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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. it is. we're going through challenges of the transition to the digital info space. deceivers seize on exploits quickly, in this rapidly evolving space, and it takes time to patch the vulnerabilities. so the honest are on the back foot. inverted messaging is surprisingly effective. "i know you are but what am i" - this 5 year-old trick prevails in congress and national discourse. it rather efficiently mitigates an attack on one's self. all you have to do is make an accusation and act like it's really bad. the extent to which society will use the trump prosecutions as an opportunity to outgrow these challenges will be directly proportional to the extent to which individuals engage in good faith debate and help each other to navigate the modern info space. the societal transformation consists of individuals developing the skill set to sort out deceit from verified info, and developing the skill set of good faith debate. the trump prosecutions will serve as an opportunity to address these issues. these are the root issues. these are the issues that brought us trump. society kind of went nuts. and it still is. there is a way out and it's to explain to people why they're wrong and deceived, and to show them where info is that's not trying to trick them. it's not easy. it's kind of insidious how we've ended up with powerful forces jamming stuff in a hole that's hard to undo. it is hard work to unfuck all these minds. and if we half-ass and wait for someone else to fix the problem then it will just linger and this broken machine will continue to lurch or eventually collapse.
  2. trump indicted again, this time for the failed coup https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149/gov.uscourts.dcd.258149.1.0_2.pdf
  3. very cool to get alternate masters
  4. yeah, i get a lot of sweet & sour from modern era aphex. you know he talks about doing that deliberately, i think in syrobonkers or something back around that time
  5. definitely among my favorites from the post-syro material pleased by blackbox, i will inform you all.
  6. throw soundlab in there
  7. you cannot step into the same river twice
  8. downloadable. sounds like from japan tape? tx rich. happy afx day
  9. birds may survive the climate apocalypse of volcanos yes, humans will be surprised when they die by volcanos as a result of climate the atmosphere systems are interconnected with the ocean systems. and yes, it's connected to the geothermal systems. maybe if the volcanos happen soon the whales survive but there are 90 species of whale, many endangered, and the question is how many do we cause to go extinct?
  10. we don't know it's non-human. we have to assume it could be technology controlled by some private or public entity. UAPs don't follow the law or identify themselves and fravor describes the craft's capabilities as beyond our material science, beyond our physics, and something we would be helpless against. can drop down from space rapidly and then leave. to the national defense apparatus, it's very clearly something that needs to be studied/identified. unfortunately, psychology being as it is, as a result of how we organisms evolved here, one primary context by which to think about them is as a threat. that hearing is worth a watch. seeing fravor vs congress is a highlight. that other witness, grusch, is a strange one. kind of suspecting he's a disinfo agent? lol. can't square the circle with him. under oath to congress he says he knows people currently on a program recovering non-human bodies. doesn't quite look like a bullshitter, but maybe. duped on discord? lol. i would be pretty fucking surprised if some shadowy US entity were actually recovering non-human bodies from crashes or something. i never bought that whole theory. US DoD reports to POTUS. the executive branch is all an appendage of the POTUS. the system is designed specifically for accountability to the public. obama and others have indicated we're not sitting on alien bodies/craft. it would have to be a rogue private agency hiding their shit, which is just hard to imagine. i guess that's the idea of schumer's bill demanding any private entities to turn over info on recovered evidence of non-human intelligence. hopefully the result of all this is to dispel some false narratives and narrow in on better info on the range of possibility. if UAPs are non-human (my theory is ancient AI from non-human origins) then, sure, they may not have our chimp war minds. but, they would be incredibly powerful entities coexisting with us. just as we squash ants, we would want to consider the nature and behavior of these things, and keep an eye on them. frankly ancient alien AI buzzing around doesn't seem great to me. but we may just have to live with it. this is existence. you always fall somewhere in the ecosystem. there's always more beyond what we know. it's always a jungle.
