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Everything posted by YO303

  1. VHS 2 - First segment - Average cheap thrills ghosts thing - 6/10 Second segment - zombie POV well done, pretty cool - 8/10 Third Segment -Genuinely creepy, got a bit silly in the end but very fun - 9.5/10 Fourth Segment - I'm a sucker for alien abductions so this is a 10/10 Main segment - funny ending - 7/10
  2. The Purge - okay this piece of was unbelievable, where we suppose to root for the fucking kid? my blood has never boiled this much, this kid not only had a punchable face but also his fucking bullshit morals ruined the movie for me, this movie would have been better if it was just about home invaders (i was okay with this movie being a Strangers rip-off). The rest of the cast were okay, everything was very predictable. Go watch The Strangers and pretend you are watching The Purge/10 -- And when the kids puts on those glasses, holy shit i almost punched the tv, what a smug. look at him with his morals, what a liberal prick. This is the worst kid in a movie ever, can we stop having kids on movies, they are for the most part annoying little pricks.
  3. Ozil and Ba to Arsenal, mmmmmmm, the race for fourth place is going to be tasty!!!
  4. misterE is harassing me via PM, im just glad he's too fat and lazy to do something in real life.
  5. The World's End - Really good but definitely the worst of the trilogy (to be fair it had a lot to live up to). The second half felt flat, first half is sooo good, its like the first half was directed by Edgar Wright and the second half was directed by generic sci-fi director. The final confrontation was fucking weird too (it felt like it was shoe-horned) and the suicide-attempt drama felt out of place. All the actors were great! first half - 10, second half 6.5
  6. Bale out (for 86 pounds), Lamela, Capoue, Paulinho, Chadli & Soldado (and maybe Eriksen) in (for 89 pounds) lol, Bale is a great player but i'll sell him for all of those players.
  7. I like the transitions between tracks (specially on Copy of A-Came Back Haunted and While i'm Still Here-Black Noise) This album is growing on me pretty fast, im enjoying it soooo much, i think its slighter better than With Teeth and The Fragile, its a lot of fun. Is anyone else hearing Higher Intelligence Agency in this?
  8. " Miley Cyrus Wanna Be A Nigga So Bad"good quote, great quote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaOnsKOtRT0&feature=youtu.be
  9. Yeah it was alright, i found my first listen to be very relaxing, seems like Trent is chilling. Some sounds were interesting to listen to, reminded me of old Autechre and others from that era. 7/10 Cons: Outdated sounds, some of his old tricks which i liked on With Teeth got under my skin a few times. His emotional lyrics are still irrelevant to me but whatever i never listen to NIN for the lyrics.
  10. The Place beyond the pines - really good stuff, i love how fast pasted it was, sure the actions of some of the characters were unrealistic as fuck and things seemed to escalate quickly at times but who cares its a movie and it was entertaining. My only beef is that i would've love for the movie to spend more time in the corrupt cops storyline. 8.5/10
  11. this feels like its from DIFFERENT DIME NSION
  12. Played soccer on saturday and had a horrible game, feeling depressed and confidence is really low right now, looks like im never going to play soccer again!. Im usually pretty good for the level i play at but when i have bad games i just go into a downward spiral, yesterday's game was not a bad game, it was a DISASTER!!!
  13. LOL at arsenal, 10 first-team payers inured, 1 suspended, failed at signing players they want. lol
  14. lol i obviously meant to post it on the FWP thread but the tears in my eyes impaired my reading
  15. Can't stop crying after watching the last episode of futurama, its been ten minutes and just thinking about it makes me tear up. what the fuck
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezMqkoP9pH0
  17. Clear History - An unnecessary piece of average. Stop fooling around Larry David, make another season of Curb. 6.5/10
  18. Lords Of Salem - Aesthetically pleasing, okay story. Points deducted for not being scary and ripping off other movies - 8/10
  19. Mike Love, what a guy, he turned one of the best bands of all time into a novelty nostalgia 1950's act and had talent like Carl Wilson playing songs like Komono and Problem Child. A very tragic ending to one of the greatest bands of all time. :(
  20. I'm not one of those guys who think rich depressed people dont deserve sympathy, if you are depressed it sucks no matter what position in life you are. My problem with this new album is that the lyrics (from what we heard) sound disingenuous and forced (dont ask me why, i have a gut feeling and im pretty good at spotting fake emotions and stuff). I believe he is just trying to do TDS part II but hes not in the same state of mind so hes just faking everything.
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