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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Status Replies posted by may be rude

  1. I really miss microlith my dudes

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      microlith is great

  2. What if soy milk is just regular milk introducing itself in Spanish?

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      You say "Hola, milk. ¿Cómo está?"

  3. All countries in Great Britain currently have a female leader

  4. institutionalised cruelty is one thing, but the twisted brainwrong of a one-off man-mental is quite another

  5. whats up with the stuff?

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      I have the stuff, but I don't have it right here with me now. I got it close by.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  6. Stoner Witch > Houdini

  7. "Some ancient astronaut theorists believe..." Take that to the bank.

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      "everyone knows" ancient astronaut theorists are not to be taken seriously

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Some aging white guy was popping off at the mall at this little Mexican kid and yelling at him for running in the mall. He actually said 'you kids are ruining this country'. I walked up, tapped the guy on the shoulder, got in a bro stance and said 'You gonna make it great again? You're gonna make America great again, huh?' -- The whole situation stopped completely, the kid ran away and the aging white man looked at me with his mouth open then walked away really quickly. I...

  9. Some aging white guy was popping off at the mall at this little Mexican kid and yelling at him for running in the mall. He actually said 'you kids are ruining this country'. I walked up, tapped the guy on the shoulder, got in a bro stance and said 'You gonna make it great again? You're gonna make America great again, huh?' -- The whole situation stopped completely, the kid ran away and the aging white man looked at me with his mouth open then walked away really quickly. I...

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      Breaking through the glass roof, cyborg samurai repelled down with terrifying speed.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. That moment when you realise Fantomas is basically a Ruins cover band

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      wrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh-tidi-gn, poof

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  11. Strawberries are probably the most superior berry... maybe a good, ripe blackberry would be #2. Fuck blueberries. Raspberries are alright. Strawberries are at the top of their game.

  12. I gots dizzle on da hizzle

  13. I gots dizzle on da hizzle

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      Got a weasel it's a teazel mah pleazel mah pleazel got a weasel

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  14. it's been real...see u in 2040

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      whats sheathe's soundcloud? dude makes good music

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. My name's Bech, the bearer of bad news / your feet stink, and it ain't cuz of ur shoes

  16. Vague New Year's Resolution to Read New Scientist Weekly: Going Good

    1. may be rude

      may be rude

      nice, forgot about that one. science daily is good and phys.org is too

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. keep having dreams where I'm in a particular part of my town running from the cops and i always get caught, but this time i broke free literally jumping across a high school, landing on top where the environment suddenly morphed into an african church. I'm only typing this out so i can remember

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