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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. this governor cuomo press conference is pretty intense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzN0i2Y2224
  2. trump saying at a press conference that he doesn't need to get tested, after direct contact with a confirmed case, because he doesn't have symptoms ... there's nowhere to begin. the man belongs between padded walls. it spreads before symptoms appear. it incubates for 5 days. that's exactly why it's so dangerous.
  3. nyc is about to catch fire with covid. shutting things down will help but we're only starting to decelerate the spread. we may surpass china. china seems to be getting it under control but they did that with draconian measures. south korea deployed an impressive response from the start and just barely are getting the spread under control. the shit spreads easily. social distancing is what people should be doing. and know that it incubates and transmits before symptoms appear. we are about to see some shit. it's confounding watching trump's slow-motion fumble on this. what the fuck. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
  4. practicing disregard will cost the lives of others, needlessly. i hope you enjoy it.
  5. everyone should worry, because of the transmissibility, unless they are sociopaths who don't care about others. we are entering a phase in which many will die.
  6. i re-read your posts. maybe there was information that you meant implicitly but did not state in your posts, that made them less harmful. this is the post that i had to correct: or not it reads as flippant and it reads as confidently suggesting that people do not need to worry about the covid pandemic. that would be like telling people the wrong road to take to escape a forest fire. the number of cases is doubling in under a week in most countries with infections at that rate, we are on course for millions infected and hospitals overrun, and that's just in the near term the virus incubates and transmits for days before causing symptoms healthy people need to socially distance, sanitize, and worry taking these measures will reduce the number of loved ones who will die in the coming year. now is the time when we can save the most lives
  7. bitch you snidely mock precaution at the outset of a deadly pandemic that is likely to have killed many millions a year from now. now is when social distancing and government measures can prevent hospitals from being overrun to the point of having to chose to let the worse-off die due to a lack of resources, as is happening now in italy. why do you insist on people listening to you, when your message is one of ignorance and disregard? it's because you're a shit human and you should shut the fuck up
  8. or not bitch, shut the fuck up. shut the fuck up so fucking much.
  9. yep! i wonder if he was involved in the decision to do historical sequences with animation. one of the coolest things about the 2014 run was the sections on newton, giordano bruno, etc. brilliant choice on their part and it works perfectly. was cool to see it's continued in the new season.
  10. the new cosmos season started monday. mondays at 8 est on nat geo. fox also produced and will air in the future. looks like they're airing 2 episodes every monday. i really can't say enough about it. there is something spiritual and profound about space. and it's fascinatingly interesting. additionally, there is a lot that's just really cool about space exploration. it's also inspiring and illustrative of human development. and it's important. sagan really nailed it with his vision, presented in the original series. i was worried the 2014 revival would be a lot of easy filler for introductory-level viewers, like many tv productions. i was very pleasantly surprised to find it brilliantly written and very tastefully and impressively executed. they did justice to the grand scope and forward-thinking message of sagan's original series. since then i was worried another season may not happen, following an assistant on another production suggesting tyson may have hit on her. seth mcfarland, producer, and the team struggled for years to find funding for the costly new cosmos season. i just learned about "season 3" and wasn't sure what to expect. it's good! check it out
  11. i think if we had good data, like as the result of a rigorous testing campaign, we would see that the country is fucking drenched in covid. too bad trump preferred the health apparatus forego the basic information that testing provides. not knowing who has it allowed it to spread over the last several weeks. and he is holding press conferences every day that provide little helpful information, and often provide misleading information. yesterday on tv trump said "it will go away. it's really working out. a lot of good things are going to happen. the consumer has never been in a better position than they are right now." and he crams a bunch of sycophants into a small space to talk about what a good job he has been doing.
  12. seems like flattening the curve is the objective. social distancing is the play. we at watmm are ahead of the curve ? https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca
  13. i thought harris and booker endorsed biden because we need to beat trump, keep the house, and take the senate, for the sake of the country.
  14. thread from italy ap: trump administration overrules cdc on travel guidance coronavirus.gov is a resource trump isn't wild about testing.
  15. why would you read the washington examiner though
  16. bernie himself depositing paranoid, conspiratorial horse shit. i saw reporting that obama encouraged pete to endorse biden. poor pete, encouaged by barack to do something. he had no choice. what a horrible establishment person obama is. what does he know about elections? why does he feel he can consult with presidential candidates? sorry. i didn't want to believe bernie himself would give juice to this pathetic narative, after we already went through this in 2016. but there you have it. he just said it on tv. "force" is a word. it has a definition. what bernie said is a falsehood. and it will turn his "tens of millions" of supporters against the democrats. why in the world are the democrats not crazy about bernie. sure he's not a democrat, but i don't get it.
  17. how would you support the conclusion that trump would win? is there data you would point to? there are good reasons to be optimistic about biden. VA is a swing state and his turnout there was huge. obama has very high approval ratings and biden would be seen to carry the policy lineage. here's the RCP list of recent polls for biden vs trump. biden leads in 7 out of 8 polls. trump has high unfavorables and when it comes to biden vs sanders, this tweet visualizes the main point pretty well a recent poll in swing state florida shows biden having a ridiculous 49 point lead over sanders amy will help in swing state minnesota and there is data on african american support lacking for bernie, which is said to be important
  18. ah ok. probably something else. stay hydrated and eat.
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