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Danny O Flannagin

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Everything posted by Danny O Flannagin

  1. WATMM: We Are the Modular Makers
  2. It's okay to be a bit of a flake if you legitimately don't want it.
  3. I used to listen to Shpongle when I was a teenager but it never clicked with me that it was straight up New Age
  4. According to wikipedia, this guy lives within 15-20 miles of me
  5. Post bad New Age music, I want to hear the Korg M1 pan flute drenched in reverb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUbQDWbPjQc For real tho, its kinda interesting hearing layers of old 80's synths
  6. Where do you get these really generic sounds?
  7. Went to the hospital for a simple tuberculosis test that i needed to take for school. Ended up waiting an hour, nurse asks a few questions and injects me with something to see if it will swell, 2 minutes tops. Go in a few days later for the reading. End up waiting 45 minutes and ask whats up cuz i know the reading takes like a minute tops. Really annoying seeing 10-20 people get admitted before me, even though they showed up later. Get sent over to another suite and another nurse reads theres no TB, gives me paperwork. So almost 2 hour wait for a 3 minute test, thanks obama.
  8. Was curious to see if any of you have created your own "selected soundcloud" or "chosen soundcloud" albums to easily digest your favorite tracks. Seeing some album length track listings would be awesome. (This dump is awesome but i have to admit theres a fair amount of just whatever tracks that he probably threw together in a day)
  9. I think I brought it after reading about it in a thread here, it could have been your post! I don't have a tripod and it catches a lot noise when handling it because the mics are so sensitive (which is great but it picks up lots of noise). I could do with getting a tripod and wind guard and using it for more lengthy field recordings. I had a fun time with it yesterday stood on my balcony recording rain tho. I could hear people talking in their flats above/around me and cutlery being put down on plates etc which I couldn't pick up with my own ears. It's really strong. Ya i have one and I remember testing it out when i first got it and there was this faint plane sound high above my head and I thought 'probably not going to hear anything but whatever' and it got it anyway. It basically picks up everything you can hear which is what a field recorder should do. I strongly advise you to get a wind guard, their super effective and are pretty crucial when recording outsideActually yesterday I could hear a plane on the recorder (through headphones) that I couldn't hear without it. I was on a pretty high gain (level was about 80). I ordered a tripod today (an ultra cheap one) and I'll get a wind guard next. I don't really know how wind guards work. Is it a one-size fits all kinda deal or is there a specific one I need to go for? Idk, my brother bought mine, it has a sort of elastic band to fasten it to the mic, it can probably fit on a bunch of different ones. Probably just look up Tascam Dr-05 wind guard
  10. I think I brought it after reading about it in a thread here, it could have been your post! I don't have a tripod and it catches a lot noise when handling it because the mics are so sensitive (which is great but it picks up lots of noise). I could do with getting a tripod and wind guard and using it for more lengthy field recordings. I had a fun time with it yesterday stood on my balcony recording rain tho. I could hear people talking in their flats above/around me and cutlery being put down on plates etc which I couldn't pick up with my own ears. It's really strong. Ya i have one and I remember testing it out when i first got it and there was this faint plane sound high above my head and I thought 'probably not going to hear anything but whatever' and it got it anyway. It basically picks up everything you can hear which is what a field recorder should do. I strongly advise you to get a wind guard, their super effective and are pretty crucial when recording outside
  11. that is really cool not sure why you'd want to degrade it in water
  12. this series is pretty good but i get a little tired of the whole 'make something in 10 minutes' gimmick because sometimes the producer just isn't into it or really can't get anything interesting out. You don't really have time to experiment or explain yourself. This one is good tho cuz you see him making something out of nothing, he basically just has one shitty christmas album and managed to get something out of it. would love to see more videos like this where the artist breaks down an actual finished track: Not really a big fan of other Future Music in the studio videos, especially when they talk about the EQ of the kick drum for 10 minutes. I think anyone can grasp 'sound theory' like how things should fall in certain frequency ranges but it's a whole other game when dealing with the form and structure of a song. These two videos go more into the song as a whole rather than focusing on individual parts
  13. There's something really satisfying in how Brits curse. Love the intonation
  14. Nice, got a piano right at your fingertips. Acoustic instruments are great for working out melodic ideas, its like using a really nice preset lol
  15. As much as I hate Facebook, i can't see myself deleting it because I'm tethered to my friends who are on it. It's pretty great for hearing about local events and using it as a social email to link something or to contact someone who doesn't have your number. Honestly just wish i could disable the news feed and i'd be happy. Tried to get into a habit of just clicking on messages but the news feed would suck me in with all its inane bullshit
  16. Ex Machina- 7/10 Liked this movie because the themes were interesting, the acting was great and the set design/cgi was good. Although the screenplay could have used some work imo. I appreciate that they delved into certain themes of surveillance and the human uncanniness of AI but I feel that I took little from the film. This would be a great film to show to someone who doesn't think about this stuff and spark their interest in sci-fi/ near future technology. I really wanted to like this film more but it was trying really hard to be smart without going into much depth. Her is a much better film with similar themes imo.
  17. Jesus christ their so annoying, all talking at the same time
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