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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. eh, the climate project... is more than 10 years... i would like to think it's a 30-50 year project. that is the optimistic hope, that, by 2050, we will be seriously transforming the energy infrastructure of the planet, and by 2070 we will have completed it. now that i've written that, and you've read it, i think we both know that the force of human stupidity will prevent that best case scenario, which we are already badly behind schedule for meeting. unfortunately, the climate project is a 100 year project. the question we have, at this point in time, is how bad will it get, once we're further into it. i wonder if people in the future are reading this or not. both sidesism is a narrative tactic that's widely deployed, imo. the numbers don't show an equality, when you look at donations from the oil sector. i have to push back on statements that equate the two major US parties. i also have to push back on statements like "the system is broken" because i find it inaccurate, unhelpful and actually counterproductive. also there, i suspect narratives are deployed to distract peoeple's attention and energy away from effective channels and toward ineffective channels talking about how the whole system is no good. it sure is fucked up right now, of course we can agree on that. i know better than most exactly what kind of a monster we have on our hands. i just don't see any path that makes sense aside from utilizing the mechanisms of the system, which seem perfectly adequate. while there are malfunctions, i think that's kind of how these things go. governments are grotesque, lovecraftian beasts. inaction is actually part of the objective. the system is designed to default to doing nothing. it's actually taoist. when both parties can't agree, nothing happens. only the shit that everyone agrees on gets through. it's funny when a few pieces of legislation actually get bipartisan support, these days. they're like "yeah of course we need to do something about ufos." balances of power can shift. things are getting shaken up. do you know where we are right now? we are in a societal realignment. a reordering. the magnetic poles are moving and so is everything else. lol. yes, the best people we have are fallible humans who will do imperfect work. the best legislation we can realistically hope for will suck in some ways, while being good other ways. this is the best path available to us. this is the way. yes, we are behind schedule and it won't be enough. yes, we are heading into a fucked up storm of human history. i mean you can't really debate with me about a book you haven't read. gates's book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is an invaluable resource. every staffer in congress should have a copy. he does a good job of analyzing the situation and providing a distillation of the significant information. i mean technically a lot of climate legislation already passed is designed to be long term, even if it may need to be renewed, because that's how legislation works. but i know what you mean, you mean the real legislation that we need for the long term solution. we will incrementally increase and improve the climate legislation, and it is a zig zag line of progress. president desantis or christie would set us back 4 or 8 years yet again. that's why the path to a solution just clearly seems to me to be raise awareness about politics in america and climate so that the gop can be cleansed by purging as it needs and the left can hold power for long enough to instill a sane climate policy regime. there have been, interestingly, overtures from the right on capital hill! they are starting to test narratives to change posture on climate. changing talking points to the best way to address climate, rather than pretending climate doesn't exist. we already see congress members on the right sometimes slow roll their evil, showing some modicum of conscience. hopefully they'll allow themselves to continue suffering losses, reform, and let the left do what it needs to do. it will be the special interests that want the party to hold power, more than the members of the party, themselves. that is already the state of things. the congressional right looks like a lot of sociopath lawyers on painkillers sweating over how their drug deals are threatening the integrity of society itself. anyway, yeah, it's a question of do we manage to make that happen, or do we wait until the volcanos are going off. the situation is so complex, that why gates's book is so important. you're right. but there are just so many things that need to happen. yeah it will be a while before we are on the real path to a solution on this. i really wonder what things will look like, in the later half of this century. not hard to imagine droughts, fires, superstorms, floods, tornados, food shortage, water shortage, economic depression, earthquakes, volcanos, political instability and war. people may need to see some shit, first. this is a common misconception. when you barely hold power, it's not true that you can do whatever you want to do. it means that your primary fear is losing the power that you tenuously hold, so you must choose your battles, constantly, and conservatively spend political capital. this is substantiated by looking at how obama's terms went - he needed to pinch pennies on his political capital, the whole way. of course i agree that DOJ leniency toward the powerful is bad and should be remedied. again, they were scraping by for votes to get what they got. notable that this is an example of how more dems would make things noticeably better. single payer getting edited out is an example. i'm not saying the dems are a perfect remedy for everything... if this were a boat then i'd be saying steer it that way. out of the available paths, i think the move is a hard push for the left to have firm control for a while. and it's a significant coincidence that this is also the true proportion of voters to parties - the dems get more voters, by popular vote. the gop is a minority party cheating their way to competitive power and they should be put in their place. maybe it will turn out that you were right. i think we are doing permanent harm, for the future, already, in terms of the destabilization that will continue to unravel. the question is how bad do we make it.
