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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. went to the moca in downtown la and didn't pay attention to this particular art exhibit because i was too busy doing long exposures of its wonderfully lit room This is what the room looked like normally
  2. Something happens before the launch. The wheel cover is already loose off camera and the headlights shine sideways on the roundabout. Looped video's are fascinating, so much to discover. EY FOK TIS ROUDABOOT M8
  3. Damn. Was he drunk? Idk, he did drink a bit and had a major anger problem. I just hope he wasn't all mad from the landlord talking to him and that anger/frustration leading him to crash on the road.
  4. So after calling my landlord about my shitty roommate, she asked him to move out. Didn't see him for a week or so and then his family members started moving his stuff out. another roommate relayed information they had told her... Apparently he died in a car crash that week. Not sure how to feel about this... not sure if i should even be posting in this thread On the one hand I'm glad i don't have to deal with him again, but I'm bummed the asshole died.
  5. I haven't smoked weed in like a year but i had a small fraction of an edible and was extremely high to the point of audible hallucinations and minor visual hallucinations. Couldn't get to sleep last night because of racing thoughts and pretty intense paranoia. Now I'm really thrown off and have been groggy all day. Why the fuck do people like THC again?
  6. The Nice Guys. 5/10 Pretty mediocre mainstream buddy cop comedy. A couple decent laughs but a lot of awkward weird laughter in the theater during disturbing violent bits. Did a few callbacks to jokes that weren't even that funny to begin with. Tone was a little weird. Also almost no advertising for the most important character in the film, Ryan Goslings daughter. Not really sure if the movie knew what it was trying to be.
  7. foldfree casual is like the eye of the storm, a moment of calm amongst all the chaos. Really nice to hear autechre do more ambient stuff
  8. I like the track but i don't think it deserves its length. Around the 10 minute mark, i was just waiting for them to change up that melodic phrase backing up the music
  9. Here's your other shoe. What Mariah doesn't know is we've hidden a pickle in it. Let's see what happens when the brine shoots up in between her toes. I seriously thought they were going to do that
  10. beautiful Lol, I lived with some Chinese people for a while and you hear that all the time. I think it's actually pronounced Nick-ah but it's basically a conversational filler word that they use all the time.
  11. Never thought it could happen but dank memes are just getting danker
  12. haha, i'm trying to figure out how to get rid of that at home. It's barely audible until i hit the distortion pedals.
  13. No ND filters, the space was already really dark. I shot these at 1s, f9
  14. A friend of a friend is getting married, and they just out-of-the-blue asked me last night to shoot it for them. It's gonna be a challenge for me though, as I haven't really taken many pictures of people. I must practice being obnoxiously cheery. (Please post some of your pics when you have some time and some stuff to post, btw!) I've been trying to get more portrait shots of people, but there's something kinda creepy about it, lol. I guess it all depends on context. Long exposures while dancers are warming up
  15. Nicholas Cage + BASED ON TRUE EVENTS right after that this can't go wrong Joseph Gordon Levitt sounds like he's trying too hard, can't picture him as snowden
  16. I've been thinking of doing some photo work for a while now. How'd you land the gig?
  17. Just finished all the Black Mirror episodes ending with the White Christmas one.... fuck that was a good episode
  18. Just trying to find some good lesser known artists on Bandcamp with a Name Your Price option. Looking for some good ambient stuff or netlabels.
  19. haha, i really like how the reflection of the photographer is framed in the door
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