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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. Is it possible you hit the multi quote button in the thread and never actually posted with the quote, and then went to another thread, and the quote appeared there? What browser/OS?
  2. Me too - I go through short bursts where I will play a few hours before going to bed, and then not touch a game for a week or longer.
  3. I'm at the the point where you meet Joel's brother (in the Fall) and Ellie runs off and there are bandits attacking the power station and the house she runs off to in the woods. Really enjoying the HDR lighting and 4K visuals on PS4 Pro.
  4. I think Richard's wife is making him get rid of excess equipment
  5. I liked quite a few episodes from season 2 - sure, none of them were perfect, but neither was the original series...
  6. Hard to say - whenever I find free time, something invariably comes up to fill that void! I hope so. Maybe I just should just push forward and make it happen!
  7. I honestly don't have the time right now to manage something like this... I'd love to do it, but despite working from home and no more commute, I'm busier than ever! If I do get a window of opportunity though, I will go forward with it!
  8. No, but you can choose to not read things you're not interested in
  9. About 40% of the way through The Last of Us Remastered; determined to finally play this through so I can play the sequel.
  10. Charlie Daniels (of The Charlie Daniels Band fame) dead of a stroke at 83: https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/music/2020/07/06/charlie-daniels-country-music-dies/5384087002/
  11. I looked into this... there is an addon for the forum, but the developer charges 30USD for it, and 9USD every 6 months for renewals. I'll have to look at the forum budget to see if we can sustain adding it.
  12. A lot of people lurk... and right now things are quiet music-wise, no? I can tell you over the past 20 years, it's consistently been like this. What do you think would increase people posting (and is quantity over quality what we want), or more members to join? Do we really want that?
  13. Revival of Unsolved Mysteries on Netflix. Three episodes in so far, and they've captured what made the original series so great. Glad they decided not to have a narrator/host as in the original with the late Robert Stack or the revival with Dennis Ferreira.
  14. Well, considering it's a Sandison family vacation photo from Banff in the 70's...
  15. Since you are around my age, surely you recall that for a brief period in the early 80's (80-83') there was a period where the design and aesthetics of the 70's was starting to fade, juuuust before MTV, neon, grids, teal, and pink dominated the popular media landscape. THAT is what I think BOC try to evoke with their sounds and visuals, which was more reflective of their early 80's experience than say yours or probably mine.
  16. As I said, more of their stuff tracks to the 80's than 70's - not all of it, but the majority of it. Take a look at the dates of the source material for stuff from Geogaddi onward, and you'll find a lot of it is very late 70's (1979ish) to early 80's. I'll agree that MHTRTC and some of the Old Tunes stuff source material/inspiration is more 70's than 80's, however. Agreed also on TH being a homage to John Carpenter soundtracks of the early 80's.
  17. Yep, just like Melodies from Mars, Spectral Musicians, etc. etc. etc.
  18. You'll find more of BOC's stuff tracks to the early 80's than the late 70's... after all, keep in mind how old Mike and Marcus are (my age range). Now, the material's age might be from the late 70's since stuff was reused quite a bit back in those days, but they would have been transferred to shitty VHS with the tracking needing serious adjustment. And RE: Summer - some schools do year-round schooling
  19. In The Last of Us II you can strum Ellie's guitar (that's not an euphemism) and play actual songs:
  20. Sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I am more "in the know" on this than what I stated - I never had heard of this proposed release until recently, and there is very little online to go on. I'll reach out to my WARP contact and see what they say.
  21. This came to me totally out of nowhere (someone emailed me via the Contact Us link for the forum), and while I would love to do this, here (as I see them) are the stark reality bits we need to address: Tom is notoriously private/aloof (from what I have observed) when it comes to fans/interacting with them - I'm sure WATMM is not a place he visits (or ever has) and has zero to little interest in associating with (not a slight on us personally; I think he like Richard and the rest of these artists (Autechre being the exception) prefer to keep a distance between their art and the people who obsess over it. Tom would ultimately have to sign off on this (and possibly Richard) if anything contractual exists since this was supposed to come out on MEN Records. Highly unlikely as it is, Tom may have plans for this we're not aware of (digital release via Bleepstore, physical release, etc.) Tom himself may not want these tracks released, for reasons that are his own - and as an artist, we must respect his wishes. That's not to say he wouldn't change his mind, if the circumstances were agreeable to him. I'm not sure there would be a charity aspect to this project (unless that was a condition Tom wanted); may make this appear to be a cash grab. Depending on factors we are not aware of (which kind of goes back to the second bulleted item), Tom may not be able to release these tracks in this manner, even if he wanted to. Besides all this, getting into contact with Tom would be the first major challenge - I could ask my contact at WARP if they'd pass along the proposal, or put something on Twitter to see if there is any reaction from whomever runs the @Squarepusher account. He may just ignore all of this, and this goes no further than the years of pleas to release the Rome track, etc. I welcome any feedback and ideas about how to accomplish or overcome some of the issues listed above, and any other factors that you may think important to consider.
  22. You mean threads where you "won the day" or something like that? I don't think so...
  23. This right here ladies and gentlemen, is WATMM royalty - he's literally been here since the beginning, and you'd never find a better person to converse with and share interest in great music! You'd better beat that cancer, man - we can't live without you! Good to have you back in the fold!
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