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Everything posted by YO303

  1. The Americans isn't bad at all, some stupid moments like soviet spies being impressed by air conditioner but overall its fun and engaging.
  2. Is it fair that when people take this test they might answer a question knowing what the outcome will be, intentionally steering the result in one direction.
  3. And then David Duchovny kissed Julian Moore and Ethan Suplee saves the day.
  4. Is it bad that my doctor used a similar test to diagnosed me? yuk When i was 14 i had to take a similar test for a job .. at Mcdonalds. I no longer have confidence in doctors to properly diagnosed me if they use these shitty tests.
  5. In the Empathy scored a 24 and in the other one i scored a 30. This test are saying to me that i'm an average asshole with mild ocd. cool?
  6. You can't get shit done when you are sticking your dick in electrical outlets.
  7. The Real meaning of this test 0 - 10 = Pretty cool dude (a club whore if you are a girl #Misogyny) 11 - 22 = Move to the suburbs, have kids, work in a factory and die of a heart attack at age 65, you are not autistic enough for a creative carrer 23 - 31 = Austictic enough for a creative career (maybe design pamphlets for the local church), you'll be capable of finding love , don't be surprise if that love is either fake/doll/animal/corpse 32 - 50 Get ready for a life of solitude, no amount of creative output will be enough to satisfy loneliness, most likely to commit suicide.
  8. 20, average as usual, everything about me is average expect for my height. (that test was extremely difficult to take, got distracted every 10 questions, i thought adhd was a made up thing the doctor told me i had so she can make money off me, do i actually have adhd?)
  9. didn't have any new releases to watch so i decided to pick a random classic. Jeremiah Johnson - It felt healthy to watch compared to modern movies. Loved the theme of solitude in nature and living off the grid (which are themes that i fantasy about exploring myself). It was very fast paced which i was surprised because movies from that decade tend to be tedious. The scenery was beautiful and the sounds of winter were calming. It also had some genuinely funny moments. 9/10, everyone should watch it, its a fun ride.
  10. I don't man, De Gea made a mistake but he is also the reason spurs didn't win 4-1. I think hes a fantastic goalkeeper he just needs to learn how to clear the ball properly.
  11. can she play light my fire? no? then its not a miracle of god dolphin hands
  12. And for those who don't know Imogen Thomas had an affair with Ryan Giggs lol
  13. I love the Cohen brothers but after watching that trailer i have zero interest in watching this film. And don't get me wrong i love Dave Van Ronk but the movie looks like shit and not interesting at all, they should've done an actual Dave Van Ronk biopic rather than a weird looking movie about a fictional dude thats suppose to be Dave Van Ronk but it isnt.
  14. I love the Cohen brothers but after watching that trailer i have zero interest in watching this film.
  15. Why does he keep buying second-rated frenchmen? Nothing against the french but the players hes buying are so average, why didn't he splashed the money to buy M'villa? ugh Newcastle on the way down (probably not because wigan and reading are shit and Aston Villa keep getting shittier and shittier)
  16. That Obama inauguration made me realized this world is completely insane, watching the whole thing was so surreal, is this really happening? So ridiculous, so unnecessary, and millions of people went out in the cold and stood there for hours and hours for this, bunch of fucking idiots. (And i know there has been some outrageous presidential inauguration but this is the first one i payed attention to/lived it)
  17. Apocalypse Now - Watching it for the first time, this movie is god damn perfect. 10/10
  18. Awful trailer, is this movie about pigs? who knows. The trailer is full of cliches, the two-key piano music, the hand brushing over a wall,etc, etc. Is there a fucking original thought left in entertainment?
  19. lol If i were the celebrity i wouldn't want anything to do with you or my new found family, nothing to do with you as a person but these celebrities types have trust issues, probably thinks you guys want to ask him for money. Well the person we got this information from is a relative whose got quite a lot of status (they're not famous or anything, but they know a lot of people in high up places). If anything they'll be wanting favours from us Is it Nigel Adkins?
  20. If i were the celebrity i wouldn't want anything to do with you or my new found family, nothing to do with you as a person but these celebrities types have trust issues, probably thinks you guys want to ask him for money.
  21. Went to get my passport and the picture they took was soooo bad, i was too self-conscious to ask them to retake the picture. Its eating me up inside.
  22. Moonrise Kingdom wasn't nominated and Django won't win so i ain't watching
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