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Everything posted by YO303

  1. lol at ronaldo's backpack
  2. sepp blatter is the good guy, hes been betrayed ... fucking lol this is fucking propaganda, i hate football sometimes
  3. Come home from work too tired to do the things i want to do (make music, learn Photoshop), this is no longer a motivation issue (this is the most motivated i been in years), its an energy issue, i dont know what to do :( i might have to sacrifice some days at the gym and weekend soccer games.
  4. wow im never wetaching football ever again
  5. lol how https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iLNT56sIfc
  6. Godzilla - part with the monsters was 9\10, the rest was dull cliches. Some really odd choices too , do we really need to see a bunch of soldiers carry a bomb for 10 minutes when there's two huge monsters fighting? Also the movie needs more Godzilla and less people looking worried, I paid to see fucking godzilla, if I wanted to see people with stern faces looking worried I would go to a hospital
  7. suicidal http://gfycat.com/InsecurePleasantAbyssiniancat
  8. Friday was a great day for me! woke up sick and with abdominal pain, called in sick but no one could replace me so i had to go to work, it was horrible but i managed. The abdominal pain got worse and worse, it would be fine if i could just rest but I HAD TO TAKE A FUCKING DRIVING TEST. and of course i was not even able to start the test as the instructor noticed i was really sick and told me to reschedule. Now my job is in danger (maybe im just being paranoid) because my boss has been nagging me about getting a license since i started working there, so i dont know what gonna happen. life is great
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLFHgCLXi58
  10. that being said, i think city will drop points at everton
  11. The kid had an OBE when he was 3 or something and described the usual stuff (bright light, seeing his body and the people in the room etc) .. but then his pastor added the whole thing about heaven and meeting jesus. The kid has been brainwashed and made into a cristian superstar by his pastor.
  12. for those who didnt get to see it
  13. lol at the cisokho thing.
  14. yes i know, i wanted to delete the post but im not a paid member, i guess the video still cring in a "this isnt funny/trying to hard to be funny" kind of way
  15. i found it because i was looking for that video where he kicks the ball at an old lady .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub842qIfVZQ
  16. Aleksi is the only (relatively) new music artist that makes me excited, his music is unique, fun and interesting. This release is simply amazing, hes on a league of his own. 10/10
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itvvFfeLh84
  18. joyrex since now you are pretty much best friends with richard can you please tell him to "sell" this via another 3rd party .. http://www.discogs.com/release/45528
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