or PLUS?

    What if they came out with MINUS, a collection of outtakes and remixes of PLUS and SIGN...
  15. Another correct answer (and possibly a bit more appropriate) are Mike and Marcus
  16. Thanks for the explanation - one more question though - which of these four are Sean and Rob? I thought AE was just the two of them; who are these other guys...?
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