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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Female vox on first verse with root-position major-chord prog played wi MIDI piano: "We drinkin, wedon giveuh fuk, nuh-nuh-nuh, we be young fo-evuh" *snarerush* drums go half-time, dubstep snare & trap hi-hat triplet flourishes, trance synth sidechanged to kik, syllables from preceeding vocal verse are cut up and pitched/modulated around rhythmically creating a staccato melody that mostly jumps 5ths & 8ths. female vox n ambient section return "You dun lied, nuh-nuh-nuh, we go-in ouuuuTUHNEYE, we gon LYET-IH-UP" *snarerush* Chorus repeats *muted cymbal crash* fade to end At least, this is what most music played at parties sounds like to me these days. fucking lol forgot rising tone during every snarerush
  2. Is it wifi? You might not be getting the strongest connection if you're in the basement.
  3. I'm in a similar situation at work. I think I'm usually the only one who empties the trash cans, and there's one girl at work who'd leave food plates just lying around, sometimes only partially eaten. Same thing with paper plates of wet cat food (we have two cats at work), she never fucking throws the shit away. Ya, I'm pretty sure its just different mindsets. Like I'm sure they look at the trash and think "Someone else will do it" and I look at the trash and think "No one else will do it." In a sense, they are right lol
  4. Roommates never take out the trash or do their dishes. I've been doing it week after week due to me just being home a lot, working/studying/ect. It overflowed one day when I got back super late and after bringing it up, I was basically blown off by everyone. Going super passive aggressive and just using my own little trash from now on.
  5. So I've only worked shit retail and service jobs with supervisors breathing down my neck. In higher paying jobs (where I'm assuming you have access to computers) is the work environment more relaxed? Is it like you come in during the morning knowing what you should finish that day and you do it by 12 so you can just do what you want after that?
  6. Hmm, I see it when I do command+I. Its under "More Info"
  7. Definitely jazz but fuck it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ahwwuy1aLkE
  8. I think the best course of action is to email Britt and sort this whole thing out.
  9. Are you saving each picture one by one or is there an automated way to get all these pictures? Regardless, awesome dedication.
  10. FFS that's shit. I tend to stress eat sometimes, after a really brutal week (which it sounds like you're having with the f'ing gas leak and stuff) I'll order some za or grab a burger or whatever. Makes it that much worse when you get the wrong order. >=( edit: and for it to be the complete opposite of what you wanted is even worse. Ya, this always happens on the rare occasion I dine at Mcdonalds or Carls Jr. Always ask for no cheese (im down with cheese, just not the fake shit they put on their burgers) and they inevitably put cheese on it.
  11. Hey I clicked on this randomly and really fell in love with this album. Problem is, I looked up this guy and found almost nothing about him. Do you know anything more about this artist, how did you discover them?
  12. Thanks, really means a lot, PM me if you wanna work out something. Not gonna give away my secrets online haha
  13. Anyone know where this picture is originally from?
  14. How are people able to visit this country and go on tours and take pictures? Chen, I know you've told the story a hundred times but why were you there?
  15. I really dug this album but does anyone here actually like the beat for HUMBLE? It sounds like a work in progress or that piano track is a temp track for something being added later, idk the beat just sounds so corny
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