  2. the above is sculpted horse shit the above account is a disinfo account, as i've said for years weird fucker doing info work for who knows who. my guess is china
  3. i think it's as simple as tipping things left, enough. politicians learn when elections are lost. the gop needs to by cycled. my view is that corporate powers like oil have dragged policy far from its natural state. simultaneously, the gop are overextended, chaotic and brittle. i think the play is: let the gop rubber band back to the minority status they truly represent, and give the left enough cushion and stability to really fix shit. gerrymandering legislation, etc. then long-term climate legislation can occur. in terms of what needs to be done, gates's 2021 book How To Avoid A Climate Disaster is an invaluable resource. every congressional staffer in the country should have a copy. he takes a system designer's systematic problem solving approach to the actual problem, and the book is his output, which constitutes a policy guide and primer.
  4. yeah. in the US we pass some climate legislation, try to pass more that nearly passes but doesn't, and don't even try on stuff we know doesn't have a chance. that range can move. it doesn't take much for things to shift, sometimes. it's becoming more and more recognized that the senate filibuster is an archaic excuse for inaction and it's unconstitutional. both parties routinely bypass it when necessary. a couple years ago the dems just went and tried to pass a rules change that would have allowed them to pass the Freedom to Vote/John Lewis Voting Rights legislation. 2 votes - manchin and sinema, sunk it. good legislation is possible by voting democrat. actually, this is a crucial part of the solution, so i'm glad you brought it up. policy is necessary. that's why it's so important to vote for democrats. the republicans transparently serve the oil industry. donations cross the aisle but proportionally it's much more on the republican side, as measured on open secrets investing in the needed innovation, updating the grid and other infrastructure, removing subsidies for oil! etc - all possible in capitalist USA minus fox "news"
  5. that's dumb, unhelpful, and wrong. but i think you know that in the US, we need to elect more climate people to congress. it doesn't matter if they call themselves socialist.
  6. lol...dunno how much nature is involved in politics. the whole democracy thing is a man made system humans are nature. democracy is the worst system of government except for all the others i think people expect too much of it. i view its purpose as quite simple, and it accomplishes it. that is to cycle in new people. it's a simple solution to the cronyism that festers outside of democracies. well the system is designed to be a self-repairing system. the way to affect change is from within. history is entirely individuals changing history. there's a divide between theory and practice. there's a lot of utopia in the theory. in practice, they devolve into corruption. the more people engage with each other, the more victims of deceit will be disillusioned, and their deceivers revealed. like, as the georgia trials air on tv, people need to be talking about it. the future depends on our actions he could run from prison. but his participation in an insurrection makes him ineligible. 14th amendment section 3. state secretaries of state will be putting it to the test by saying he's not eligible to be on the ballot. hopefully the threat of him being off the ballot in some states becomes real. they need to take it to court, probably.
  7. interesting evolution ya'll can't fuck with ian
  8. agreed hardly. never underestimate the power of stupidity and nonsensical decision making in biased humans. "it doesn't make any sense," yet people will do it any way. people will vote R no matter what. donald is 100% proof of this. doesn't matter who it is, they stick to the party because why? due to some personal attachment to it... tunnel vision. won't accept factual information. fingers in the ears. will never EVER vote dem because of some stupid self-perpetuating reason. why tf anyone would vote for donald again is insanity. there are a massive amount of people in this country that should be deemed legally insane, and have their voting privileges revoked. me, I'm not perfect, just try and always follow the path of logic, common sense, and reality. I don't like politics at all, but follow what's going on nonetheless. the 2 party system isn't the way to go, but what other choice do us Americans have. vote for the lesser of the 2 evils is how I see it. the trump threat is as a domestic terrorist leader. that is not hyperbole. we don't have to worry about an uprising. we have to worry about lone wolves and small groups, as we have already seen committing murder based on ideas from trump, fox and the gop i can't predict the future but i don't see 2024 being a strong year for the gop. biden slowed the inflation that trump started. biden recovered the economy that trump tanked. biden resolved the pandemic that trump inflamed. biden left afghanistan. trump brought the US to the brink of civil war (as though deliberately). biden brought things back to normal. the info haze makes it hard for people to see but some amount of sense penetrates by election day. trump is indicted for several of the worst crimes a public servant can possibly commit. the reason the right is clinging to trump is because the right was weak before trump. the right went all out on stonewalling obama because it was their only play, they simply could not afford to allow obama any win, after the disastrous run of bush. their only hope was to prevent obama successes. they were weak. then trump showed up and rustled the crazies out of the woodwork, who showed up at the polls, voting republican. the trump base consists of a significant portion of new voters. and he jacked the base from the gop, who were the base of dupes that fall for the best conman. my point is this: as trump spirals into disgrace, the gop all of a sudden have lost that magical segment of new voters, AND there will be weakened motivation among their original base, which embarrassingly joined a cult with a reality show guy who's going down in truly historic fashion. they're fucked. KO and it's fitting and appropriate. this is the course of nature.
