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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. Whiplash was good but it didn't give you much to chew on after it was over. It's like one of those films that feels really good in the moment then after its over you just sort of forget about and go about your day
  2. So ended up buying a cassette from The End of the World Championship, thanks GRUE(fucking autocorrecting making that "true") Anyways, they also threw in another cassette for the hell of it and its actually pretty damn good http://sacredphrases.bandcamp.com/album/anamnesis check it out edit: didn't realize Lawrence English masted End of the World Championship, really good job, makes it sound so complete
  3. Definitely, kinda bittersweet to watch it in theaters because you know it'll be a while until you can watch it again... legally Recently rewatched No Country for Old Men with a friend who had never seen it. Brilliant film, one of their best imo and I was picking up on some themes I missed the first few times I saw it
  4. How much did you drink to get that? What's .05 equivalent to?
  5. you could try the end of the world championship, though it might be more drone than you want: http://theendoftheworldchampionship.bandcamp.com/ thanks, this sounds pretty good. actually the more droney, the better. If you haven't heard these, anyway. These two don't evoke the exhilarating bliss that bvdub does, but might come close to the description Lawrence English - Kiri No Oto (Touch) Fennesz Also check out ASC if you haven't! Can't recommend his ambient material enough. See my post earlier on this page Already know about Fennesz, its good but sometimes a bit sporadic for ambient imo. Will check out ASC
  6. Hey guys, trying to find some very loud/intense ambient(i don't know if intense is the word.) Layered wall of sound drones that produces a sensory overload in the listener. I listened to a little of the new ben frost album aurora and i liked that but i want something else without beats. Kinda like this:
  7. This would probably only look good for a day or two then the face would look more and more obscure
  8. Man, I wish I was strong enough to get pardoned from work. EDIT: HAhaha, he has never slept? Fuck! Allah be praised. It's a gift. that coin shit was crazy
  9. I really enjoyed about 90% of my readings for uni. The other 10% were just so-so. In fact I'm currently re-reading my micro-economics textbook. Same here... Currently reading Patterson and Hennesssy's "Computar Organization and Design" at sanic speed, exam's in 2 weeks lel I'm reading alsos some stuff like that.... Programmiing: Head First series (Python, C#, Java). Those books are amazing! And in the recreative world The Monk (a gothic love story). I think you guys have a higher attention span than me. I can hardly read textbooks because its so easy to get distracted while reading them
  10. Ha, when i first read this, i thought you were trying to clean chocolate off your used APC from the previous fudge loving owner
  11. Am I the only one that thinks its actually really cool Lol, it looks like a tumblr page
  12. Don't you use Ableton? How are you NOT using samples?
  13. Yee, theres almost always a work around for limitations of gear. Personally use my microkorg for noise and shit, also running it through distortion and using onboard distortion can get some great sounds.
  14. Nostalgia tripping on COD4, the best call of duty. Really great to be able to play it with mouse and keys instead of xbox controller
  15. This looks very immersive. although I'm a little turned off by the fact that it's an mmo.
  16. Trying to find someone to take care of my pet bird while I'm out of town for a couple of weeks and slowly realizing i have no dependable friends
  17. HAHAHHAHA. The music makes this. so tim and eric
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