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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. It's just that... theory - aka humans seeing patterns in things that don't exist
  2. Hmmm... only a week off - I guess dates change...
  3. I found a little man in a boat... does that count?
  4. True, very true. But real talk - I would take an utterly corrupt Biden over another four years of Trump
  5. Hmmm. Interesting. Would you agree that perhaps he (and the committee members picked) were all misled by incorrect intelligence on Iraq, possibly created by Bush and other interested parties with the goal of invading iraq to gain control of oil reserves and pipelines? I think it's safe to say a lot of senators probably in hindsight regret voting for war in Iraq, unless of course their own interests aligned with those wanting war for the reasons I stated above. I can tell you that we've heard ZERO about this in the US media this election cycle so far, so good on the Guardian bringing it to light.
  6. Pray tell, which wars exactly did Biden have an "instrumental" hand in starting?
  7. And posting links to or the lists themselves would be fantastic and helpful, no?
  8. Scroll up a bit above the "Start New Topic" button - you should see a blue dropdown link that says "Showing topics from all forums" which will give you the Filter by Forum modal window.
  9. No; I see no reason for a Q & A forum at this time. If you want a feeling of less compartmentalization, you might try the "Fluid" forum view: You only select the forums/subforums you want info from and you get a singular Topics listing.
  10. If we had a Q&A forum it would log your questions you solved for others.
  11. I'd certainly get some competing quotes from other players in the industry... can't hurt to ask, right?
  12. That I cannot do anything about - that's the system default, and the app doesn't allow per-site customizations beyond a few menu items. Choices, folks!
  13. The forum software vendor has approved us for using their mobile app's beta program: https://testflight.apple.com/join/bzsWOXFO (Need to install TestFlight for iOS to install the forum app) https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.invisioncommunity.communities Keep in mind this is BETA, so any weirdness is to be expected. Might be a viable alternative to Tapatalk for those who want a true mobile app experience vs a mobile web experience. Let me know what you think and your experiences in this thread!
  14. Completing the Ossuary (I got the skin for it), but the trophy didn't unlock. I completed NG+ and all the DLC bosses (was pretty neat) - their name means "new dawn" or "rising dawn" in Spanish. RE: 3 hour trophy - well damn - that pretty much seals it for me bothering to do any of the other trophies then...
  15. The best part of that is watching someone open the tin to only find the paper cups and nothing more
  16. I'm just surprised he hasn't released any tracks or albums named "Bisky Rusiness" or "Gop Tun"
  17. Finally finished Blasphemous NG+... bit annoyed that some of the achievements I should have gotten trophies for didn't unlock and I'm not sure I want to go for the trophy of defeating all bosses without bile flask use...
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