  11. this is the kind of thing that sickens me to my stomach. my projection is that by mid century, humanity will be only starting to change course on greenhouse gas release. between now and then, i fear tipping points will be crossed that are truly difficult for us to even comprehend the consequences of, now. the depth of collective idiocy is all the way. people need to learn to take responsibility for not being fucking wrong. and vote. one of the best things anyone can do on this is vote. Scientists detect sign that a crucial ocean current is near collapse By Sarah Kaplan July 25, 2023 at 11:02 a.m. EDT The Atlantic Ocean’s sensitive circulation system has become slower and less resilient, according to a new analysis of 150 years of temperature data — raising the possibility that this crucial element of the climate system could collapse within the next few decades. Scientists have long seen the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, as one of the planet’s most vulnerable “tipping elements” — meaning the system could undergo an abrupt and irreversible change, with dramatic consequences for the rest of the globe. Under Earth’s current climate, this aquatic conveyor belt transports warm, salty water from the tropics to the North Atlantic, and then sends colder water back south along the ocean floor. But as rising global temperatures melt Arctic ice, the resulting influx of cold freshwater has thrown a wrench in the system — and could shut it down entirely. The study published Tuesday in the journal Nature Communications suggests that continued warming will push the AMOC over its “tipping point” around the middle of this century. The shift would be as abrupt and irreversible as turning off a light switch, and it could lead to dramatic changes in weather on either side of the Atlantic. “This is a really worrying result,” said Peter Ditlevsen, a climate physicist at the University of Copenhagen and lead author of the new study. “This is really showing we need a hard foot on the brake” of greenhouse gas emissions. Ditlevsen’s analysis is at odds with the most recent report from the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which drew on multiple climate models and concluded with “medium confidence” that the AMOC will not fully collapse this century. Other experts on the AMOC also cautioned that because the new study doesn’t present new observations of the entire ocean system — instead, it is extrapolating about the future based on past data from a limited region of the Atlantic — its conclusions should be taken with a grain of salt. “The qualitative statement that AMOC has been losing stability in the last century remains true even taking all uncertainties into account,” said Niklas Boers, a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany. “But the uncertainties are too high for a reliable estimate of the time of AMOC tipping.” The new study adds to a growing body of evidence that this crucial ocean system is in peril. Since 2004, observations from a network of ocean buoys has showed the AMOC getting weaker — though the limited time frame of that data set makes it hard to establish a trend. Scientists have also analyzed multiple “proxy” indicators of the current’s strength, including microscopic organisms and tiny sediments from the seafloor, to show the system is in its weakest state in more than 1,000 years. For their analysis, Peter Ditlevsen and his colleague Susanne Ditlevsen (who is Peter’s sister) examined records of sea surface temperatures going back to 1870. In recent years, they found, temperatures in the northernmost waters of the Atlantic have undergone bigger fluctuations and taken longer to return to normal. These are “early warning signals” that the AMOC is becoming critically unstable, the scientists said — like the increasingly wild wobbles before a tower of Jenga blocks starts to fall. Susanne Ditlevsen, a statistician at the University of Copenhagen, then developed an advanced mathematical model to predict how much more wobbling the AMOC system can handle. The results suggest that the AMOC could collapse any time between now and 2095, and as early as 2025, the authors said. The consequences would not be nearly as dire as they appear in the 2004 sci-fi film “The Day After Tomorrow,” in which a sudden shutdown of the current causes a flash freeze across the northern hemisphere. But it could lead to a drop in temperatures in northern Europe and elevated warming in the tropics, Peter Ditlevsen said, as well as stronger storms on the East Coast of North America. Marilena Oltmanns, an oceanographer at the National Oceanography Center in Britain, noted in a statement that the temperatures in the north Atlantic are “only one part of a highly complex, dynamical system.” Though her own research on marine physics supports the Ditlevsens’ conclusion that this particular region could reach a tipping point this century, she is wary of linking that transition to a full-scale change in Atlantic Ocean circulation. Yet the dangers of even a partial AMOC shutdown mean any indicators of instability are worth investigating, said Stefan Rahmstorf, another oceanographer at the Potsdam Institute who was not involved in the new study. “As always in science, a single study provides limited evidence, but when multiple approaches lead to similar conclusions this must be taken very seriously,” he said. “The scientific evidence now is that we can’t even rule out crossing a tipping point already in the next decade or two.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/07/25/atlantic-ocean-amoc-climate-change/ more doom: https://mstdn.social/@timhollo@aus.social/110773598669124049
  12. ? What to Know About the Senate UFO Disclosure Bill (nymag.com)
  13. looks like trump will be indicted by the feds for his failed coup. maybe end of week or next week. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/07/18/trump-says-hes-received-a-target-letter-from-special-counsel-jack-smiths-jan-6-investigators-00106776
  14. blue vinyl: https://wemerecords.com/shop/rtr-circle-blue-vinyl-pre-order/ digital: https://rtrmusic.bandcamp.com/album/circle
  15. hype af for oppenheimer, sorry. feynman & einstein in a nolan movie about oppenheimer and the manhattan project... should be good. reviews are promising
  16. you're fine. unseen series is great. hyped for this. sounding good
  17. i quite enjoy ian's work and am glad to wait as long as it takes
  18. i think you are assuming that nothing is happening where actually some stuff is happening. for example, bill gates did a book 2 years ago wherein he breaks down the carbon situation, the contributing industries, the feasible alternatives, and the relevant metrics. he does an analysis of gaps in technology and highlights where feasible actions exist. basically, this is a solvable problem, but it is a very challenging problem to solve, and the only way we will do it is if we collectively really try to do it. which is why i worry that we will reach the second half of this century and find that we have driven the car off a cliff. i see no reason to discount a scenario where chain reactions bring us to a melting of much of antaractica in the next century. just insane levels of climate change that would wreak utter havoc on civilization. mad max is on the table. the first step is awareness - people need to understand what is happening. it's horrific that big oil can pour money into disinfo factories to confuse the masses (see: the GOP and american right wing media). gates also started an organization and is connecting scientists from around the world, etc. systematically identifying the most potential for research areas and funding them. around the same time he started focusing on that, i observed an influx of disinfo narratives going around about him https://www.amazon.com/How-Avoid-Climate-Disaster-Breakthroughs/dp/059321577X
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