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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. So recently I got a request from a user if there is a possibility to do a Kickstarter similar to the Caustic Window LP we did back in 2014 for Tom's "Methyl Orange" LP, a 2x12" whitelabel apparently only given to Richard, Chris Jeffs, GWC, and potentially a few other mates. Was destined for MEN Records (a Rephlex sublabel) back in 2003 but never saw the light of day. Wait - what? "Methyl Orange LP"? I'd never heard of it until now... So, a bit of Googling (you get a lot of science-y stuff if you just Google "Methyl Orange"), and I did find where I am assuming Tom played these tracks live for WARP20 and keyfumbler posted it to Mixcloud: A comment on the Mixcloud page seems to indicate this set contains tracks from that LP, and Richard has played some in recent live sets: Anyone have more info? I would like to know a bit more, and the possibility of a Kickstarter is highly unlikely, but I'd like to know more.
  2. Agreed on the Sony PS5 reveal - sure, the games all looked pretty, but where's the innovation? And the stream was only 1080P/30, which made most of the native 4K games (aka most of them) look no better than PS4/Pro games. I'm not sure how I feel about the PS5 itself design-wise; all the criticisms are valid, but honestly mine will be inside an entertainment centre so other than some blue glow, I will hardly be looking at it. Now, if it is awkward to fit into said entertainment centre... that's another story. It doesn't look like it can lay down 'flat'? I really wanted to hear (and see) more about the haptic feedback in the DualSense controller and the 3D audio capabilities other than just a mention.
  3. Sorry... finally got things sorted out thanks to @Centurix and @chaosmachine - needed to bring in folks who understand stuff far better than I when it comes to server stuff. Long story short - corrupted database table, database connection limits being hit, and 50 GB of log files that needed cleaning out. You know, normal stuff We should be good from here on out. Also, I removed the off-topic discussion - read the rules, etc. and PM me if you have any issues.
  4. Yeah, because the mobile search takes you to the search page, whereas the search box within a topic (on desktop) allows you to choose that option. Those kind of floaty dropdown menus don't work well on mobile. If you are using mobile Chrome, you can tap the dots in the lower right corner and choose "Find in page"
  5. ... whoops. Still - put it in a backpack or pocket!
  6. There was a rumour that SEGA was going to get back into the console business... I can't see them trying to compete with Sony and Microsoft and Nintendo at this point - while SEGA has many loved properties, nobody would flock to any new console just to play them. SEGA is better off being multiplatform (and I say this as a longtime SEGA fan).
  7. Blatant nostalgia cash grab by SEGA - who is actually going to play games on a 1.15" screen? Also, each color variant comes with unique games - again, cash grab.
  8. Then The Mandalorian (a few episodes were directed by Wikiki and he even did the voice of IG-11) is right up your alley - I love the fact that (so far) haven't mentioned The Force by name, Jedi, or shown a lightsaber (well, almost). It gets what Star Wars is about beyond the Skywalker story. Also, the tech they developed for it (watch the making-of series on Disney +, especially episode 4, "Technology") is amazing - it may revolutionize how TV and Films are made beyond all this green screen nonsense that was required up to this point.
  9. In other news, Taita Waikiki (director of Thor Ragnarok and Jojo Rabbit) will helm the next mainline Star Wars movie in 2022. I am hopeful.
  10. Sony to reveal PS5 gameplay on 4 June - unknown if they will finally show the console itself (their not revealing it this late is making me wonder if there is a reason why)... I like the Japanese version better, IMO.
  11. OMG you like Trent Reznor too?!?!
  12. I don't buy it was four hours long... Lucas is an efficient filmmaker, despite his dialogue skills (or lack thereof). These are just entitled fans thinking because the Snyder cut of Justice League is going to be released they can demand other movies cut footage be released (same case with Suicide Squad).
  13. Tetris Effect Soundtrack now available on Bandcamp: https://enhanceexperience.bandcamp.com/
  14. Yep; having support look into it...
  15. Started watching Mr. Robot - where has it been all my life... fucking great stuff. Just finished series 1, onto series 2.
  16. Does this mean Richard and Rob and Sean all get to be reassigned to some other genre, like folk or blues?
  17. Okay, working now and should be retroactive!
  18. Okay, let's see if this works now... nts preview.mp3
  19. I don't think you need it anymore - are you trying to post an MP3? Attach it to the post, and choose to include it and it should embed a player:nts preview.mp3 EDIT: Well, I guess not - I wonder why. I'll look into this!
  20. Those are certainly two of the most splatable condiments...
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