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chronical last won the day on July 27 2023

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  1. yeah like the fascist nazi notions aren't enough right? Granted I added that as a little discussion wasabi but I personally like my presidents of America to not be buddies with Jeffrey Epstein
  2. We really are at the point where most of the internet would rather be a constant emotional reaction rather than a place of understanding and reason, like not letting a child rapist pussy grabbing fascho sexist be the president again.
  3. space opera with instruments pls. psychedelic funkey monkey music
  4. Does everything have to be a conspiracy? Sounds like he just used this to his advantage, but who knows really, the powers that be are creepy as fuck.
  5. Difhifadafi H Mix is Cylob and AFX not Wagon Christ (Luke Vibert), don't think we've heard that
  6. I hope you know the Myers-Briggs test is pseudoscience at this point My INFP-T ass wishes you two all the best
  7. war of the mystics or: why your aunt buying a copper pyramid is not a shaman
  8. That part sounds wild. It's always fascinated me why people like Trump even do this. I guess they really get off mentally from a powertrip like this
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