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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. right after trump was suspended from youtube for 7 days, his acting AG put up a video that's actually good new member, part of qanon caucus:
  2. the old world is swirling down the toilet and we just need to hurry up and build the new world. i'm talking about people, it's built of people. the more solid people we get engaged and participating, the more we can ignore the nutters, and the more consensus is on the side of sanity. when they are relegated to being ignored, they will remember that they're nuts. they've known all along. they're under the illusion that they are following something sane. they're not. the facade is collapsing. we just need to build a structure of actual people and ignore them. simultaneously i guess try to spread logic when you feel generous.
  3. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/BILLS-117hres24ih/pdf/BILLS-117hres24ih.pdf good read
  4. alright man well i appreciate you bearing with me, i can get a little intense. it sounds like you are coming from a different info stream than i am. i think we can both agree that we should vary our information sources. this is the best way to learn about spins, comparison. here's a media bias chart. it may not be perfect but this is one effort at measuring and presenting journalism spins. you can search for other media bias charts, if you want. i would say that the vertical dimension is more important to note than the horizontal one. fact reporting is the core of journalism. you should be aware of which outlets focus more on opinion pieces than fact-reporting.
  5. not really man. i mean politics by definition is never perfect in everyone's eyes, it exists at precisely the place where collective disagreement needs to get sorted out. the dems are kind of close to the ideal of being public servants, and they are the alternative to a wildly deceptive, corrupt and actively malign party. focusing on anti-dem talking points, particularly when doing gymnastics in order to do so, is very hard for me to take seriously. the complexity and nuances and the difficulty for the general public to keep up to date, especially with the added layers of complexity introduced by deliberate misinformation and misrepresentation (disinfo), makes it easy for people to get duped. i am not wrong to call out dupers like greenwald. it's hard for me to imagine that he doesn't know what he's doing. i really wonder where his motivations come from.
  6. you kind of perfectly demonstrate the manipulation, here. he's setting you up to oppose the opposition to the coup.
  7. yeah i mean he sure presents it in a way that is compelling and sounds plausible, doesn't he? yet, we stand in the immediate wake of an actual authoritarian coup from the right, and there he is pushing the notion of a suggested authoriarian leftist state. see how that works?
  8. here's a pretty lengthy and detailed overview of the kind of junk propaganda that you get from greenwald, done by marcy wheeler https://www.emptywheel.net/2020/10/18/steve-bannon-guccifer-2-0-glenn-greenwald-and-me-how-glenn-greenwald-defends-smear-artist-cowards/ he's definitely been working hard for many years to develop his skills at convincing his audience of his dog shit in this niche
  9. so, at the current clip (4k/day), usa may hit a million dead by may. i hope the rate will decline and it won't be that bad, but it's now likely it will be over a half million in a 12 month period. it could be the leading cause of death for that period. typically, leading causes death are heart disease and cancer, each around a half million per year. but at least we are free of the tyranny of wearing masks and standing 6 feet apart and washing our hands.
  10. he furthers outright garbage and undermines actual fact. he does so with gusto. there's a long and clear pattern of it. consistent disregard for evidentiary logic, coincidentally in the service of pushing certain propaganda narratives. extremely fishy. he's literally a pariah in the journalism community, because it's so blatant. yeah he helped snowden. in other news...
  11. seriously. developers need to take seriously the consequences of their work, and even choose which projects to do and which not to.
  12. greenwald's a disgraceful shill. held in extremely low regard by many serious journalists. just biking through to say that.
  13. trump withheld backup from dept of homeland security, dept of justice, and dept of defense (who control national guard in DC) the normal thing would be for these departments to assist the capitol police in this kind of a situation. capitol police did not request pentagon assistance in the days ahead capitol police did request help around noon acting defense secretary miller did not authorize national guard until 5:45 it seems to me relevant that the 10 living secretaries of defense advised the defense department not to get involved in trump's efforts to overturn the election. executive branch departments are all instruments of the chief executive. do we want trump directing the military inside the capitol as the congress was ratifying the election results? i see a scenario in which capitol police didn't want executive branch forces in the capitol on that day. capitol police, knowing they had inadequate forces, and wanting to minimize violence, opted for a controled retreat. this controlled retreat is being spun in disinfo-land as the event being staged.
  14. ah, you're right. he avoided saying that explicitly, but i think the clear and obvious interpretation of his words is that this was the implicit meaning.
  15. this timeline is so weird. there were guns inside. a capitol police officer was killed with a fire extinguisher. they were looking for pence. one guy texted friends he would murder pelosi. house reps were in the chamber as armed cops had a standoff at the door of the house chamber. the mob was 1 minute from getting into the senate chamber before it was sealed. this lone cop did a roadrunner, luring the mob away from the open door trump spoke to the crowd from behind plexiglass, at the mall, and told them to go to the capitol. it was a long time after the capitol was breached, and a girl was shot, and a cop was struck with a fire extinguisher, and pence and harris were evacuated, and the congress members were secured, when he finally put out a disingenuous tweet calling for nonviolence. he was watching from a tent near the mall. he refused to instruct them to stop, after they breached the capitol (until much later, after it was over). he was watching captivatedly. just because some people looked like dumbasses does not make this not a coup. in real coups sometimes there are dumbasses there. this was a trump-brand shitty and wormy coup attempt. president bush called it an insurrection incited by trump. good hayes segment with some good footage and data points:
  16. texas is a vital state. flip texas and the country prospers for hundreds of years. they're infested with oil influence, but they've pushed this so far that it now works against them, because texas is uniquely poised for a renewable energy boom. texas could produce insane amounts of solar and wind energy. this combo is the recipe for renewable energy stability. and they have musk as a resident now, the battery man. they're already used to oil derricks everywhere. at least solar and wind farms don't poison acquifiers and cause earthquakes and destabilize the climates. texans and their progeny could be living high on the hog for the coming eon if they invest wisely now and shake off their oil masters. in 2024 ted cruz is up for reelection and beto may be in the running again. influence has an exponential curve. if people start talking about the potential for a better future now, we could flip texas in 2024 and that would really set us on a more stable course.
  17. you're probably ok. but i think you mentioned previously some concern about your vulnerability so i will say that vitamin c and d could help, if you were to have contracted it. there's a correlation between vitamin d deficiency and severe symptoms of covid. vitamin c gives you the general immune boost, which can help your system tamp down on it. also zinc.
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