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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. having a harder time finding them being known to push marxist stuff but i was able to find well-documented cases of their supporting anti-capitalist messaging. i would note that the alternative to capitalism is commonly considered socialism, of which marx seems to be one of the leading champions. i won't pretend to be an expert but this is what i'm gathering. https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Pillars-of-Russia’s-Disinformation-and-Propaganda-Ecosystem_08-04-20.pdf https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR2200/RR2237/RAND_RR2237.pdf in other news, the senate was just evacuated in the middle of the certification of the election, as a result of the capitol building getting forcibly stormed by trump/disinfo-directed nutters
  2. again, not what i said i'm curious, milkface. where have you been getting influenced on this subject? can you please let me know where you have been reading about this kind of thing?
  3. if you continue strawmanning me i'll stop responding. i said his government is a mafia authoritarian government, and that he simply uses marxism as propaganda logically incorrect. capitalism also functions by allowing people to own their own business actually it is. technological advancement has brought us to the point where it is perfectly possible for there to be plenty for all. sorting out our systems through incrememntal improvements is the way to arrive at that. i could also argue that apples lead to all the problems of the world. the convenient simplification is not an accurate description of the situation outsourcing labor is not always bad, neither are huge or multinational companies. but i can guess at the problems you are referring to, and i will say they can be addressed without tossing capitalism, which i think makes no sense.
  4. no, i didn't say that. you commit a strawman. i mentioned tax rates as one adjustment, to illustrate that it's not necessary to discard capitalism. why would i think that that would fix everything? of course there are many issues that need to be addressed in various ways yeah i mean there are a lot of complex problems that need to be solved and i'm not going to solve them all for you because you prompted me to in a watmm thread. my point is that talking against capitalism is the wrong framing. yeah i mean it's a messy world and i'm not defending it but this is not a cogent argument against capitalism, which is just the right to own your business. dude i'm just trying to correct people who are framing the problem as being about capitalism, when it's incredibly more nuanced than that, and this approach serves only one purpose: helping putin i stated that i was speculating. i think you should take seriously the point i was trying to make. the fbi and the senate intel committee have amply demonstrated that putin is going all out with proganda against americans. you think you haven't seen it?
  5. needs a hell of a lot more than just a few adjustments. major, dramatic adjustments are what i support. i like warren's approach to wealth inequality and dark money in politics. in the 1950s tax rates on the rich were enourmous, like 90% for the richest segment. those rates have been continuously eroded. so there is that precedent for just taxing the fuck out of the super rich. it's also possible to address problems in campaign finance. but people need to continue to be engaged and participate. disengaging and allowing politics to languish is how they end up writing their own rules. allowing the party that caters to the super rich to remain in power for so long has allowed them to stack the courts with conservative judges. this cannot be allowed to continue, if we want to really fix things. consider citizens united, it's effect on dark money, and the supreme court's authority over it.
  6. i would say "social programs" is a better talking point than "socialism" and accomplishes the same purpose. i'm surprised to see joshuatx coming out against capitalism. seems like a sure-fire way to torpedo the goal of flipping texas and unseating the oil cartel. i would say capitalism needs adjustments (tax rates) but capitalism by definition means people being free to own their own businesses, and i just don't get how any argument can undermine the self-evident importance of that. i consider russian propaganda to be effective more than a lot of people, and no one has been able to convince me that i'm wrong about that. so, naturally, i am inclined to wonder if putin's propagandists are working to subvert american values bolster support of the russian "system" (mafia government authoritarian state) by using the tried and true talking points of marxism. 25 year old son of democratic congress member raskin committed suicide on new years eve. raskin is a noble fighter, he was out there standing up against trump's serious abuse of power, and abandonment of ally ukraine. his son's suicide note said something like please take care of the animals, each-other and the global poor. this sets off my spidey sense. a 25 year old son of a vocal house dem mentions the global poor in his brief suicide note? hm. i consider information warfare to be a significant presence in the information ecosystem and i suspect it feeds this topic. and of course problems exist, i'm not saying everything is fine. i just don't get the notion that capitalism can be discarded. adjustments are what makes sense to me.
  7. looking like dems did it i'm gonna try to get @senatemajldr when mcconnell gives it up
  8. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f4/Haw-oumuamua.oga
  9. sorry man we're battling brain slugs and a coup over here so sometimes we have to cut to the point
  10. it's nice that fox/trump have primed their audience with the concept of biased media and false messaging. they tell them that leftist media is extremely partisan. they tell them the Congressional Dems are orchestrating hoaxes. so... that's kind of the first step, done. i would like to think that it can be possible to recognize when one is inside of a deceptive ecosystem. people can maybe start with a good concrete example that serves to illustrate disingenuousness on one side of the argument, and strong logical support on the other. like, that raffensperger call recording. sure, trump's talking points are in there, but it's a pretty dramatic human moment in which raffensperger and his lawyer also make their cases earnestly and clearly.
  11. hard to tell from that article if this dude is one to listen to or not, but, regardless, Oumuamua is pretty interesting. here's a good article with a cool animation of the course it took https://www.quantamagazine.org/interstellar-comet-oumuamua-might-not-actually-be-a-comet-20181010/ here's scientific paper from the journal nature that goes into the "non-gravitational acceleration." https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-018-0254-4.epdf?referrer_access_token=EMacppE4xANwDa70xGtEqdRgN0jAjWel9jnR3ZoTv0OcdWxPMYBmpz8z5hvNNN-rHq80eNsALlH9XdvuCIJvRLPsgXoHw2rJCWba44VfgmwCjN0DghEwT2QflVK4GNUKqPz1BCja6vRpxPzfGWFgA7TmvYkPYYkJO8FLD20AIWbGAfAvVmMC7d24P8L-bPEg8_bqmWd-F8G8uLvzTMO49IJwVfmyiQEwcytp1oRROJjoIO8qGbn1JLEIwYg7PN28&tracking_referrer=www.universetoday.com basically, it's really shiny, has a weird shape, and it accelerated away from the sun. but it's the first interstellar object identified so there is no normal. the outgassing theory for acceleration may actually not be as believable as the solar pressure theory, imo. it could be a lighweight flat shard that got propelled like a solar sail.
  12. this is not normal. wapo is getting hard to hack. the truth is paywalled and disinfo is free. here's the article the 10 living sec defs published
  13. yeah. disturbing thing it shows is that he's really going for it, and still.
  14. yeah, my read is that he is a mental case. literally something like a compulsive liar disorder, combined with other things.
  15. ^ i think this is actually a new recording... (!). he says something like "you have a big election on tuesday" yeah that tape is the big thing on journalist twitter rn. a lot of people pointing out it's a prime example of shitty-mob-boss trump style. listened to the 4 minute excerpt selection and what stands out to me is the veiled threats of DOJ action against georgia election officials. it's like what even am i supposed to say about this? we're not supposed to be in this position. it's bizarre that i need to say anything. information warfare brought us to this place where things that should be obvious need to be explained. it's surreal. just the latest example of scraping the ceiling, regarding the heights of wtf-ism in this fucked era. a dangerous and damaging normalcy. real damage, like hundreds of thousands needlessly dead, an economy maimed, allies abandoned to be defeated in war, and freedom in america in serious jeopardy. democracy is freedom. this is the thing that hundreds of years of ancestors fought to arrive at. my hope is that villains like ted cruz attaching themselves to this embodiment of fuckedism could facilitate a good purge, down the line. if we can whip the public into getting serious about not being so easily duped then we could run a bunch of these swine out of town.
  16. yeah i'm not sure if i notice the difference. i'm not oppressed by the masses.
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