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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. he's got a production line to mass produce starships... cool video
  2. plus is an addition
  3. bass drop at 1:50 is an onset insectoid jam rob drums xylophone along to impossibly-taught string instrument as sean enters with bizarre, glitchy, power-brass, in the land of the gods lovecraftian dream garden good autechrean ambient funk sitcom theme song from alien sea planet. lushest bass texture in music history sean and rob playing mario 2064 basically a classical piece lynchian intermezzo snake pit of meandering, distorted bass generative with axe sharpener funeral organ ceremony for alien snake royalty orchestral bass distortion season finale
  4. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-features/nirvana-kurt-cobain-ai-song-1146444/ In Computero: Hear How AI Software Wrote a ‘New’ Nirvana Song this is really interesting. these things are being marketed as a novelty, like counterfeits of the artists. but this isn't a nirvana song, it's a song by the team that used AI to create it. this is a new tool for composition. it seems like right now it's ML engineers geeking out who are cooking up the machine learning tunes that have been put out recently, but eventually this methodology will be incorporated by some real composers. you know ae and afx must be thinking about it at least. even aside from melodic structures or rhythms, i think ML could be used as a kind of production tool. like when you put an image through deep dream, it gets a sheen to it. someone put scorcese's the irishman through ML and it looked more realistic. maybe it could be used to clean up tracks that have issues or fill in gaps. there must be potential for effects VSTs...
  5. wow, the previews sound great. seems like this will be a great album.
  6. the stuff with barr makes it seem like they had good evidence on gaetz. like greenberg informing. that's also consistent with the timeline: greenberg indicted summer 2020, gaetz probe starts summer 2020. and that would be consistent with gaetz acting like he's coming apart. https://www.politico.com/states/florida/story/2021/03/31/gaetzs-father-backs-up-son-matts-claims-of-extortion-over-doj-probe-of-involvement-with-teen-1370695 seems like barr anticipated the investigation could lead to charges
  7. ^ gaetz investigated by fbi for sex trafficking, claims the fbi investigation is an extortion scheme. though it was started last august by barr. strange interview with tucker https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/30/us/politics/matt-gaetz-sex-trafficking-investigation.html qanon people don't care
  8. burgers will lie to you for profit
  9. gems: m4 lema esc desc metaz form8 th red a r cazt beauties: psin am f7 gr4 evil: au14 si00 sch.mefd 2 stuffing these into an album... it's a portal, as illustrated by the album art. the orange goes to the green. autechre's classical album.
  10. do you think people will be sad when the polar ice cap is gone
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