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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. monkey on a motorcycle stealing a baby.
  2. richard is the man, for sure. and don't get me wrong, i'm into fringe topics. i'm interested in praeter-human intelligences, aka aliens. i've spent time looking into 9/11 conspiracies, and i don't claim to know the full extent of who may have been involved. skepticism is important. but i think richard knows that. he's likely tweaking people, like synthesizers, by stating ideas as declaratives.
  3. from 2014 Q magazine interview: interesting statement on belief. but i think richard practices skepticism and trolls. i'm fascinated by disinfo. thomas rid, author of Active Measures: The Secret History of Disinformation and Political Warfare, discusses how plausibilities are exploited by the KGB, which has always been engaged in disinformation (including its predecessor, the Cheka, and its successor, the GRU), in this podcast episode of the Arbiters of Truth podcast series, which is a good series on disinfo. here's another interview with the same author. how to know things is an existential problem. proving conclusions is laborious. evidence is contingent on its context, forming a feedback loop of uncertainty. you establish trusted entities and form working hypotheses and work with probabilities. it's important to be aware when you're working with an assumption, though, and try to bear in mind the supporting evidence. socrates said he knows only that he knows nothing. he was put to death for questioning the gods. before drinking the poison, he said a prayer for the gods to aid his passing. he neither believed nor disbelieved, but thought it was important to maintain skepticism. The Soul Publishing is one of the top 3 largest content providers on youtube. they put out mostly benign, stupid, cheaply-produced stuff. but they cultivate a big audience, are based in russia, and they mix in russia-slanted political disinfo. The Biggest Social Media Operation You’ve Never Heard of Is Run Out of Cyprus by Russians i appreciate caution in the face of government encroachment on liberties. i also think some bogus stuff about c19 is being peddled by entities that are duped, incorrect, or deceptive.
  4. very good album. t69 collapse is one of those quintessential aphex tracks. did richard intuit the coming covid collapse? a little eerie how the track seems based on the concept that came to pass. made myself a collapse++ playlist with the recent sc tunes, zt01 and flngchords, manchester mini live set, and soundlab20. rather dank.
  5. yes. absolutely phenomenal and unbelievable. currently running this playlist through the system and it's rdjiculous.
  6. https://analogicalforce.bandcamp.com/album/af028lp-planetx
  7. i'm sorry but a lot about tara reade's story is fishy. there's this: source then there's the fact that she claimed to have reported the incident to 3 people under Biden, all of whom positively said she never reported anything like that to them. so it's not "he said, she said," it's 1 person's word against 4. source - this usa today article. there are a number of suspicious data points. the article goes over some others here's something i noticed: she's a big bernie supporter. her accusation coincides exactly with when bernie ceased to have a chance, and biden had the nomination in the bag, even if a weakly supported accusation emerged. biden took south carolina Feb 29, pete and amy dropped out Mar 2, super tuesday went biden's way on march 8. delegates reported by march 10: biden 857, bernie 709. that may seem close, but california and texas were over. those were bernie's big chips. his polling in the remaining states was terrible. this was when the only question was if and when bernie drops out. then on march 15 tara reade makes her accusation, timed for maximum damage to the virtually inevitable democratic nominee. i'm not saying she's lying, i don't have to. the burden of proof is on her to prove her allegation. her case is far from convincing. btw trump has 25 accusers. if anyone is an actual sexual predator, it's much more likely that it's the guy who admitted on tape to grabbing women by the pussy.
  8. if musk is worried about democracy then maybe he shouldn't be trying to increase the amount of covid that's going to be around in november.
  9. ^ definitely some nice sawish sections. also some heavy stuff. around 13 minutes into mini live set it's like the spaceship enters warp drive. i wouldn't be surprised if the manchester mini live set gets released. (this kind of is a release). @Brisbot, i ripped what i think is the HQ audio from FB and compared it with the HQ audio i got from YT and it looks like it's a different audio track. less compressed, and i think maybe clearer. @nailik if you go to the video page in an incognito window, view page source, and search for audio:[{url: then you will have a link to the audio track that you can download, between the quotes 2022 UPDATE if you're trying to rip the audio, the page's code changed. the steps aren't simple anymore, but here's a url that's working for now: https://video-bos3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.1790-29/10000000_642150813241582_2357192736721933519_n.mp4?_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=5aebc0&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6ImRhc2hfbGl2ZV9tZF9mcmFnXzJfYXVkaW8ifQu00253Du00253D&_nc_ohc=wZlxIZ9m570AX-DqClQ&_nc_ht=video-bos3-1.xx&oh=00_AT8JvYnDzaDhCPqo-0CjQsvWvmRPO3_7dcXT4Ylo-tnyUw&oe=620800C1 you can format the page source with a js formatter, search for "audio" and check out the objects. right now the audio objects are broken up into data, init, and sidx. you want the data url and right now they have backslashes in there that need to be string-replaced out
  10. yeah, i ended up thinking it's one long thing. there was no official setlist for manchester that i was aware of it, it was the london show that had a setlist that said "mini live set." but yeah that's what it seems to be. definitely damn good. yeah, the original upload has great sound. the new facebook upload sounds maybe better. also good new stuff at 59:15 - 1:05:20 and the end is like a new mix of steinvord - backyard.
  11. "exceptionally grave damage to the national security" is just a description of the classification, top secret. if you google "top secret us intel classification" (without quotes) you will find the exact phrase. since the things are unidentified, US intel assumes they are foreign secret technology. revealing what we know about other countries' technology is the grave threat to US national security. so it's not an indication that this is US technology. cool 3 videos.
  12. wow. this movie flew under my radar, though i noticed it's trending, now. soderbergh does some good stuff. i'm checking it out and liking the cross-contamination cinematography.
  13. i'm wondering if he has a dank electronic drumset. force to on devlis sounded like real-time drumming, and some of these new ones make me wonder, too.
  14. that first part of manchester mini live set is at the end of printworks mini live set. seems like richard maybe rebuilt the mini live set into a fairly composed 22 minute epic in 6 days
  15. dank covid funk. was walking around drumming to the second track. first track is a crazy, awesome monster. great sound. very good release. thanks!
  16. i nabbed the hq opus source audio using youtube-dl and cut tracks of new stuff. i had to consider where track breaks go and i would like to share my findings with watmm and open it up to discussion. at the Printworks London '19 show (official yt link), Richard seems to have provided a track listing in the YT description, including a section called "mini live set" broken into 4 parts. it goes from 1:22:44 to 1:33:47 (11 minutes) the Printworks mini live set appears at the manchester show, 6 days later, with changes and more before the beginning. it seems that 1:37 to 23:20 in manchester may be a mini live set (22 minutes) a comment on the manchester youtube has a user-built track list. it seems to erroneously include @FX-MATRIXT1 within that section. the start of the printworks mini live set can be heard at 13:59 of manchester (halfway through the 22 minute block) i wanted to know if that 22 minute section of manchester is multiple tracks and where the track breaks go. i originally broke it into 4 parts: the end section, which is like Printworks mini live set, and 3 sections before that: the 6 minute trippy opener, 2 minutes of heavy acid that's next, and the part in between that and the part that sounds like Printworks mini live set. i realized that the latter 15 minutes of the 22 minute manchester block sound like they go together and were not composed separately there is a lull, around 7:10, which seemed like a song ending. but now i am starting to think it's just a lull, an aphexian false ending, and that the opener is not a separate, unreleased track many elements from the first part are found later, including bass sound and percussion sound so is this is an epic 22 minute composition (in the pseudo-composed/live improv sense)? and, if so, what does it mean?
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