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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Oh no :( Did you figure out who it was? Did they get a stern 'talking to' afterward? Just yell the following at your band mates, verbatim: Love seeing the grimey underbelly of Jazz, a genre that's perceived as being very sophisticated. Mile Davis' autobiography is full of stuff like this.
  2. I want to pay an EDM superstar to curse at me and teach me how to be apathetic about music production.
  3. Is that for real? Lol, did they blow all their money on the first two commercials?
  4. Ha, I'd be down to share some internet brew
  5. This is my go-to ISA. Might be hard to get where you are though, or impossible (not sure where they ship). Very bright, floral, but only 5%. Not bitter on the palate at all (something I prefer). https://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/2675/89626/ Hmm, I'm in California and have access to a lot of different beers but I've never seen this one or heard of Philips brewery. Probably only a Canadian thing?
  6. You guys know of any good session IPAs? I love drinking IPAs but the alcohol content usually makes me feel pretty tired.
  7. and He doesn't want the job at all. lol I was gonna say, he looks incredibly bored.
  8. lol this is like 5 sentences morphed into one Oh fuck.... completely forgot about that. So we'll have Republican run House and Senate as well as right leaning Supreme Court. Fun times ahead
  9. I just manipulated the shit out of the recordings I made :) I'm not really sure I want to tell exactly how I did it because that'll simply ruin the fun ;) Kind of sounded like you were rubbing the fabric on the microphone diaphragm, then maybe speeding/pitching it up?
  10. there is no one particular reason but more a bunch of little reasons. one of the biggest reasons is that right now EVERY studio wants or has a franchise they can capitalize on and rehash for a few years (except paramount who's star trek series has really failed to score record numbers and TMNT and transformers which just about make their budget back). so the idea is to pour a lot of resources/money into one film and bank on that making up for anything else you do (kinda like what music companies do with a particular artist) there's also the idea that bigger budgeted films make more money- because that's what people want to watch regardless of script. look at suicide squad's box office compared to the witch. or the latest fast and the furious compared to lights out or don't breathe. and mind you, while these were smaller budgeted films, they still had a major studio or production company distributing them- so we're not even talking about independent cinema opening at less than 5000 screens. also you have to remember: people have been served crap for so long they now love the smell and taste of shit. I see, maybe my business model is more leaning toward that new hollywood shotgun approach of giving a bunch of aspiring filmmakers 500,000 dollars and seeing what they come up with. For instance, Easy Rider turned a crazy profit for what they spent on it.
  11. i've wondered this very question myself, especially considering how expensive cinema tickets are. it's almost like people just want any excuse to spend money Ya, also why don't the studios make films with smaller budgets that are still entertaining? I'm not talking films with .5 or 1 million dollar budgets but something with like 10 mil. that just has a really good script that audiences would enjoy EDIT: More films like this
  12. I want to see this but I guess you can only stream BBC iPlayer if you're in Britain...
  13. People generally remember good things about their past and forget the bad things. That's where you get the "good ol' days" saying
  14. Lol, paper shopping bags are 10 cents in pasadena and I kind of like that. Bring yer own fuckin bags!
  15. I think you can just pay the fine online. You need to appear if you want to contest it There is no fine on the ticket. It just says that I have to be at a certain place in November... Fucking hell. This is getting more ridiculous. The phone number on the ticket leads to an info service that will not connect to a person. They've done a fantastic job of fucking over out of towners. I don't care if I have to pay the ticket, I just don't want to have to travel back to fucking OC to do it! edit: Apparently, what I have to do is contest the ticket and request a trial by written declaration. Their website is a giant mess and it's not explained well on the ticket itself. Anyway, I hope this works... Try calling the courthouse or the DMV
  16. The Canadian would say that. (should I stop, guys?) The Californian would question whether he's being PC enough Ha! Zing.
  17. The Canadian would say that. (should I stop, guys?)
  18. I think you can just pay the fine online. You need to appear if you want to contest it
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