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Everything posted by YO303

  1. talk about missing the point , the thread should get to the point where it takes 4 days to load
  2. https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/5-7z?in=user18081971/sets/headstrong was this suppose to be in ICBYD? sooooo good, fits with the weirdness of that album.
  3. Unless you've seen this on SC I don't believe it. it's not there anymore at the moment (probably never has), same as the previous comment about the 800+ tracks. i dunno what to tell you man its right there
  4. I actually have seen this happening in real life!!!, multiple times!!!!!!,lol
  5. ^ that was like dropping the a-bomb in hiroshima, killing all the dankness in sight
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUYBdZcM4ss
  7. How did you get that picture, Did you hack a PM between joyrex and ruvin farr?
  8. ^ yes, ever since podcasting became popular and all these comedians started opening up its becoming pretty clear to me that they are total pervs and very creepy and possibly dealing with some sort of mental illness. Funny that these people are the voice of logic and reason, that in of itself is a pretty good joke.
  9. ^ iits a rumor thats been going around the comedy scene for ages. Funny thing tho, two days before this article came out Louie CK decided to quit twitter, maybe he didnt want to deal with the backlash, mmm
  10. http://defamer.gawker.com/louis-c-k-will-call-you-up-to-talk-about-his-alleged-s-1687820755
  11. the press conference with lots of info, worth a watch if you are into this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OX9I1KyNa8M
  12. wow NEW PICTURE, the surface looks so coool http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/the-icy-mountains-of-pluto
  13. the scientist on the new horizon mission are doing an AMA on reddit if anyone is interested .. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3d9luh/were_scientists_on_the_nasa_new_horizons_team/?sort=top this is really cool, wasnt aware there is a mission planned to find if europa's oceans have life/can support life ..
  14. Amazing, so glad im alive to experience this kind of shit, you hear that jev.
  15. cool video by my man MARK BEE https://vimeo.com/119975993
  16. i dont really care but 4 ACH is essential afx and should be in the compilation
  17. ^ careful there roasty, that nicememe is powerful enough to make 75 percent of watmm to commit suicide
  18. are you serious, i knew this guy was up to no good the moment i saw him on tv some time in the 90's
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