  9. where is watmm at with waveform analysis on korg funk5? is it a different version? idk if it's this rip but it sounds different also what kind of person uploads a new aphx rip in mono seems to happen a bunch
  10. sean thx rob thx ian thx
  11. sweet alien jazz. very gourd
  12. crucial to note: 14th amendment section 3 could be enforced at the state level. it's an argument against being eligible to be on the ballot. any citizen can contest the eligibility. lawsuits may be utilized if necessary.
  13. that's what I thought whenever this all started last year. the moves he was (and is still) making in the public lens made it seem as though he deliberately wanted to tank twitter. which doesn't really make much sense, since he had to get the banks involved to buy it in the first place. his stupid childish actions will ultimately cost him a shit load of money. and last time I checked, most people don't try and deliberately lose a lot of their $... so what is the advantage to tank it? I don't know enough about financial cat and mouse games to make sense of it. it really does come across as an ego thing. baby Elon got mad during the months of will he / won't he buy it negotiations last year, wanted to screw the place up to stick it to the libs, or something like that. he may have been thinking to turn it into a maga stronghold, but then donnie boy un-friended him, so now he's left with a sinking ship. he sure looks like a blackmail target, to me add in mutual benefits like tossing trends of his me too scandals political leverage against the biden administration, which has demonstrated disfavor to musk, and which musk's companies rely on deeply for success. remember how facebook rebranded and promised a multiverse at the same time as their very bad facebook papers scandal? they've now admitted that this is what they were doing and that it was successful at supplanting the disfavorable coverage. musk coincidentally did this billionaire troll move at the exact time that it became public that his companies repeatedly paid out large sums to silence accusers. one way to wipe that off twitter is to... buy twitter and smash it. wouldn't be surprised if he's spending his time over there because tesla and spacex let it be known that they're good without him around all the time honestly though, twitter was an information tool like none other before. it was really an incredible achievement of web development. a unique creative creation. what occurred with twitter never happened before it and may never happen again. it was the one amalgamator that the journalism of the world came together on. now the ecosystem has shifted and the audiences are dispersing to various other places. hopefully the federation thing works out and amounts to the same thing, again, eventually.
  14. wild that the dude is rebranding twitter as X. what? replace the major global brand name with some new stupid bullshit? what possible marketing sense does that make? who the fuck wants to use X? seriously, WHAT? i swear this dude just wanted to destroy twitter for shady reasons and botch the roll out? (half of presence is still twitter and half is X) just the latest in a series of massive "wtf" decisions that are consistent with someone trying to destroy twitter and not consistent with someone trying to make the platform successful and LOL at just taking his old idea and renaming twitter as that. rather than build X, just buy twitter and name it that. someone get this guy a horse coincidentally, this move permanently fucks twitter, so that even if he sells it, it's fucked from returning to its former state
  15. capitalism is a lazy term and socialism is a bad slogan it's not even clear. it's ambiguous. almost no one doesn't want capitalistic socialism the problems are not as simple as "we just need to do something about capitalism." we don't need to take action against "capitalism," we need to take action toward net zero carbon emissions. upgrade the grid. invest in cold fusion. de-subsidize oil. we need to crack down on big oil who are running the game. their fracking is dumping methane into the atmosphere, which is 10x worse than co2, and no one is even talking about that. their sociopath puppets the GOP quash the annoying regulations that would fix that. meanwhile the arctic ice cap will be gone in 10 years, and people are being catlazered into talking up socialism, which makes the left lose elections do people in big oil enjoy the right to own companies? yes. is the solution demonizing that freedom? no. the solution is to work within the same exact capitalism system. and if you want better socialism, we will also increase socialism within the exact same capitalist system
  16. trump's recent indictments ny indictment for falsifying business records. https://www.manhattanda.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-Indictment.pdf federal indictment for stealing national defense information and obstructing justice. read the indictment: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/06/trump-indictment.pdf a superseding indictment was added to this, later. it basically adds another document and another defendant. https://www.justice.gov/storage/US-v-Trump-Nauta-De-Oliveira-23-80101.pdf federal indictment for defrauding the US, conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, and depriving citizens of their rights, as part of his attempt to steal the 2020 election. read the indictment: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/08/trump-indictment.pdf georgia indictment for RICO, conspiracy, and numerous other crimes related to his attempt to overthrow the 2020 election. read the indictment: https://d3i6fh83elv35t.cloudfront.net/static/2023/08/trump-indictment.pdf the indictment for stealing national defense information is a good read. the federal coup indictment is a great read. i didn't bother with the ny one. didn't read the georgia one yet (just happened)
  17. calling it not good is harsh m12 6 omc test is classic afx with overt punch. blackbox 21 brings depth and covers new territory. all of it has subtlety that unlocks with age. rich knows what the catalog of an artist looks like, and i'm glad that he is confidently doing that. blackbox is a unique, interesting, and well-crafted artifact from the journey
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