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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. i felt physically nauseous after watching this
  2. Wait until those summer nights though. Love walking around in just a teeshirt at night
  3. Developed feelings toward a friend and after we started hanging out a lot more and doing date-ish things (movies, sit down dinner, bars) i asked her out. She was surprised, said she was down, but i could sense some reluctance. Anyway, went on a date and to make a long story short, she wanted to stay friends. I'm pretty bummed because I was liking the idea of dating someone I already know but i guess it's back to the okcupid grind of trying to meet up with women I don't even know. This dating angst is kill me.
  4. Ya, i was looking up at the ceiling but the whole room was like that. Think System Shock 2 training level.
  5. fixt 4 u But really I've seen this discussed relatively regularly for at least the past decade, and on occasion well before then (Terminator 2: Judgement Day was one interesting documentary-style film on the subject, look it up! ). It rarely comes across as very serious discussions because I don't think we're seriously close to it, nor close to even understanding what it really entail for not only humans and our meager understanding of self-awareness and consciousness in general, but also for the AI. I am always curious to see some serious discussion of the topic though so I'm gonna go look up some info on the book :) Superintelligence is an amazing book... And perhaps an AI thread is in order, because it's such a rich topic that has implications for economics, global politics, labor, democracy, Utopia and Distopia, actual immortality, nuclear game theory, art and music, right-libertarianism vs socialism, psychology, morality, etc etc...I mean, if word got out that someone was currently developing super-intelligent AI, it might set off a chain reaction that destroys the world before the thing is even built. The perception would be that whoever develops it will rule world for the rest of time, I mean just imagine if it's the Chinese gov't or Solicon Valley Right-libertarians who get there first...neither strike me as the type eager to donate the fruits to humanity and create a work-free utopia for all...and that's assuming that whoever makes it would have any measure of control over it, which...the 'control problem' is an open problem that I would bet good money that it's unsolvable...like, you would have to design an elaborate system of incentives and failsafes that was immune to exploits, human error or corruption...a super-intelligent AI is gonna find elaborate, domino-like exploits that humans could never imagine.... P.s. sorry for the unsightly wall of text Well i doubt one nation would be able to tame such an intelligence. The scariest thing is I have no idea what it would do or what its MOTIVATION would be ( I guess he'll go more into that later in the book). But it just seems like we as a species are constantly writing ourselves out of the equation with technology. To reiterate, we don't really have a place in the future because we'd become obsolete. And i know it sounds like science fiction but everywhere you look, our world is becoming some fucked up sci-fi novel (NSA, drones, worldstar hip hop) and scientists really have no idea when this will be created, there are estimates from 5 years to 100 years
  6. Isn't it amazing? Input = Output Edit: relatively speaking I can tell your learning things in your econ classes stephen
  7. Now reading a non-fiction book about A.I. called Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies By Nick Bostrom No one really talks about this but human level artificial intelligence is a very real possibility and it's not really a question of if but rather a question of when. Anyways, there are a lot of factors to consider and different types of intelligences that can be achieved. Some think this will be humanity's last problem because it would either destroy us or this "god in the machine" would solve all of our problems. Getting a lot of "ah-ha" moments when reading this book and I highly recommend it, especially to people on this forum who, I'm sure, already think about crazy shit like A.I. taking over the human race.
  8. Ya, im not really concerned for the future tho because i honestly hate weed, i hate how it makes me feel and that edible I took was the only THC I've in like a year. It just would have been really embarrassing to have it come up positive because that isn't a good representation of who i really am.
  9. I passed, its all good. Just hope they don't uncover my internet persona. *looks through the blinds and scans the outside*
  10. If it's little, you'll be fine. I remember getting a drug test from my job and I had a little brownie about 4 or 5 days before and I tested negative. You'll be fine, especially if it was 4 weeks ago. hmmm, i have no tolerance and i remember getting really fucked up. It said on the package something like 130mg per dose. Gave the rest to a friend and he could barely feel it
  11. Hey so I'm probably being paranoid but I just took a drug test, urinalysis, and I want to know how long THC stays in your system. I've seen numbers from 3 days to 3 months. I'm like 99 percent sure I'm fine. I never smoke anymore, just ate a little edible like 4 weeks ago. Idk if theres been any advancements in urine drug testing. Anyways, just tell me your drug testing stories and tell me I'll be alright.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29_AH5F_KIA Dogtooth on youtube streaming at 720p.
  13. The Lobster Can't decide how to put this on a 1-10 scale but I fucking loved this movie. Totally encapsulates my angst with dating/relationships and societies arbitrary rules of coitus. I can see how people would get a little annoyed at the quirky acting but it makes perfect sense in this autistic society. The film manages to be absolutley hilarious while remaining dark and uncomfortable. I already want to watch it again.
  14. fuck you usagi. I can't stop. So there's a "sell" option in the game. Why would you ever want to sell your assets?
  15. Me too, but I've somehow been far more concerned with my other problems. Of course, solving this one would solve a bunch of the other ones, or at least would make them easier, and would prevent some others from happening that are surely around the corner if I don't fix this one. Are we at that age now where getting in shape is needed in order to live longer? Secondary FWP: I have far too much beer in my fridge, left over from Friday night's BBQ. No one else could take it with them, so the task of beer-keeper fell to me. Tertiary FWP: I'm feeling increasing burnout from video games in general. The types of games I'd spend the wee hours of the night playing in my mid-twenties, I can't play anymore for more than a half hour without getting bored. I must be ready for something new... you can solve your beer problem by changing your title from beer keeper to beer drinker
  16. why is your microkey all marked up?
  17. lol i used to work at a papa murphy's. It's alright, actually kinda decent considering the price.
  18. dank memes are more important than your assignments
  19. how do you fuck a university? It was an inverse metaphor, like when people say "the universe is fucking me" because they have some shitty lives, I'm having the exact opposite. I got a job (first formal job I mean), I finally had enough balls to change from university and I'm meeting a lot of new people. But I think the most important part in this new "phase" in my life is that I'm understanding how the world really works, what I want, who am I, etc. That's why I'm fucking the universe atm. don't forget to wear a condom
  20. ah, are those bottles of piss in the last pic?
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