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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. cool that you can just keep listening to this on repeat can't believe you guys did this
  2. may be rude

    im done

    *fires a gun in the air*
  3. sounds like 1 person. also this note on the bandcamp page is kind of a hint: good ep. thx unseen
  4. sure, that's a solid point. also, one could argue that cultural inertia has grandfathered in practices that are at odds with conscience and this truth that most acknowledge, such as factory farming. i see this as a pronounced example of widespread cognitive dissonance. so, a good stash of evidence can only help. further, the topic of consciousness is an untamed frontier. people haven't even settled on shared definitions for the primary terms. consciousness, sentience, awareness, feeling, intelligence, self-awareness, thought... it's hard to even talk to someone about consciousness without immediately getting bogged down in definitions. and livestock farming is a primary source of methane, a greenhouse gas that is an order of magnitude more potent than CO2. such is the laziness of man - cannot stop eating innocent creatures, out of habit, even to save the stability of the human habitat. this is amazing more evidence. a music maker
  5. i believe the bros gave the burger a nod. seems to be a clear homage. or perhaps it was tdr. or else it can be attributed to a kind of unconscious emergence. or possibly universal resonance.
  6. i try to reward and encourage posts with burgers in a pavlovian way
  7. oh ok. the image seems to come from a reddit thread, then, from a few years ago, which could account for the data discrepancy. it seems this is a recurring resolution vote. i find this in the replies
  8. no ding. do you still think america should socialize social media?
  9. (trump admin) voted no - not surprising (the resolution included neo-nazism) EU abstained that map incorrectly colors canada, which voted No. https://www.un.org/en/ga/third/69/docs/voting_sheets/L56.Rev1.pdf it's a strange choice for a data visualization, and the error indicates it was done manually, not by actual data vis people. it is an interesting vote tally, i will admit. looking into it a bit i find https://www.politico.eu/article/eu-abstains-from-un-vote-on-nazism/ once again i find myself wondering if milkface is consuming info from a russian disinfo den. discord server?
  10. hehe remember that dude user364304579? did 2 tracks, both sounded a bit aphexy. reminds me of him, maybe it's just the voice in ospakr and kr ms 800 bit https://touched.bandcamp.com/track/kr-ms-800-bit
  11. do you know about the putin files, by pbs, on youtube? worth noting. many long interviews about putin. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query="the+putin+files" lex fridman asked dan carlin about putin. fridman says his family in russia likes putin. carlin asks if they miss democratic elections. there's like 10 minutes on the topic. carlin tackles the argument that putin is holding the country together. he suggests that one off-ramp from the current, dangerous situation is that putin could create an avenue for succession.
  12. posted these in the biden thread but i just want to put them here, too there was already really good evidence that q is the watkins family, who run the 8kun forum (not a deep state employee). evidence to this effect i think has been posted in this thread already this new post by ron watkins on telegram may be as close as we can get to confirmation. prominent journalists on the disinfo beat have said it probably is the case. personally, i wonder what russia may have to do with it. they like to push this kind of thing. did they contribute? was watkins coordinating with sketchy entities that may have been russian intel? was he compensated by such, in connection with this? was he leveraged into allowing and participating in this? trump sent the mob to the capitol but not the national guard, and for hours denied the pleas of his advisors to intercede in the armed storming of the capitol by violent nuts. this was part of a coup attempt.
  13. the inadvertent downing of an iranian airliner by iranian defense immediately after the attack was a chance event that happened to stall escalations which were in progress. from my perch of spending way too much time following serious reporters who are utterly equipped with skepticism and fact-checking skills and who detest media sensationalist reporting yet find that facts point to extremely concerning patterns, it appears to me that the cold war, which never really ended, is now much hotter, and fucking trump just let putin in the gates and seemed to be operating on his behalf. information fog makes this less clear to the general public, unfortunately, but many very serious people consider this to be the reality.
  14. The Dissident doc about kashoggi killing. deece. interesting stuff about government use of paid twitter trolls in saudi arabia. podcast about the doc was good The Phenomenon doc about UFOs. deece. podcast about the doc was good
  15. jacques vallee and a documentary film maker on rogan, december 2020
  16. eliminating the electoral college seems like a good idea. also, puerto rico and DC should be states. this would make the senate less insane, which could have impacted the first impeachment. the dems wrote the For The People Act, HR1, in the last congress (116th). this bill had numerous protections for the democratic process, which would have significantly increased turnout and reduced voter suppression a few healthy measures that would help, off the top of my head. but right now the dems really have very slim majorities in both houses. people need to continue the activism through 2022 and through 2024 to reinforce dem majorities, to enable them to do some of these more drastic measures. this is the path
  17. maybe after the impeachment trial would make more sense. should be about a week from now that it's done.
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